Katana/Dialogue: Difference between revisions

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* "Every step matters."
* "I intend to protect from the corrupted."
* "I shall restore the world of calamity."
* "I will avenge those whom I've lost."
* "I will cleanse the world of evil."
* "I will save those lost to evil."
* "Misfortune will come to those who deserve it."
* "Preservation matters the most to me."
* "Their destinies must be sealed."
* "These souls must be stopped."
* "Those important to me shall see the light of day."
* "Rescuing is my sole mission."
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* "The corrupt grows steadily, there is no time to rest."
* "There is no time for moping around."
'''Ally [[Biograft]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Katana<br>Biograft|"I don't remember robots in my childhood."<br>"WE ARE A RECENT INVENTION."}}
'''Ally [[Shuriken]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Katana<br>Shuriken<br>Katana|"Shuriken, what exactly is ”fun“?"<br>"Like... just having a good time."<br>"I have good times with you and Vine Staff, is that fun?"}}
* "Shuriken, what exactly is “fun”?"
** {{Icon|shuriken}}“Like… just having a good time.”
** "I have good times with you and Vine Staff, is that fun?”
* {{Icon|shuriken}}"What was your childhood like, Katana?"
{{PhightingDialogue|Shuriken<br>Katana<br>Shuriken|"What was your childhood like, Katana?"<br>"Dark."<br>"Damn, mood killer."}}
** "Dark."
** {{Icon|shuriken}}"Damn, mood killer."
{{PhightingDialogue|Shuriken<br>Katana<br>Shuriken|"Why so serious, Katana?"<br>"I worry that my tine to act is gradually depleting."<br>"Don't be like that, we have all the time in the world to have fun!"}}
* {{Icon|shuriken}}"Why so serious, Katana?"
** "I worry that my time to act is gradually depleting."
** {{Icon|shuriken}}"Don't be like that, we have all the time in the world to have fun!"
** "I see."
* "It had to be done."
* "May your soul rest"
* "This was your destiny."