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Medkit is a support Phighter. He was released on 19 February 2022 with Playtest 1.


Medkit is a support Phighter who utilizes Curing Cartridge to provide a balance of high damage and healing. He can also use Fan the Hammer to deal a quick burst of damage or healing while slowing enemies to defend himself and make landing shots easier. His passive, Crystalize, allows Medkit to play more offensively while rewarding his team healing that targets himself and the lowest health ally on the battlefield. Rejuvenation Ring can quickly heal teammates in an area while cleansing them of inflicted debuffs. Crystal Shift grants Medkit high burst mobility by teleporting to a teammate, briefly applying Armored, and defending against enemies with an explosion. Divine Resurrection is a high-value Phinisher which can be used to turn the tide of battle by applying a burst of healing, quick immunity, and reviving fallen teammates.



Headshotting enemies, kills, and assists heal you and the nearest ally with the lowest health. Recharges every 3 seconds.

Healing: 2-10 (to self) + 2-20 (to ally) / 2-20 (to self if lowest health)
Range: 150 studs (from Medkit's position)
Travel time: 0.5 seconds
Charge time: 0.75-3 seconds

  • Headshotting an enemy during the charge time heals for a reduced amount proportional to the remaining time and resets the charge. Healing will return to its cap after 3 seconds.
  • Getting eliminations will automatically activate Crystalize at full charge.

There's nothing here yet...

Curing Cartridge

Shoot enemies, headshotting them to deal extra damage, or heal allies by shooting them, healing for more by headshotting them.

Damage: 8 (body) / 16 (headshot)
Healing: 8 (body) / 16 (headshot)
Slow penalty: 10%
Bound penalty: 25%
Fire interval: 0.75 seconds
Range: 100 studs
Hitbox: 3x3
Ammo: 6
Reload time: 1.5 seconds

  • Triggers a critical hitmarker on headshot.

There's nothing here yet...

Fan the Hammer

Quickly fire all your ammo, each shot also heals and applies slow to enemies hit.

Damage: 6 per shot
Healing: 8 per shot
Slow applied: 5% per shot for 2 seconds
Range: 100 studs
Cooldown:+ 1 second for every bullet

  • Each instance of Slow applied refreshes the duration rather than extending it.
  • Applies vertical recoil on the player's crosshair for each shot.
  • Medkit will automatically reload once all bullets are fired.

There's nothing here yet...

Q Ability
Crystal Shift

Teleport to an ally, granting them armor and creating an explosion. Heal for more for each enemy hit.

Damage: 20
Healing: 15 + 10 per enemy hit (to ally) / 5 per enemy hit (to self)
Armored applied: 100% for 0.75 seconds
Knockback force: 10
Teleport range: 90 studs
Windup: 0.5 seconds
Cooldown: 14 seconds

  • Armored applies only to the ally after the teleport finishes.
  • Can be casted while reloading.
  • Hitbox is client sided.

There's nothing here yet...

E Ability
Rejuvenation Ring

Fire a crystal which heals and cleanses allies in an area, and knocks enemies upwards.

Damage: 25 (direct) / 15 (splash)
Healing: 25 (to allies) / 15 (to self)
Hitbox: 40x50x40
Cooldown: 12 seconds

There's nothing here yet...

Divine Resurrection

Resurrect any dead allies around you. All currently alive allies around you gain temporary armor and heal. Heal yourself for more each ally resurrected.

Healing: 75 (to allies) / 50% of max. HP (to revived allies) / 50 + 25 per ally revived (to self)
Armored applied: 100% for 1.5 seconds
Range: 125 studs
Crystal landing time: 1 second
Phinisher points: 150
Phinisher cutscene: 1.6 seconds

  • Allies will be revived with Shield if it is part of 50% of their total hitpoints.
  • If Medkit dies before the crystal lands, Divine Resurrection's effects are canceled.
  • Phinisher points cannot be gained until the crystal lands.
  • If an ally dies by falling out of bounds, they will be resurrected at an available spawn point.

There's nothing here yet...


