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Revision as of 21:55, 2 February 2025 by Beefore (talk | contribs) (frogot!)

Shuriken is a ranged Phighter. He was released on 15 April 2023 during V0.5.0.


Shuriken is a ranged Phighter that specializes in pressuring the enemy and picking off targets. His passive, As Fast as the Wind, lets him traverse the map with ease. Stars of the Storm is quick and versatile, dealing more damage if hit from behind. Traverse the Horizon repositions him to the best angles for attack, and Stab of the Betrayer ensures your opponents can't recover. Illusions of the Smoke can trick and distract the enemy for him to rush into position, and his Phinisher, Guillotine Blossom, will cut his foes down to size.


As Fast as the Wind

You gradually gain bonus haste and bounce. Being hit decreases your haste and bounce, it regenerates after 3 seconds of not being hit. Press jump near a wall to perch onto it.

Buff decrease conversion: 1% per 1 damage taken
Buff regeneration delay: 5 seconds
Max. perch duration: 3 seconds
Haste: 20%
Bounce: 20%
Perch cooldown: 3 seconds

Stars of the Storm

Charge up and fire up to 3 shurikens which pierce through players. Hitting enemies from behind deals extra damage.

Damage: 14 (regular, front) / 15 (regular, back) / 16 (fan, front) / 17 (fan, back)
Fire interval: 0.05 seconds
Projectile lifetime: 0.3 seconds
Max. shurikens: 3
Charge time: 0.25 seconds per shuriken
Ammo: 15
Reload time: 1.5 seconds
Slow penalty: 20%
Bound penalty: 25%
Cooldown: 0.35 seconds

  • Automatically fires after 5 seconds upon reaching maximum charge.

Stab of the Betrayer

Charge and stab forward, piercing and slowing enemies hit, enemies hit from behind are dealt more damage and given antiheal.

Damage: 30 (front) / 50 (back)
Antiheal applied: 3 seconds (back)
Slow applied: 20% (front) / 30% (back) for 3 seconds
Range: 10 studs
Dash force: X
Cooldown: 6 seconds

  • Other abilities can be used during the dash.
  • Is considered a backstab as long as Shuriken is behind the enemy.

Q Ability
Traverse the Horizon

Grapple a surface, dash to it, and perch. Losing HP while traveling will cancel the grapple. Jump to cancel the grapple early and retain momentum.

Range: 200 studs
Cancel threshold: 40 damage
Windup: 0.5 seconds
Slow penalty: 100%
Bound penalty: 100%
Cooldown: 14 seconds

  • Cannot perch on ceilings.
  • If it does not hit a target surface, Shuriken will instead be launched in the direction of the grapple.

E Ability
Illusions of the Smoke

Become invisible but briefly become visible if you are damaged or get too close to enemies. Reactivate to cause an explosion around you.

Damage: 30
Slow applied: 30% for 2 seconds
Bound applied: 30% for 2 seconds
Haste applied: 50%, decays to 25% Hitboxes: 25x25x25 (explosion)
Invisibility duration: 6 seconds
Recast cooldown: 1 second
Cooldown: 10 seconds

  • Using an ability will cause Shuriken to come out of invisibility.
  • The clone retains the Haste and Bounce from As Fast as the Wind.
  • Cooldown will begin once the invisibility expires.

There's nothing here yet...

Guillotine Blossom

Unleash 5 shurikens that spin around you that apply antiheal. The shurikens will fire to your cursor one by one.

Damage: 16 (spinning) / 30 (thrown)
Antiheal applied: 3 seconds (thrown)
Fire interval: 1.5 seconds
Shurikens: 5
Duration: 7.5 seconds
Phinisher points: 125
Phinisher cutscene: 1 second

  • Phinisher points cannot be gained while Guillotine Blossom is active.
  • Upon completing the Phinisher animation, Shuriken will perform a vertical jump.
  • The shurikens spin anti-clockwise.


  • Great mobility
  • Anti heal
  • High burst damage
  • Wide range of movement options
  • Low shield pool and one of the lowest total hp pools
  • Long cooldowns

Shuriken is a ranged Phighter specializing in flanking and picking off enemies on the opposing team with his antiheal and high DPS output. If left unchecked, Shuriken can lend his team an easier win in a team fight while acting as a good counter to healers pocketing. However, Shuriken has only 125 hitpoints, among the lowest in the game alongside Biograft - he has 75 health with 50 shield. This small HP pool means Shuriken will have to play aggressively in the enemy’s backline to allow his team to pick off the opposing team.

