Nuke The Whales


Nuke The Whales is a map in PHIGHTING!.


Gameplay features

Nuke The Whales features a large submarine canyon in the middle of the map, which splits the map in half. Falling into it will instantly kill the player. Multiple air vents are scattered around the map that will throw the player upwards upon contact, allowing access to higher inaccessible areas.


Nuke the Whales takes place in a giant underwater enclosure, its glass walls revealing it is submerged within another, much larger whale enclosure. The area is populated with flooded ruins, sunken ships, vents, and giant aquatic flora - primarily, coral and seaweed.

Each team spawns within an access hallway on a railed platform, which leads to the main enclosure. The ruins running through the map include the walls separating the spawns from the central area, the Roman Temples by each spawn, and the central structure bridging the chasm. This structure features a plinthed statue of a figure holding a sword and shield. Outside the enclosure, many marine animals can be observed: namely, fish, and the map's titular whales (thankfully, safe from the effects of nuclear proliferation). Above the entire enclosure are stands arranged within a large stadium, overlooking the water.


The central area with the statue is great for AOE/Area denial attacks

The amount of structures makes it easier to avoid ranged projectiles like Hyperlasers Phinisher.

Slingshots PHINISHER works especially well in this map, considering all the structures and walls blocking the way.

The central statue is good for melee characters as most Phighters usually fight there, providing close quarter combat.


V0.9.0 - 13 September 2024

V0.3.0 - 26 August 2022


Version history

V0.9.0 - 13 September 2024

  • Nuke The Whales received a rework by Skiler.

V0.4.5 - 12 February 2023

V0.4.5 - 8 January 2023

V0.3.0 - 29 August 2022

  • NEW EFFECT: Geysers now activate every 6 seconds for 1 second.

V0.3.0 - 26 August 2022

  • Nuke The Whales was added to the game.

15 August 2022

  • Nuke The Whales was revealed to the public.


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