Hyperlaser/Dialogue: Difference between revisions

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* "Ah, the thrill of the kill."
* "I'mBack readyto business."
* "I better be getting paid for this."
* "Let's get them."
* "I get no rest nowadays."
* "Let's go."
* "I will avenge those I've lost."
* "Let's make this quick and easy."
* "Target Spotted."
* "There's no time to mope around."
* "They won't know what hit them."
* "This won't take long."
* "A lot of good vantage points here."
* "Do I look suspicious?"
* "Don't mind me."
* "I hope no one spots me..."
* "I should clean up my rifle soon."
'''AllyMultiplier [[Biograft]]round'''
* "I don't need to kill anyone to get some Bux? Sounds nice."
* "Follow the plan, Biograft."
* "It's time to get serious."
* "Which Biograft am I with this time?"
* "Just do what we planned."
* "My aim better be sharp this time around."
* "You all better not let me down."
'''Ally [[Ban Hammer]] - Chat'''
'''Ally [[Sword]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Sword|"We have multiple sources of technologically advanced weapons, and yet you stick to a basic sword?"<br>"It's not just some ordinary sword!"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|HyperlaserBan Hammer<br>SwordHyperlaser<br>HyperlaserBan Hammer|"YourDo techniquesyou ever like, wherego didout youand learnchill themwith fromfriends?"<br>"MyI masterlost taughtall of them to me!."<br>"YourYouch! masterTough must be an old lad.luck!"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Ban Hammer<br>Hyperlaser|"I love the new inventions Blackrock is coming up with!"<br>"Can't say I feel the same."}}
'''Ally [[Skateboard]]'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Ban Hammer<br>Hyperlaser<br>SkateboardBan Hammer<br>Hyperlaser|"DoIt's youso notnice takehaving thisthese jobbig seriously?horns!"<br>"I do! Just..."<br>"Something why not have a little bit of fun while we're at itwrong?"<br>"Focus."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Skateboard<br>Hyperlaser<br>Skateboard|"Can you act a bit more serious, Skateboard?"<br>"No can do!"<br>"I've lost many of my closest friends in battle when they decided to fool around."<br>"Oh..."}}
'''Ally [[Biograft]] - Chat'''
* "Which Biograft am I with this time?"
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Biograft| "Follow the plan, Biograft."<br>"AFFIRMATIVE."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Biograft<br>Hyperlaser<br>|"DO NOT FAIL, HYPERLASER."<br>"I know."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Biograft|"Don't let them get away, Biograft."<br>"AFFIRMATIVE."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Biograft<br>Hyperlaser|"Which Biograft am I with this time?"<br>"ME."<br>"Very informative."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Biograft<br>Hyperlaser<br>|"YOU UNDERSTAND THE CONSEQUENCE OF FAILURE, CORRECT?"<br>"I do."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Biograft<br>Hyperlaser|"Which Biograft am I with this time?"<br>"ME."<br>"Very informative."}}
'''Ally [[Boombox]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Boombox<br>Hyperlaser<br>Boombox|"Do you listen to any music, Hyperlaser?"<br>"Why lose focus by listening to music?"<br>"Fair point."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Boombox|"Do you perhaps have any Metal music in your playlist?"<br>"Think I've got a track or two!"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Boombox<br>Hyperlaser<br>Boombox<br>Hyperlaser|"Is there any type of music genre you like, Hyperlaser?"<br>"Why would I waste my time listening to music?"<br>"If you had to choose one, though."<br>"I guess I used to listen to Metal back in my young days."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Boombox<br>Hyperlaser|"Your music isn't very helpful in battle."<br>"It'll help you out when you gotta reposition!"<br>"I see, maybe you aren't as useless as I thought."}}
'''Ally [[Katana]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Katana<br>Hyperlaser|"What is your goal, Katana?"<br>"To avenge the one I lost."<br>"I guess we have similar goals then."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Katana<br>Hyperlaser<br>Katana<br>Hyperlaser|"Have you ever considered taking a break, Katana?"<br>"There is no time for breaks."<br>"Even just a little one?"<br>"Perhaps if we went out for some tea, I would oblige."<br>"I'll let you know."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Katana<br>Katana|"Have you ever considered visiting Blackrock?"<br>"Not recently, it has always had a bad reputation."<br>"Though, I could go with you some time."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Katana<br>Hyperlaser<br>Katana<br>Hyperlaser|"HaveI youthink everwe consideredmay takinghave amany break,things Katana?"<br>"Therein iscommon nothan time forI breaksthought."<br>"EvenWe justare aboth little oneelderly?"<br>"Perhaps if we went out for some tea, I would oblige."<br>"Iwouldn'llt letconsider youus knowelders."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Katana<br>Hyperlaser<br>Katana<br>Hyperlaser|"Katana, have you ever considered talking to others more about your problems?"<br>"I do not think others should have the weight of my burdens on their shoulders."<br>"I don't think anybody would mind."