Due to Shuriken’s frail nature, it’s highly recommended you learn to choose your fights rather than fighting anyone in your sight. Shuriken’s high mobility and DPS allow him to properly get behind enemy lines and quickly dispose of backline characters such as Hyperlaser, Medkit, Vine Staff or to finish off low HP targets. Because Shuriken is a Phighter who capitalizes off of eliminating single targets, it’s a good rule of thumb to know which Phighters will be easier to take care of than other Phighters.

Prioritize targeting:

  • Medkit, to apply antiheal and take his focus off of healing teammates.
  • Vine Staff, as antiheal will prevent her from spamming regeneration. She will either have to use her abilities to get rid of you or rely on the aid of another teammate.
  • Hyperlaser, to distract him from picking off low HP teammates. He usually isn't able to hit you, but his abilities can quickly disrupt your movement if timed correctly.

Shuriken has some survivability while in close range because of his M2 and passive, which allows Shuriken to chip away at or eliminate targets before needing to retreat. However, this aggressive playstyle comes at the cost of losing a majority of your HP if caught off-guard by a stronger enemy or a burst of damage (Katana, Sword, Slingshot, etc.). Even if you're unable to hit all of your primaries, Shuriken's innate value comes from wasting the enemies' cooldowns on you, leaving you to swoop in to defenseless targets.

His passive is great for outmaneuvering enemies. The speed and ability to wall-perch are all tools you can use to disorientate and dodge attacks. Traverse the Horizon is one of the best mobility tools in the game, owing to its large range and enemies needing to deal 10 damage before being broken. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you need a quick escape, then this ability is a fast option. It can also be canceled mid-way through, preserving your momentum and letting you fling yourself to a safe distance.

Illusions of the Smoke is a good tool for either chip damage or tricking enemies. Tapping E will send out a clone of yourself, allowing you to either teleport to it and/or use it for extra damage. It copies both your primaries and your jumps, and it explodes for damage and slow if it is broken, dealing damage and inhibiting the opponent should they be caught in its AOE. You can also hold E to send out a clone of the nearest teammate, which can confuse the enemy and help a teammate escape easier. Guillotine Blossom is a great crowd-controlling Phinisher, letting Shuriken chip/finish off groups of enemies quickly.

Ultimately, Shuriken’s hyper-aggressive flanking playstyle makes him a very strong and annoying Phighter to go against when in the right hands. Use your abilities to travel quickly across the map, utilizing sneaky angles to get the drop on opponents.

Ability usage

  • As Fast as the Wind
    • If all haste and bounce is lost while in a fight, back off to regenerate. You can still do damage from a distance.
    • Excellent ability to escape encounters and sneak up behind enemies as well as reaching unconventional or difficult to reach areas in the middle of battles.
  • Stars of the Storm
    • Use this ability to kill off low health enemies instead of Stab of the Betrayer to make the most out of its debuffs and extra damage at a later time.
    • Try to hit opponents in the back for more damage.
    • Use the piercing effect of the projectiles on grouped enemies to maximize your damage output.
  • Stab of the Betrayer
    • Try to hit an opponent's back for maximum value.
    • Starting an encounter with this is great to help ensure a kill.
    • If you're low on health, quickly backstabbing someone can help support your team while you run away to regen.
    • You can continue to fire with your primary while this charges.
    • If you are very close to an opponent and they are very low hp, or you need to apply antiheal to secure a kill, you don't need to charge it to the max.
    • The lunge on M2 can be a great tool to escape close encounters.
  • Traverse the Horizon
    • While using Shuriken’s grapple, you can press spacebar to end the grapple early, launching you with your current momentum.
      • Can be useful to get the jump on opponents.
    • If you have your Phinisher, you can grapple cancel to move Shuriken forward slightly during the animation.
    • If you grapple on the edge of a platform, you can quickly grapple cancel to use the momentum to launch yourself high enough to land on the platform.
    • At the start of a round, it's better not to use this ability as it can help get you out of tough situations later on.
  • Illusions of the Smoke
    • Luring people away from others to make them an easier target to teleport to and kill is something the clone executes very well.
    • Teleporting to a clone with Guillotine Blossom active can be a devastating surprise attack if the enemy is unaware of its activation. However, the windup of Illusions of the Smoke can decrease the effectiveness of this strategy by forcing you to lose some larger orbiting shurikens.
    • Exploding clones can deal damage, making them a useful tool to rack up damage against an opponent.
      • If the clone is of Shuriken, the thrown projectiles can deal chip damage to enemies.
  • Guillotine Blossom
    • You can still fire and use abilities while this is active.
    • Activate this in large groups, as the shurikens will swirl and do damage.
      • The visual clutter created from the shurikens will also serve to disguise you.
    • Your shurikens apply antiheal for three seconds. Consider firing them on a mid HP target or a Medkit so they can't heal themselves, even if you can't get a kill.

