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Ban Hammer

(Redirected from Banhammer)

Ban Hammer is a melee Phighter. He was released on 29 October 2023 with V0.7.0.


Ban Hammer is a melee Phighter, a slow but powerful bruiser with great burst mobility and unique abilities that allow him to dip in and out of the fray as he so pleases. His passive, Oathbound, grants him shield on eliminations, whilst also reducing taken knockback from all sources. Prosecution is a large, wide swing that can deny a massive area just by being held. Order, his secondary, grants him even more shield and can slow enemies, as well as supplementing the tyrant's damage output. Deposition is perfect for repositioning on top of or away from enemies, and combined with Litigation, Ban Hammer can whittle down crowds of enemies with little resistance. His Phinisher, Judgement, is a risky-yet-rewarding execute, perfect for securing eliminations on tanky targets or denying a revival from Divine Resurrection.



Take reduced knockback but have no natural shield regeneration. On eliminations, regain shield and deal damage around you.

Damage: 40
Shield gain: 50
Max. Shield: 500
Pull force: 15 (Ban Hammer's explosion)
Windup: 0.8 seconds

  • Shield is given immediately on elimination.
  • Enemies killed or were assisted in killing by Ban Hammer create a "soul" at their location which then explodes.
    • A second explosion is created around Ban Hammer, this explosion has a pull force.
    • Enemies can only be damaged by one explosion. The explosion from Ban Hammer takes priority.


Swing your hammer in a wide radius.

Damage: 40
Swing interval: 0.9 seconds
Range: 15 studs
Slow penalty: 10%
Bound penalty: 100%

  • Prosecution's hitbox can be extended by looking in the opposite direction that Ban Hammer swings his hammer.


Slam your hammer forward, dealing damage and gaining shield for each enemy hit. Enemies hit closer to the center are dealt more damage and give more shield.

Damage: 40 (outer) / 60 (inner)
Shield gain: 40 (outer) / 60 (inner)
Stun applied: 0.5 seconds
Knockback immunity: 100%
Windup: 0.6 seconds
Slow penalty: 100%
Bound penalty: 100%
Cooldown: 5 seconds

  • Triggers a critical hitmarker on inner area hit.
  • Applies Stun only on an inner hit.
  • If casted mid-air. Ban Hammer will only slam down once he touches the ground.
  • Enemies will be pulled towards Ban Hammer when hit.

Q Ability

Leap in a target direction, reactivate to slam to the ground and gain shield for each enemy hit, use any ability while leaping to cancel.

Damage: 30 (landing) / 30 (spike)
Shield gain: 20 per enemy (landing only)
Stun applied: 0.25 seconds (spike)
Windup: 1.5 seconds
Slow penalty: 50%
Bound penalty: 100%
Cooldown: 10 seconds

  • When recasted, enemies hit mid-air will be spiked downwards. A critical hitmaker will be triggered when successfully spiking an enemy.
  • In the event that Ban Hammer spikes an enemy mid-air and then lands on the same enemy, damage will not stack.
    • However, Ban Hammer can deal landing damage to a different enemy and will receive the shield bonus if he successfully does so.
  • All other abilities can be used to cancel Deposition while in mid-air, including Ban Hammer's Phinisher.
  • Cooldown starts upon recasting, canceling, or landing on the ground.

E Ability

Hold E to spin, release to end early. For every enemy hit, gain shield and spin an extra time. Landing the final hit grants shield.

Damage: 10 per spin + 30 (final hit)
Shield gain: 8 per enemy hit + 30 (final hit)
Range: 10 studs
Knockback immunity: 100%
Windup: 0.6 seconds
Hop distance: 10 studs
Slow penalty: 10%
Bound penalty: 50%
Cooldown: 8 seconds

  • Ban Hammer must perform one spin minimum before being able to cancel Litigation manually.
  • After hitting an enemy with a spin, if Ban Hammer is unable to hit an enemy for the next five spins, Litigation will be canceled.
  • If Ban Hammer receives Stun, Wireframe, or Grounded, Litigation will end immediately.
  • The knockback immunity does not apply against Subspace's Noxious Void.
  • Litigation's cooldown begins when the final hit is performed.


