Patch Notes/16 December 2022
3 versions released at 1:07 AM, 1:27 AM and 1:46 AM EST.
General additions and changes:
- The Phighter select interface was reworked.
- The Phighters no longer use icons and are displayed to the right side of the screen.
- Changing your skin uses the left and right arrow keys instead of the scroll wheel.
- Resetting your character now counts as a death if the player was damaged by an enemy at least once.
- Deaths from killbricks or character resets now properly gives kill and assist credits.
- Applying a shield on an ally player now grants assists if the shielded player kills an enemy.
Map changes:
- Sword Fight On The Heights
- Map theme changed from Darkness Dueling by Dan Johansen to DUELING WINDS by Key After Key.
- Increased fog density.
- Divine Resurrection
- BUG FIX: The skin specific effects are now replicated properly if the player joins mid-battle.
Bug fixes:
- Map specific skies are now replicated properly if the player joins mid-battle.
- Skin specific faces now properly display on dialogue boxes.
- Decals now properly display on dialogue boxes and the scoreboard.