Counterplay against Shuriken

  • Know when to ignore him and when to attack him. If you aren't immediately needed to win a team fight or can't get away, shoot him.
  • Once his shields are down, use abilities to lower his health and remove As Fast as the Wind. This will typically hinder him enough to make him run away.
  • If you are a ranged character or playing in the back, your priority should be to watch for him and shoot him. He will often be spotted behind you or on the sides.
  • Don't be alone, as this is where he excels. Get teammates to support you and corner him.
  • Any abilities that apply any debuffs should be used against him, if possible.
  • He is very mobile. If fighting against Shuriken in a 1v1, keep track of his cooldowns.


Name Icon Description Reward
shadow sniper kill someone with your phinisher while in the middle of grappling Title - Professional Bhopper





  • Shuri-lóng is a community contributed skin created by KHEVIZY.
    • The skin was one of three winners of the 2023 Festive Skin Contest.

Version history

V0.9.0 - 26 October 2024

  • Now has an animation with SFX on the Phighter selection screen.

V0.9.0 - 22 September 2024

  • All changes made on September 21st were added to public servers.

V0.9.0 - 21 September 2024

In phighting: the zone only:
  • Stars of the Storm
    • Back hit damage lowered from 10 to 9.
  • Traverse the Horizon
    • If there is no target surface, Shuriken will now be launched towards the grapple direction rather than failing the grapple.

V0.8.0 - 26 August 2024

V0.8.0 - 12 August 2024

  • All changes made on August 10th are now in public servers.

V0.8.0 - 10 August 2024

In private servers only:

V0.8.0 - 27 July 2024

V0.8.0 - 23 July 2024

  • Illusions of the Smoke
    • Cloning an ally will now set the clone to base walkspeed.
    • Clone now copies Shuriken's current velocity.

V0.8.0 - 20 July 2024

  • All changes made on July 18th and 19th are now in public servers.

V0.8.0 - 19 July 2024

In private servers only:
  • Illusions of the Smoke
    • Explosion hitbox when recasting is now client-sided.
    • Clone collision hitbox size increased from 3x3x3 studs to 5x5x3 studs.
    • Explosion hitbox size increased from 25x15x25 studs to 25x25x25 studs.
    • BUG FIX: Fixed Shuriken's face disappearing on use.

V0.8.0 - 18 July 2024

In private servers only:
  • Illusions of the Smoke
    • Shuriken's clone now explodes upon touching an enemy.
    • Recasting Illusions of the Smoke no longer teleports Shuriken to the clone's location.
    • Clone no longer copies Stars of the Storm.
    • Removed windup.
    • Invisibility duration lowered from 1 second to 0.5 seconds.
    • Clone's walkspeed increased from 25 to 40.
    • Cooldown reduced from 12 seconds to 10 seconds.
    • Cooldown to recast reduced from 2 seconds to 1 second.
    • Can now be recasted while using Stars of the Storm.

V0.8.0 - 11 July 2024

V0.8.0 - 18 June 2024

  • All changes made on June 16th were added to public servers.

V0.8.0 - 16 June 2024

In private servers only:

V0.8.0 - 24 May 2024

  • Added ability icons.

V0.8.0 - 20 April 2024

V0.8.0 - 6 April 2024

  • All changes made during PHIGHTING! 4 were reverted.
  • As Fast as the Wind
    • Adjusted Y-force on perch jump to make up for the new gravity change (from 18 to 15).

PHIGHTING! 4 - 1 April 2024

  • Renamed from "Shuriken" to "genji".
  • Visually reworked to reference Genji from Overwatch.
  • Now has a unique splash screen that appears behind Shuriken when activating his Phinisher.

V0.8.0 - 27 March 2024

V0.8.0 - 15 March 2024

V0.8.0 - 12 March 2024

V0.8.0 - 10 March 2024

V0.8.0 - 29 February 2024

  • The Shuri-Lóng skin was added to the game.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where the beams on Shuri-Lóng would not color properly and would be slow to react and move.

V0.7.0 - 31 January 2024

  • Optimized effects.

V0.7.0 - 29 January 2024

  • Stars of the Storm
    • Projectile lifetime reduced from 5 seconds to 0.3 seconds.
    • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where charging this ability would end too fast.

V0.7.0 - 7 January 2024

  • Adjusted the "shadow sniper" badge.

V0.7.0 - 6 January 2024

  • The "shadow sniper" badge condition was changed from "kill an enemy with primary from over 300 studs away" to "kill someone with your phinisher while in the middle of grappling".