Grab enemies in an area in front of you. If their health and shield combined is less than 50% of their maximum health and shield, execute them and recharge your Phinisher up to 5 times.

Damage: 30 (grab) + 50 (swing)
Hitbox: 25x20x25
Execute threshold: <50% of max. HP
Execute damage: 999
Max. executes: 5
Phinisher points: 150
Phinisher cutscene: 2.3 seconds

  • Failing to execute any enemy caught in Judgement or dying while holding an additional charge will result in Ban Hammer's Phinisher charge being reset to 0.
  • An enemy that dies while being in Ban Hammer's Phinisher, but not executed by the swing, will still grant an additional charge.
  • Executing multiple enemies in one swing will count towards the limit of five executes.
  • Enemies not caught in the initial hitbox can still be damaged by the swing, but cannot be executed.
  • Ban Hammer cannot be displaced by force during Judgement's animation.


  • High health
  • Self sustain with damage output
  • Zero ranged attacks
  • Forced to never back down due to lack of a shield recovery
  • Passive hinders him heavily

Ban Hammer is a melee phighter that excels in crowd control and holding down parts of the map, this means he is much more effective in Conquer matches rather than Annihilate. His high shield stat allows him to soak up more damage than other tanks in the roster, although his low health stat makes it difficult for support classes to keep him alive if the shield is depleted, this means that most of Ban Hammer's survivability hinges on his self-sustain.

Considering his role as tank, expect to be the main target for most enemy attacks. This can be both a positive and a negative as more Phighters directly attacking you means they tend to fall into your range, and killing them directly or getting an assist can activate your passive, thus allowing you to live longer. On the other hand, being the biggest target (and having the biggest hitbox!) on the map can draw the attention of long range single-target Phighters such as Hyperlaser or Biograft, both of which have abilities that deal massive burst damage and leave you incredibly vulnerable to their teammates. Considering Ban Hammer's vulnerability to long-range attacks, map knowledge and working with your team is incredibly important. You can use your Q ability to safely start encounters (dealing bonus damage as you land) or to rush enemy backliners. Your Q ability can also be cast directly above you! Allowing you to take a breather from battle before slamming down and dealing extra damage to your enemies. By predicting your enemies movement after landing, you can almost always land a M1 swing or get multiple E hits off (the latter works only if your target has exhausted their movement abilities).

Furthermore, thanks to the height gained by your Q ability, it can be used to avoid highly telegraphed attacks such as Katana's E and Phinisher, Boombox's Phinisher or Sword's Phinisher.

When playing Ban Hammer, you will more often than not find yourself taking on multiple enemies at once. Luckily, your abilities were catered specifically for these scenarios. Utilizing your E ability on enemies that are unable to escape (either due to debuffs or because they just used their movement ability) allow you to deal near-lethal damage and regain most of your shield, if you can hit two or three enemies at once, you're incredibly hard to kill for the duration of the ability! Be wary of phighters with stun ablities though, as they can interrupt your E spin and leave you a sitting duck.

Your M2 ability is helpful when facing singular- more powerful targets, tightly packed together enemies or to combo into your phinisher (hitting the Order sweet spot and casting Judgement immediately after pretty much a true combo- and guarantees that the phinisher will hit your target). Considering it applies stun, it can also be used to interrupt attacks such as Hyperlaser's Eviscerating ray. Your Phinisher essentially removes half the work needed to eliminate an enemy as you can instantly execute anyone below 50% HP (shield included!). This makes encounters with Katanas (that are usually heavily skewed in Katana's favour) much more in your favour. Your Phinisher can also be used on groups of enemies or to interrupt high impact moves (such as Hyperlaser's, Boombox's or Medkit's ult).

All of Ban Hammer's moves have long periods of endlag after casting. If you are stunned right as you use the ability, the lingering hitbox will still hit your target.