<br>"Would you like to listen to my problems?"<br>"I would."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Katana<br>Hyperlaser<br>Katana<br>Hyperlaser|"YourWhat enemy,have whatyou islost, it?Hyperlaser."<br>"CorruptionI've lost friends, colleagues, all to Blackrock."<br>"SameThen here,why butdo probablyyou still work for them?"<br>"I ahave differentmy kindreasons."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Katana<br>Hyperlaser<br>Katana<br>Hyperlaser|"IWhat thinkis wespecial mayabout haveBlackrock's manyculture?"<br>" thingsDon't inthink commonthat thanthere's Ia thoughtlot of traditions or celebrations."<br>"WeHow are both elderlycome?"<br>"I wouldn'tmean, considerwhat usis elders.there to celebrate?"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Katana<br>Hyperlaser<br>Katana<br>Hyperlaser|"What haveis youyour lostgoal, Hyperlaser.Katana?"<br>"I'veTo lostavenge friends,the colleagues,one allI to Blackrocklost."<br>"ThenI whyguess dowe youhave still work for them?"<br>"I havesimilar mygoals reasonsthen."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Katana<br>Hyperlaser|"Your enemy, what is it?"<br>"Corruption."<br>"Same here, but probably a different kind."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Katana<br>Hyperlaser<br>Katana|"Your past, how would you describe it?"<br>"Great in the moment, dreadful during the aftermath."<br>"Unfortunate."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Katana<br>Hyperlaser<br>Katana<br>Hyperlaser|"What is special about Blackrock's culture?"<br>" Don't think that there's a lot of traditions or celebrations."<br>"How come?"<br>"I mean, what is there to celebrate?"}}
'''Ally [[Ban HammerMedkit]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Ban Hammer<br>Hyperlaser<br>Ban Hammer|"Do you ever like, go out and chill with friends?"<br>"I lost all of them."<br>"Youch! Tough luck!"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Medkit<br>Hyperlaser|"I'm not sure if I want to work with someone associated with Blackrock."<br>"I would rather not be associated with them."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Medkit<br>Hyperlaser<br>Medkit|"This debacle going on with you and Subspace, I'm not sure which side I'm on."<br>"All I wanted was to make the world a better place."<br>"And Subspace didn't want that?"<br>"I guess not."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Medkit|"Was what you did to Subspace necessary?"<br>"If I hadn't done what I did, I wouldn't be here today."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Medkit|"Your crystal, is it the same as Subspace's?"<br>"No. They're vastly different."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Medkit|"Your crystals, how do they work?"<br>"It's complicated."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Ban Hammer<br>Hyperlaser|"I love the new inventions Blackrock is coming up with!"<br>"Can't say I feel the same."}}
----{{PhightingDialogue|Ban Hammer<br>Hyperlaser<br>Ban Hammer<br>Hyperlaser|"It's so nice having these big horns!"<br>"..."<br>"Something wrong?"<br>"Focus."}}
'''Ally [[Rocket]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Rocket<br>Hyperlaser|"I still remember all the stories I was told about your father."<br>"Really? He was that popular?"<br>"Yes, very."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Rocket|"Your father, is he still interested in combat?"<br>"Don't think he's gotten in another fight in years!"}}
'''Ally [[SlingshotScythe]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Slingshot<br>Hyperlaser|"Your shoes, how do they help you in battle?"<br>"They give me all the mobility I need!"<br>"Interesting. Might need to buy myself a pair."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Scythe<br>Hyperlaser|"I didn't think Blackrock had any livin' soldiers left."<br>"They don't."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Scythe<br>Hyperlaser<br>Scythe|"I see that Blackrock's black cat has finally come out to play~"<br>"Don't get it twisted, this is just a side gig."<br>"Sure, whatever ya say."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Slingshot<br>Hyperlaser|"Your aiming skills, how do they fair in battle?"<br>"I think I've got the best aim out of anybody here!"<br>"We'll see about that."}}
'''Ally [[Shuriken]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Shuriken<br>Hyperlaser|"Your friend, Katana, does he talk about his problems often?"<br>"Not really, he's not a talker."<br>"I see."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Shuriken<br>Hyperlaser|"Is there any way I could learn more about your regions culture?"<br>"Why? Interested in it?"<br>"Somebody you know is making me interested in it."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Shuriken<br>Hyperlaser|"Your friend, Katana, does he talk about his problems often?"<br>"Not really, he's not a talker."<br>"I see."}}