  • Exceptional self-sustain
  • Can provide cleanse and immunity for teams
  • Unique Phinisher which can revive multiple teammates
  • Poor ability to deal with grouped players, can only stall using Crystal Shift, Crystallize and Rejuvination Ring for self-sustain or rely on teammates to protect Medkit
  • Low damage output without headshots
  • High cooldowns
  • Poor mobility outside of Crystal Shift

When playing as Medkit, keeping both yourself and your teammates alive is top priority. When necessary, use your primary and your abilities to keep your team sustained with health. When an enemy decides to start a fight with you, keep hitting them with your revolver and maintain distance while also using your own crystals to keep yourself sustained. Keep going until they either retreat, a teammate comes to help you, or the enemy dies. It is recommended to avoid picking up fights against groups of enemies, unless your team is also there to help you. When you see your team fighting against a group of enemies, try keeping them sustained with health by using both your crystals and your revolver. In case you're ever in a situation where you've become overwhelmed, the player can attempt to teleport back to a teammate using Crystal Shift, as long as there is a nearby teammate.

Divine Resurrection has multiple properties that make it effective as an option to turn fights into a team's favor. Immediate access to 75 HP of instant healing and armored can save teammates in critical moments and force the enemy to commit more resources to winning the team fight. Divine Resurrection's revival effect can bring back multiple teammates to even out a numbers disadvantage.

Medkit's incredible self-sustainability enables him to 1v1 most Phighters with ease should they get into Curing Cartridge range. The player should be mindful not to fixate themselves into an offensive playstyle and prioritize keeping their teammates healthy at any given opportunity.

Ability usage

  • Crystalize
    • Try to land for headshots often, as the 25HP healing can save a teammate even if they're not near the player and the 20 hp provides you with good self sustain.
    • It's much easier to hit headshots on Phighters that are slow, or use big hitboxes such as Katana or Hyperlaser.
  • Curing Cartridge
    • Use the auto-aim this weapon gives to its advantage when healing teammates, although try to keep your crosshair over them.
    • You can press shift to get rid of the auto-aim if an ally is near an enemy you want to shoot.
    • Since this is a hit-scan ability that doesn't give as much self slow compared to other Phighters, in certain situations you'll be able to attack other slower ranged Phighters such as Hyperlaser and shoot them while getting behind terrain.
  • Fan the Hammer
    • Medkit does not suffer a slow or bound penalty while Fan the Hammer is being used. Fan the Hammer can be used without the self-slow compromising your position, and allows the player to jump normally to avoid damage.
    • Use this ability to slow any enemy that is aggressive towards you, allowing you to land easier headshots and triggering your passive.
    • Since Medkit can't reload and use abilities at the same time, using this ability after using Rejuvenating Ring can do a good chunk of damage.
    • Fan the Hammer is an effective source for immediate healing on allies.
  • Crystal Shift
    • While Crystal Shift can be utilized for mobility to gap-close or escape, it can also be used for mid-combat sustain. Crystal Shift's exceptional healing on hit can be used to stay in fights longer or to buy Medkit more time.
    • The armored status Crystal Shift provides can be used to block damage from abilities such as Heavy Hurler or SWITCH!!. Armored can only block damage instances below 50, it will not work against powerful Phinishers such as Sword's All-Mighty Axle Arc or damaging abilities boosted by high stacks of vulnerable.
    • Use this ability to dive with other Phighters such as Sword after he lands Lunge to get an easy heal on yourself, your ally, and damage any other enemies in the area.
  • Rejuvenation Ring
    • Use the cleanse effect to remove negative status effects such as slow or vulnerable from your teammates.
    • The fling of Rejuvenation Ring can be used to make Phighters miss telegraphed abilities used on the player or their teammates with proper timing.
    • The crystal automatically explodes when it comes into contact of anything aside from teammates, keep in mind when throwing it.
    • The crystal has a large vertical hitbox. Use Rejuvenation Ring to damage enemies or heal allies above.
    • Rejuvenation Ring's large area of effect makes it effective at securing kills at a distance.
    • When using this ability, always make sure to try and heal an ally or damage an enemy whilst healing yourself to get the most out of this ability. If it is to dangerous to go for either, it's ok to use for self-healing.
    • This ability can deal 10 additional damage if the crystal comes in contact with an enemy. The direct damage can be utilized on slow Phighters such as Ban Hammer or Hyperlaser, or Phighters in the middle of their Phinisher animation.
  • Divine Resurrection
    • Divine Resurrection applies its effects in a large 125 stud radius. The player can utilize cover to get the Phinisher off with more safety.
    • Pay active attention to pings from your teammates and the scoreboard to determine when to ult.
    • Divine Resurrection has the longest animation time of all Phinishers, at 1.5 seconds. Make sure to use it pre-emptively as dying during the animation cancels its effects.
    • Utilizing the revive on Annihilate is not recommended as revived players respawn with 75 HP. This makes them vulnerable to dying again and giving additional points to the other team.