Ability usage

  • Oathbound
    • Due to your decreased knockback, zoning attacks such as Boombox's Protecting Overtone and Shielding Amplifier or Hyperlaser's Voltaic Grenade aren't very effective at keeping your target out of Prosecution range. Use this to your advantage to maintain consistent damage on your enemy and apply pressure.
    • Since you gain shield even on assists, sometimes letting your teammate confirm a kill for you is a safer option if you can't afford to chase an enemy.
    • The explosions, which deal bonus damage and pull enemies inward, can be highly effective when outnumbered, quickly snowballing and turning the fight in your favor.
  • Prosecution
    • Due to how hitboxes work, Prosecution's hitbox can be slightly extended by turning your camera to the left or to the right.
    • Prosecution's knockback cancels any push or fling force effects on enemies, preventing their escape and slightly disorienting them in the process.
  • Order
    • Since enemies hit with Order are pulled towards you, this can be used to combo into your other moves.
    • Use its Stun to cancel abilities, such as another Ban Hammer's Litigation or a shot from Hyperlaser's Eviscerating Ray, buying yourself some time.
  • Deposition
    • It is advised to only use this for mobility, to do a first strike, or to catch opponents low health that are trying to run away, as it is difficult to combo this move with your other moves.
  • Litigation
    • Try to use this ability only if you have caught up to your opponent and they are unable to run away, such as when they have exhausted all their movement or self-defense abilities.
  • Judgement
    • This move is useful for securing kills for your passive, quickly taking out tankier enemies or dispatching high priority targets, such as those using their Phinisher.
    • If the target is not already in execution range when grabbed, your team can lower them to that range.
      • Be aware this can work the other way and the target can potentially be saved from execution by their team.

Counterplay against Ban Hammer

  • Attempt to attack one from a distance, and do one of two things depending on how they react:
    • If they start going after you, keep a safe distance and poke at their HP, make absolutely sure you are out of their range.
    • If they don't, continue attacking them.
  • Take out any enemies supporting Ban Hammer first, as they can make the fight difficult, and Ban Hammer is much more frail by himself.
  • As a team, try to fight Ban Hammer from spread-out positions. Since most of his attacks cover a large area, spreading out can reduce his damage and Shield gain while forcing him to divide his attention.
  • As Subspace, it's easy to deal with him by keeping your distance and attacking constantly. His slow speed and large hitbox mean he can frequently trigger mines and build up Vulnerable on himself. If you're ever in danger, use Fallen Star as a deterrent or Mist Rush to escape.
  • As Katana, it is ideal to use Foul Counter when Ban Hammer uses Order or Litigation, as these abilities hit hard and are very telegraphed.


Name Icon Description Reward
banhammer badge N/A N/A



  • Ban Hammer was unofficially teased through dialogue spoken by Biograft if the player was playing on Banland.
  • Ban Hammer was the first Phighter to be confirmed unaffiliated with any faction.
    • Ban Hammer was originally planned to be a Blackrock Phighter. The developers later changed his alignment to be neutral.
  • Ban Hammer considers himself so powerful that he wears a blindfold to intentionally nerf himself for fun.
  • During April Fools' 2024, Ban Hammer was renamed to scott pilgrim, and remodeled to reference Scott Pilgrim from the Scott Pilgrim graphic novels.



Version history

V0.9.0 - 16 December 2024

  • Judgement
    • An X is now visible to the player on enemies who are in the execution threshold.
In private servers and phighting: the zone only:
  • Judgement
    • The execution threshold is now rounded to a multiple of 5 due to the 66% increase in all stats.

V0.9.0 - 16 December 2024

In private servers and phighting: the zone only:
  • Litigation
    • Can now be used while affected by Grounded.
      • The initial dash is cancelled if used while affected by Grounded.
    • Now is only interrupted if Ban Hammer is affected by Stun for more than 0.35 seconds.

V0.9.0 - 10 December 2024

  • All changes made on December 7th and 9th were added to public servers.

V0.9.0 - 9 December 2024

In private servers and phighting: the zone only:
  • Judgement
    • Adjusted cutscene to start zoomed out rather than zoomed in.
    • Added new cutscene visual effects.

V0.9.0 - 7 December 2024

In private servers only:
  • Order
    • Can now be recasted to slam while airborne.
  • Judgement
    • BUG FIX: Fixed the Phinisher not being recharged after executing five enemies and recharging it again.

V0.9.0 - 5 December 2024

  • Deposition
    • Adjusted spike hitbox to be more consistent.

V0.9.0 - 24 November 2024

  • All changes made on November 19th and 20th were added to public servers.