'''Ally [[MedkitSkateboard]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Medkit|"Your crystal, is it the same as Subspace's?"<br>"No. They're vastly different."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>MedkitSkateboard<br>Hyperlaser<br>Skateboard|"Was whatCan you didact toa Subspacebit necessarymore serious, Skateboard?"<br>"IfNo Ican hadndo!"<br>"I'tve donelost whatmany Iof did,my Iclosest wouldn'tfriends bein herebattle todaywhen they decided to fool around."<br>"Oh..."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Medkit<br>Hyperlaser<br>MedkitSkateboard|"This debacle going on withDo you and Subspace, I'm not suretake whichthis sidejob I'm on.seriously?"<br>"All I wanteddo! wasJust towhy makenot the worldhave a betterlittle place."<br>"Andbit of fun Subspacewhile didnwe'tre wantat thatit?"<br>"I guess not."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Medkit|"Your crystals, how do they work?"<br>"It's complicated."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Medkit<br>Hyperlaser|"I'm not sure if I want to work with someone associated with Blackrock."<br>"I would rather not be associated with them."}}
'''Ally [[BoomboxSlingshot]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Boombox<br>Hyperlaser<br>Boombox|"Do you listen to any music, Hyperlaser?"<br>"Why lose focus by listening to music?"<br>"Fair point."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|BoomboxHyperlaser<br>HyperlaserSlingshot<br>BoomboxHyperlaser|"DoYour youaiming listenskills, tohow anydo music,they Hyperlaserfair in battle?"<br>"WhyI losethink focusI've bygot listeningthe tobest music?aim out of anybody here!"<br>"FairWe'll see about pointthat."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>BoomboxSlingshot<br>Hyperlaser|"DoYour youshoes, perhapshow havedo anythey Metalhelp musicyou in your playlistbattle?"<br>"ThinkThey I'vegive gotme aall trackthe ormobility twoI need!"<br>"Interesting. Might need to buy myself a pair."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Boombox<br>Hyperlaser<br>Boombox<br>Hyperlaser|"Is there any type of music genre you like, Hyperlaser?"<br>"Why would I waste my time listening to music?"<br>"If you had to choose one, though."<br>"I guess I used to listen to Metal back in my young days."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Boombox<br>Hyperlaser|"Your music isn't very helpful in battle."<br>"It'll help you out when you gotta reposition!"<br>"I see, maybe you aren't as useless as I thought."}}
'''Ally [[Subspace]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Subspace<br>Hyperlaser|"Don't overdo it, Subspace."<br>"When do I ever?!"<br>"..."}}
Line 118 ⟶ 150:
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Subspace|"Will I be able to trust you with the task at hand this time, Subspace?"<br>"We'll see!!"}}
'''Ally [[Sword]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Sword|"We have multiple sources of technologically advanced weapons, and yet you stick to a basic sword?"<br>"It's not just some ordinary sword!"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Sword<br>Hyperlaser|"Your techniques, where did you learn them from?"<br>"My master taught them to me!"<br>"Your master must be an old lad."}}
'''Ally [[Vine Staff]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Hyperlaser|"Keep your eyes on the flanks."<br>"Alright."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Hyperlaser|"Be careful for any flankers, please."<br>"Will do."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Hyperlaser|"Could you pick out any low health targets?"<br>"Sounds like a plan."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Hyperlaser|"Keep your eyes on the flanks."<br>"Alright."}}
Line 137 ⟶ 180:
* "Target eliminated."
* "You can rest now."
* "Thanks for the Bux."
* "..."
'''First Blood'''
* "How sad."
* "That was easy."
* "You were an easy pick."
* "I never forget."
* "That was for earlier."
* "Did you think I forgot?"
* "No one gets off that easy."
* "Nice try."
* "Think of a better plan next time."
* "Was that supposed to be your big move?"
'''Basic (Headshot)'''
Line 144 ⟶ 208:
'''Using {{Abilitylink|HyperlaserE}}'''
* "Back off."
* "Don't get any closer."
* "Move away."
* "Stay back."
Line 151 ⟶ 216:
* "Must be painful."
* "Ouch."
* "Take that."
'''Using {{Abilitylink|HyperlaserPhinisher}}'''
* "There's no surviving that."
* "Ouch."
* "That must be painful."
* "There's no surviving that."
Line 173 ⟶ 239:
* "My colleague wanted me to do that."
* "Not sure if I can trust you."
* "Looks like I had better aim this time."
* "Thanks for the Bux."
* "That bounty's mine."
* "The better sniper wins."
* "Finally some peace and quiet."
* "Pipe down."
* "I'll see you in Hell."
Line 187 ⟶ 256:
* "I did my part."
* "Well done."
* "I'll see you in Hell."
== Mid-match ==
'''One Minute Left — Winning'''
* "Don't give them any advantages."
* "Don't let your guard down now."
* "Nice to see my coworkers pulling their weight for once."
* "We have the lead, this will be a breeze."
'''One Minute Left — Losing'''
* "There's still time left."
* "We can still catch up, don't give up."
* "We can't give up."
* "Enough of this."
* "Let's end this."
* "Let's just get this over with."
* "There's no time for this."
* "We have no time for this."
==Match outcome==
Line 193 ⟶ 285:
* "Mission success."
* "Onto the next one."
* "We did it."
* "I'll get you next time."
* "Mission failed."
* "Next time I won't miss."
* ". . ."
* "Big Laser"
Line 227 ⟶ 319:
* "Writing's not easy. That's why Hi can help. This sentence is grammatically correct, but it's wordy, and hard to read. It"
[[Category:Phighter dialogueCharacters/Phighters/Dialogue]]