Heal Priority

While you should be keeping an eye on all of your teammate's health, certain phighters may have higher priority due to either having more health or usually taking more damage. While some may require more attention, don't tunnel vision onto a single Phighter, as you may miss other teammates who need you. Most Phighters will usually have shields or a health cap between 50-75. Be aware of this when you are healing, as you cannot heal above the cap. The below chart is a general guideline on priority, but will be different every game, watch how your teammates fight, and especially watch them when they use their Phinisher.

  • First: Both Sword and Subspace have the highest health cap, it is easy to farm Phinisher points off of them and they will typically absorb a lot of damage. Katana and Boombox are also good choices, but they have options to regenerate their high shields.
  • Skateboard and Banhammer are usually found in the frontlines, although the former is typically too fast to reliably hit unless they're offboard. Biograft, Shuriken, Slingshot and Rocket may be found on the outskirts or perched on an off angle.
    • Heal these Phighters when they are nearby, you’ll be in the range of them half the time.
  • Third: Hyperlaser is fairly self sufficent with high shields, but he may creep too close and get rushed by an enemy. Vine Staff is self sufficient with her abilities, it's usually better to focus on another teammate rather than her as she can heal herself quickly.

Don’t forget, if anyone is low heal them to prevent death, less death means more assists!

Important Skills

The main things you need to learn while you play Medkit is situational awareness and tracking. Always keep tabs on your enemies and allies' positions. Put yourself close to allies or lead your enemies to them, utilize enemies who tunnel vision you to your advantage, leading them into unfavorable skirmishes.

The better your aim becomes the more efficiently you can land headshots on enemies and possibly put them down with focused fire. Learning recoil control on your Secondary can also allow you to heal your allies fast and execute low-health enemies efficiently.

Counterplay against Medkit

Medkit's incredibly powerful kit is offset by multiple weaknesses, most notably his nearly non-existent mobility outside of Crystal Shift, poor range with his primary fire and the almost complete inability to fight off groups of players. Even with his exceptional self-healing ability, classes such as Rocket and Hyperlaser can easily exploit Medkit's lack of range and whittle him down from a distance, especially on more open maps such as Sword Fight On The Heights and Underground War. Skateboard can almost entirely invalidate Medkit's ability to deal with rushdown attempts by constantly performing hit-and-runs to mess with his ability to fight back and leaving absolutely no time for him to breathe.

Medkit relies on accuracy to keep both himself and his teammates alive (not including Rejuvenation Ring) which can be easily exploited by more mobile classes like Skateboard and Slingshot. With Curing Cartridge being pinpoint accurate with every shot he makes, Crystallize also directly relies on accuracy to get the self-heals necessary to survive enemy attacks. Crystal Shift takes both accuracy and knowing the habits of the class attacking him in order to effectively use it, which is already hard enough against players that like to dance around him in order to keep up pressure.


Name Icon Description Reward
guardian angel resurrect 3 or more allies from the dead Title - Job Hater
Sticker - Proud




  • boggio spent one year creating Medkit's design and abilities.
    • After the release of his rework, he still remains the most time-consuming Phighter to have been created thus far.
  • Divine Resurrection was inspired by Mercy's old ultimate in Overwatch.[1]
  • In the Phighter select screen, dialogue box, and scorebar, Medkit's idle animation differs from the one present in-game. Along with Katana, they are the only Phighters to have this quality.


  • Medcarrot is the first Phighter skin to change animations.
    • The animations were made to account for the basket Medcarrot holds.
  • Pirate Medkit is a community contributed skin created by Pampkin.
    • The skin placed 2nd in the 2022 Summer Skin Contest.
  • Sianachkit is a community contributed skin created by onionsu.
    • The skin won the Community Choice category of the 2022 Halloween Skin Contest.
  • Bivekit was part of a PHIGHTING! collaboration with Roblox game Regretevator.
    • The skin is based on the Regretevator character, Bive.

Version history

V0.9.0 - 25 December 2024

In private servers and phighting: the zone only:
  • Fan the Hammer
    • Cooldown now depends on the number of bullets fired.
      • Every bullet fired increases the cooldown by 1 second.
  • Crystal Shift
    • Can now be casted while reloading.
    • Hitbox is now client-sided.
  • Rejuvenation Ring
    • Can now be casted while reloading and when using Curing Cartridge.
    • Hitbox is now client-sided.
    • The crystal can now be shot in midair to activate its effects early.
      • Recasting the ability also activates it early.