V0.9.0 - 20 November 2024

In private servers only:
  • Prosecution
    • Reverted the experimental changes in the previous patch.
  • Deposition
    • Spike damage lowered from 20 to 15.

V0.9.0 - 19 November 2024

In private servers only:
  • Prosecution
    • Slow and Bound penalties are now applied when winding up but end 0.4 seconds earlier once swinging stops.
  • Order
    • Shield gain increased from 15 (outer) and 25 (inner) to 20 (outer) and 30 (inner).
  • Deposition
    • Can now hit enemies mid-air when recasted, dealing 20 damage and applying a 0.25-second Stun.
    • Now "spikes" airborne enemies downwards when hit.
    • Spiking airborne enemies triggers a critical hitmarker.
    • Landing hitbox is now positioned higher.
    • Spike hitbox should now be more consistent.
    • Spike hitbox will now deactivate if too close to the ground.
    • Spike hitbox now activates slightly later after recasting.

V0.9.0 - 22 September 2024

  • All changes made on September 21st were added to public servers.

V0.9.0 - 21 September 2024

In phighting: the zone only:
  • Order
    • Damage increased from 15 to 20 (outer) and 25 to 30 (inner).

V0.9.0 - 11 September 2024

V0.8.0 - 31 August 2024

  • Order
    • Damage increased to 15 (outer) and 25 (inner).
    • Shield gain increased to 15 (outer) 25 (inner).
  • Litigation
    • Final swing hitbox increased from 18x18 studs to 20x20 studs.

V0.8.0 - 28 August 2024

  • All changes made in the previous patch were reverted.
  • Judgement
    • Ban Hammer is now immovable while using his Phinisher.

V0.8.0 - 26 August 2024

  • Order
    • Damage increased from 10 to 20 (outer) and 15 to 25 (inner).
    • Shield gain increased from 10 to 15 (outer).
  • Litigation
    • Final hit damage increased from 15 to 20.
    • Shield gain increased from 4 per spin to 5 per spin and 15 to 20 on the final hit.

V0.8.0 - 13 August 2024

  • Litigation
    • Reverted to its previous version before August 10th.

V0.8.0 - 12 August 2024

In private servers only:
In phighting: the zone only:
  • Order
    • Shield gain lowered from 15 to 10 (outer) and 25 to 20 (inner).
  • Judgement
    • Hitbox size increased from 20x20x20 studs to 25x20x25 studs.

V0.8.0 - 10 August 2024

In private servers only:
  • Order
    • Cooldown lowered from 6 seconds to 5 seconds.
  • Deposition
    • Now grants 10 Shield per enemy hit upon landing.
    • Fixed issue where forces would not be applied if Deposition was cancelled with Prosecution.
  • Litigation
    • Now only provides 1 Shield per enemy hit, but also applies 50% Armored for the duration of the ability.
    • While Litigation is active, it charges up a meter by 5% per enemy hit to a maximum of 100%. The final swing's damage and Shield gain per enemy are now determined by what percentage the meter reached during the ability's duration.
      • Both final damage and Shield are calculated with: 10 + 20 * charge %.
      • If the final swing does not hit an enemy, Ban Hammer is still guaranteed 20 Shield * charge %.

V0.8.0 - 28 July 2024

  • BUG FIX: Ban Hammer's horns no longer stop glowing if a Judgement charge resets.
  • Judgement
    • No longer requires LOS to execute a target.
    • Increased strength of pull.
    • Increased hitbox for second hammer swing from 10 studs to 15 studs.

V0.8.0 - 13 July 2024

  • Menu animation now has SFX created by BanicAttack.
  • Deposition
    • New SFX composed by BanicAttack.

V0.8.0 - 14 May 2024

  • All changes made in the last two patches are now in public servers.
  • Other bug fixes.

V0.8.0 - 13 May 2024

In private servers only:
  • Deposition
    • BUG FIX: Fixed issue where Deposition would randomly softlock players.

V0.8.0 - 9 May 2024

In private servers only:
  • Prosecution
    • Cooldown decreased from 1 second to 0.9 seconds.
  • Order
    • Now only activates upon hitting the ground if used in midair.
  • Deposition
    • BUG FIX: No longer softlocks the player in the falling animation despite having landed.
    • Cooldown decreased from 12 seconds to 10 seconds.
    • Now has an increased angle limit.
    • Other abilities can now be used to cancel Deposition in midair.

V0.8.0 - 21 April 2024

  • Added new dialogue.

V0.8.0 - 6 April 2024

  • All changes made to Ban Hammer during PHIGHTING! 4 were reverted.
  • Order
    • Adjusted Y force to make up for the new gravity change (from 10 to 8).
  • Deposition
    • Adjusted Y force to make up for the new gravity change (from 20 to 15 on launch and 20 to 10 when landing).
  • Judgement
    • BUG FIX: Fixed issue where enemies dying from Judgement would not be flung.

PHIGHTING! 4 - 1 April 2024

  • Renamed from "Ban Hammer" to "scott pilgrim".
  • Visually reworked to reference Scott Pilgrim from the Scott Pilgrim graphic novels.
  • Now has a unique splash screen that appears behind Ban Hammer when activating his Phinisher.

V0.8.0 - 27 March 2024

  • All of Ban Hammer's abilities that require LOS are no longer blocked by Boombox's Protecting Overtone.
  • Oathbound
    • Now creates a second explosion around Ban Hammer. Enemies can only be damaged by one explosion, and explosions from Ban Hammer take priority over explosions from souls.
    • Explosions from souls no longer have a pull force.
    • Pull force of explosions from Ban Hammer increased from 10 to 15.

V0.8.0 - 12 March 2024

  • Order
    • NEW EFFECT: Hitting enemies at its center now plays a critical hit sound effect.

V0.8.0 - 10 March 2024

  • Litigation
    • Spin speed decreased from one every 0.25 seconds to one every 0.2 seconds.
      • As a result, the maximum number of spins increased from 16 to 20.
    • Final hit now gives 15 Shield per enemy.

V0.7.0 - 21 February 2024

V0.7.0 - 18 February 2024

  • Order
    • No longer affected by knockback during the windup.

V0.7.0 - 14 February 2024

  • Oathbound
    • Shield is now given immediately rather than after a 0.75 second delay.
  • Order
    • Sweet spot Shield gain increased from 15 to 20.
  • Litigation
    • Minimum spins (if not holding E) decreased from 3 to 1.

V0.7.0 - 6 November 2023

V0.7.0 - 3 November 2023

  • Litigation
    • Makes Ban Hammer immune to force for the duration of the ability.
  • Judgement
    • Initial hitbox size decreased from 25x25x25 studs to 20x20x20 studs.
    • Hitbox no longer rotates depending the player's camera.

V0.7.0 - 31 October 2023

  • Fixed issue where enemies hit would continue to be immune to force, causing abilities with forces to not work properly.
  • Deposition
    • Now cancels if stunned during the windup.
  • Litigation
    • Now cancels if stunned while spinning.
  • Judgement
    • Maximum charge count now works properly.
    • Now only executes enemies that are caught.
    • Dying after recharging the Phinisher through an execution will now cause it to lose its charge.

V0.7.0 - 29 October 2023

  • Ban Hammer was added to the game.
  • Order
    • BUG FIX: Fixed issue where landing Order outside of the sweet spot would not grant any Shield.
    • Hitbox size slightly increased.
  • Litigation
    • Move description updated.
  • Judgement
    • BUG FIX: Fixed issue where executing an enemy would not grant another charge.
    • Move description updated.
    • Now has dialogue when failing to execute an enemy.

V0.5.0 - 15 April 2023

  • An unobtainable badge titled 'banhammer badge' was added to the game.

4 March 2023

  • Ban Hammer was officially revealed to the public. This reveal shows Ban Hammer's updated model.

12 December 2022

  • Ban Hammer was officially teased to the public in the boggio community Discord.


  1. Soda in boggio community, 7 March 2023 (Link | Image) - "what faction is banhammer from" "factionless"

SwordSkateboardBiograftKatanaBan Hammer
MedkitBoomboxSubspaceVine StaffCoil
Broker DollDomGhosdeeriGraffitiLightbloxLord Pwnatious "Moneybags" the IIIMx. BotPaint BuckétRainbeauRogerSpray PaintThe BrokerThe DollmakerTrafficValkVoid StarZuka
CarnageDuckyFather OverseerGravSparklesUmbrellaUniWarp