V0.9.0 - 16 December 2024

  • Added new dialogue.

V0.9.0 - 16 November 2024

  • All changes made on November 2nd were added to public servers.

V0.9.0 - 2 November 2024

  • Added a unique dialogue animation for Medkit.

V0.9.0 - 22 September 2024

  • All changes made on September 21st were added to public servers.

V0.9.0 - 21 September 2024

In phighting: the zone only:

V0.9.0 - 8 September 2024

V0.8.0 - 28 August 2024

  • Curing Cartridge
    • Bodyshot healing decreased back from 10 to 8.
    • Headshot healing decreased back from 20 to 16.
  • Fan the Hammer
    • Damage decreased back from 8 per shot to 6 per shot.
    • Healing decreased back from 10 per shot to 8 per shot.
  • Crystal Shift
    • Base ally healing decreased back from 20 to 15.
  • Rejuvenation Ring
    • Ally healing decreased back from 30 to 25.
    • Self-healing decreased back from 25 to 15.

V0.8.0 - 26 August 2024

  • Curing Cartridge
    • Bodyshot healing increased from 8 to 10.
    • Headshot healing increased from 16 to 20.
  • Fan the Hammer
    • Damage increased from 6 per shot to 8 per shot.
    • Healing increased from 8 per shot to 10 per shot.
  • Crystal Shift
    • Base ally healing increased from 15 to 20.
  • Rejuvenation Ring
    • Ally healing increased from 25 to 30.
    • Self-healing increased from 15 to 25.

V0.8.0 - 12 August 2024

  • All changes made on August 10th were added to public servers.

V0.8.0 - 10 August 2024

In private servers and phighting: the zone only:

V0.8.0 - 28 June 2024

V0.8.0 - 27 June 2024

  • Curing Cartridge
    • Headshot hitbox increased from a single ray to four rays.
    • Now has a 3x3 stud hitbox that can only hit allies.

V0.8.0 - 25 June 2024

  • All changes made on June 21st are now in public servers.
  • Added new reloading SFX for all skins except the default and Bivekit.

V0.8.0 - 21 June 2024

In private servers only:
  • Changed icon when hovering over allies.
  • Crystalize
    • Added new SFX for the 7MK0 skin.
    • Travel time reduced from 0.82 seconds to 0.5 seconds.
    • Can now activate again as long as 0.75 seconds have passed.
    • Healing will reach a cap of 20 after being on cooldown for 3 seconds.
    • At least 1 Health must be recovered during the cooldown period before Crystalize can activate again.
  • Curing Cartridge
    • Added new VFX.
    • Added new SFX for each skin, including the default.
    • Fire rate adjusted from 0.6 seconds to 0.75 seconds.
    • Increased damage from 5 to 8 (bodyshot) and 10 to 16 (headshot).
    • Increased healing from 6 to 8 (bodyshot) and 12 to 16 (headshot).
    • No longer locks onto allies.
  • Fan the Hammer
    • Added new SFX for each skin, including the default.
  • Divine Resurrection
    • Added new SFX for 7MK0.

V0.8.0 - 22 May 2024

  • Added ability icons.

V0.8.0 - 14 May 2024

  • All changes made on May 13th were added to public servers.

V0.8.0 - 13 May 2024

In private servers only:
  • Divine Resurrection
    • Now sets revived players' hitpoints at 50% of their max HP instead of at 75 HP.
    • BUG FIX: Fixed bug where Divine Resurrection would give revived players more maximum HP.

V0.8.0 - 20 April 2024

V0.8.0 - 6 April 2024

PHIGHTING! 4 - 1 April 2024

  • Renamed from "Medkit" to "goku".
  • Visually reworked to reference Goku from the Dragon Ball franchise.
  • Now has a unique splash screen that appears behind Medkit when activating his Phinisher.

V0.8.0 - 27 March 2024

V0.7.0 - 21 February 2024

  • Headshots are now detected differently.

V0.7.0 - 10 February 2024

V0.7.0 - 1 February 2024

  • Optimized particle effects.

V0.7.0 - 6 January 2024

  • Updated particle effects.

V0.6.0 - 29 October 2023

  • Curing Cartridge
    • Damage lowered from 7/14 to 6/12.
    • Healing increased from 5/10 to 6/12.
  • Fan the Hammer
    • Slow reduced from 7% per shot to 5% per shot.
    • Slow duration decreased from 3 seconds to 2 seconds.

V0.6.0 - 8 October 2023

  • Added 14 new lines of dialogue.

V0.6.0 - 31 August 2023

  • Crystalize
    • Can now target Medkit.
      • If Medkit is the targeted ally, he heals for 20 Health.

V0.6.0 - 21 August 2023

  • Crystalize
    • Now has a visual indicator on the crosshair to show when it is recharged.
    • Now works on Roger and Venomshank's zombies.
    • Medkit will now always heal from his passive ability, even if there is no targeted ally.
    • Healing decreased from 25 to 20.
  • Curing Cartridge
    • Damage increased from 6/12 to 7/14.
  • Fan the Hammer
    • Damage increased from 5 to 6 per shot.
  • Crystal Shift
    • Range decreased from 125 studs to 100 studs.
    • Cooldown decreased from 16 seconds to 14 seconds.
    • Initial ally healing decreased from 10 to 5.
  • Rejuvenation Ring
    • Now launches enemies upwards.
    • Ally healing decreased from 100 to 75.
    • Revival hitpoints decreased from 100 HP to 75 HP.
    • Cast time decreased from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds.
    • Range decreased from 150 studs to 125 studs.

V0.6.0 - 9 August 2023

V0.6.0 - 20 July 2023

V0.6.0 - 16 July 2023

V0.5.0 - 27 June 2023

V0.5.0 - 21 June 2023

V0.5.0 - 19 June 2023

  • Divine Resurrection
    • Ally healing increased from 75 to 100.
    • Medkit healing increased from 25 + (25 * number of allies revived) to 50 + (25 * number of allies revived).
    • Revival hitpoints increased from 75 HP to 100 HP.

V0.5.0 - 9 June 2023

  • Crystal Shift
    • NEW EFFECT: Now leaves an afterimage to indicate where Medkit teleported to.
  • Divine Resurrection
    • NEW EFFECT: Any unused Health upon revival goes into the Phighter's innate Shield.
    • Range reduced from 200 studs to 150 studs.

V0.5.0 - 4 June 2023

  • Received new dialogue.

V0.5.0 - 25 May 2023

V0.5.0 - 14 May 2023

V0.5.0 - 13 May 2023

V0.5.0 - 16 April 2023

  • Medkit has received an updated voice sound.
  • The "guardian angel" badge condition was changed from "resurrect 2 or more allies from the dead" to "resurrect 3 or more allies from the dead".
  • Crystal Shift
    • NEW EFFECT: Medkit now receives 10 healing per enemy hit.

V0.5.0 - 12 April 2023

  • Divine Resurrection
    • Immunity duration on revived allies reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1 second.
    • BUG FIX: No longer continues its effects if Medkit dies before the crystal lands.

V0.5.0 - 10 April 2023

  • Curing Cartridge
    • Reduced the detection radius for aim-assist.
    • BUG FIX: Auto aim detection radius no longer changes with different screen resolution sizes.

V0.5.0 - 8 April 2023

  • All changes made to Medkit during The Voice Line Update were reverted.
  • Medkit received a model update for his default skin.
  • Medkit has received new dialogue.
  • Crystalize
    • REWORK: Headshotting an enemy heals the nearest ally with the lowest Health for 25 Health and Medkit for 10 Health. Recharges every 3 seconds. If Medkit has the lowest Health, he heals 15 Health instead.
    • REMOVED: Medkit's abilities no longer generates or interacts with crystals.
  • Curing Cartridge
    • REWORK: Now is a slow shooting revolver that can headshot enemies and allies.
      • Damage and healing increased from 3 to 7. Headshotting enemies or allies does 10 damage or healing respectively.
      • Range increased from 60 studs to 100 studs.
      • Fire rate increased.
      • Max ammo reduced from 20 to 6.
      • Reload time reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1 second.
      • Slow while firing reduced from 25% to 10%.
      • Has aim assist on allies.
  • Fan the Hammer
    • REWORK: Medkit fires all remaining ammo. Each shot deals 4 damage and applies 5% Slow.
      • Has a range of 100 studs.
      • Cooldown increased from 3 seconds to 5 seconds.
  • Crystal Shift
    • REWORK: After a cast-time, Medkit teleports to an ally, granting Immunity to both Medkit and the ally for 0.5 seconds. The teleport creates an explosion, dealing damage to all nearby enemies. The explosion heals Medkit and his ally 15 Health and an additional 10 Health for each enemy hit by the explosion.
      • Range decreased from 200 studs to 150 studs.
      • Cooldown decreased from 12 seconds to 10 seconds.
  • Rejuvenation Ring
    • REWORK: Medkit throws a AoE crystal that deals 15 damage to enemies, heals 20 Health to allies, and cleanses them of all negative status effects.
      • Cooldown increased from 10 seconds to 12 seconds.
  • Divine Resurrection
    • REWORK: After an animation, Medkit releases a crystal into the air, which drops after a delay. All nearby allies are healed for 50 Health and granted Immunity for 1.5 seconds. This also revives all nearby dead allies and grants them Immunity of the same duration. Medkit is healed 25 Health and an additional 25 Health for each ally revived.
      • No longer has global range.

The Voice Line Update - 1 April 2023

  • Renamed from "Medkit" to "leon kennedy".
  • Dialogue reworked.
  • Divine Resurrection
    • Now plays a voiceline provided by Mercy from the famous game Overwatch 2.

Playtest 4 - 23 December 2022

  • Crystal Shift
    • BUG FIX: No longer flings enemies when used in close proximity.

Playtest 4 - 16 December 2022

  • Divine Resurrection
    • BUG FIX: Each skin's specific effects are now replicated properly if the player joins the server during a match.

Playtest 4 - 13 December 2022

  • Added new victory dialogue.

Playtest 4 - 16 November 2022

Playtest 4 - 10 November 2022

Playtest 4 - 3 November 2022

Playtest 4 - 1 November 2022

Playtest 4 - 30 October 2022

  • Crystalize
    • BUG FIX: Crystals now properly remove themselves after their lifetime has expired.

Playtest 4 - 28 October 2022

V0.3.0 - 18 September 2022

V0.3.0 - 12 September 2022

V0.3.0 - 5 September 2022

  • BUG FIX: Projectiles blocking fixed.

V0.3.0 - 3 September 2022

V0.3.0 - 2 September 2022

V0.3.0 - 29 August 2022

V0.3.0 - 28 August 2022

V0.3.0 - August 26 2022

  • Pricking Needles
    • Ally healing increased from 3 to 4.
  • Crystallum Iacere
    • Renamed from "Crystal" to "Crystallum Iacere".
    • BUG FIX: No longer sometimes makes the rest of Medkit's abilities unusable.
  • Crystal Shift
    • Renamed from "Crystal Teleport" to "Crystal Shift".
    • Damage increased from 10 to 20.
    • Healing per enemy hit increased from 10 to 40.
    • Explosion radius increased.
  • Rejuvenation Ring
    • Renamed from Medkit.
    • Height hitbox increased.
  • Divine Resurrection
    • Renamed from "Resurrection" to "Divine Resurrection".
    • BUG FIX: No longer causes allies to become unable to respawn.

Playtest 2 - 15 May 2022

  • Divine Resurrection
    • NEW EFFECT: Now revives allies at their spawn if they died from falling out of bounds.
    • Revival time reduced from 1s to 0.5s.
    • BUG FIX: Now consistently heals and revives allies.

Playtest 2 - 1 May 2022

Playtest 2 - 18 April 2022

Playtest 2 - 16 April 2022

Playtest 2 - 15 April 2022

  • The Medcarrot skin was added to the game.
  • Health increased from 100 to 200.
  • Shield reduced from 25 to 0.
  • Crystalize
    • NEW: Every 10 shots you land on an enemy spawns a crystal at their location and heals you 10 Health.
  • Pricking Needles
    • REWORK: Now fires a short range hitscan projectile.
    • Damage increased from 1 to 3.
    • Ally healing increased from 1 to 2.
    • Ammo reduced from 50 to 20.
    • REMOVED: Pricking Needle no longer homes into enemies.
  • Crystal Shift
    • NEW EFFECT: Can now be used on crystals travelling mid-air.
  • Rejuvenation Ring
    • REWORK: Now transforms a crystal into an AoE that does 14 damage and flings enemies and heals allies for 30.
    • NEW EFFECT: Can now be used on crystals travelling mid-air.
    • REMOVED: No longer transforms crystals into medkits that can be picked up by allies.


  1. aidn in boggio community, 16 April 2022 (Link | Image) - "medkit's ultimate is inspired from mercy's old ultimate from overwatch"

SwordSkateboardBiograftKatanaBan Hammer
MedkitBoomboxSubspaceVine StaffCoil
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CarnageDuckyFather OverseerGravSparklesUmbrellaUniWarp