V0.7.0 - 8 November 2023

  • As Fast as the Wind
    • You can now press space next to a wall to perch onto it at any time.
  • Illusions of the Smoke
    • The clone will now copy Shuriken's jumps rather than jumping automatically.
    • Holding E will cause the clone to appear as the nearest ally.
    • Using Stars of the Storm while the clone is active (and only if the clone is of Shuriken) will cause the clone to stop moving and throw shuriken in the same direction as the player.
      • The clone's shuriken only deals 5 damage.
    • Fixed the wrong variable being used to detect whether E is tapped or held.

V0.6.0 - 8 October 2023

  • Added 17 new lines of dialogue.

V0.6.0 - 7 October 2023

  • Updated UI and dialogue.

V0.6.0 - 11 September 2023

V0.6.0 - 11 August 2023

V0.6.0 - 9 August 2023

  • As Fast as the Wind
    • Recharge time increased from 3 seconds to 5 seconds.
  • Stars of the Storm
    • Antiheal duration decreased from 1 second to 0.5 seconds.
  • Stab of the Betrayer
    • Max push force decreased from 30 to 20.
    • Backstab Antiheal duration decreased from 4 seconds to 3 seconds.
    • Backstab Slow duration decreased from 4 seconds to 3 seconds.
  • Illusions of the Smoke
    • Slow and Bound duration decreased from 3 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Guillotine Blossom
    • Spinning damage decreased from 15 to 12.
    • Spinning Antiheal duration decreased from 3 seconds to 2 seconds.
    • NEW EFFECT: Spinning damage no longer registers in the first 0.25 seconds of the shuriken spawning.
    • Maximum spin speed decreased from 7 to 5.
    • Spin speed now starts at 5 rather than starting at 2 and gradually increasing to its maximum.

V0.6.0 - 18 July 2023

  • The Shurifin skin was added to the game.
    • Shurifin's sound effects are now quieter.

V0.5.0 - 14 July 2023

V0.5.0 - 11 July 2023

V0.5.0 - 10 July 2023

  • As Fast as the Wind
  • Stars of the Storm
      • Now deals 2 bonus damage if hit from behind.
      • Now applies Antiheal for 2 seconds if hit from behind.
    • Slow penalty reduced from 30% to 25%.
    • Bound penalty reduced from 40% to 35%.
    • Projectile speed increased from 10 to 12.
  • Stab of the Betrayer
      • Now applies Antiheal for 4 seconds if hit from behind.
      • Now applies 20% Slow for 3 seconds if hit from the front.
    • Backstab Slow increased from 25% to 30%.
    • BUG FIX: Can now hit multiple targets again.
  • Traverse the Horizon
    • NEW EFFECT: Can now jump while grappling to cancel it, retaining its momentum.
    • Perch force adjusted to allow Shuriken to climb above obstacles.
  • Illusions of the Smoke
    • NEW EFFECT: Shuriken and his clone now become invisible for 1 second upon finishing the cast time.
  • Guillotine Blossom
      • Spinning shuriken now apply 2 seconds of Antiheal.
      • Thrown shuriken now apply 4 seconds of Antiheal.

V0.5.0 - 21 June 2023

V0.5.0 - 11 June 2023

V0.5.0 - 9 June 2023

V0.5.0 - 25 May 2023

V0.5.0 - 13 May 2023

  • Stars of the Storm
    • Cooldown increased from 0.3 seconds to 0.35 seconds.
    • Time between charges increased from 0.23 seconds to 0.3 seconds.
    • Slow and Bound penalty increased from 20% to 40%.

V0.5.0 - 30 April 2023

V0.5.0 - 25 April 2023

  • Traverse the Horizon
    • BUG FIX: FPS no longer affects dash speed.
    • REMOVED: Can no longer perch on ceilings.

V0.5.0 - 18 April 2023

  • Stars of the Storm
    • Damage increased from 7 to 8.
  • Stab of the Betrayer
      • Can now be held for up to 1 second. Holding for at least 0.5 seconds performs a dash, damaging the first enemy hit.
      • Now only damages the first enemy hit.
      • Can no longer be used while perched.
    • Backstab damage reduced from 30 to 25.
    • Cooldown increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds.

V0.5.0 - 16 April 2023

  • Shuriken has received an updated voice sound.
  • The "shadow sniper" badge was added to the game.
  • Stars of the Storm
      • Shuriken can now hold a charged shot for up to 5 seconds.
      • Shuriken now self-applies 20% Slow and Bound while charging and holding a charged shot.
    • Damage reduced from 10 to 7.
    • Charge time reduced from 1 second to 0.8 seconds.
    • Charged fire rate reduced from 0.1 seconds to 0.05 seconds.
    • BUG FIXES:
      • Improved hit detection for normal and charged shots.
      • No longer consumes 4 ammo on charged shots instead of 3.
      • No longer goes through Boombox's Protecting Overtone.
  • Stab of the Betrayer
    • NEW EFFECT: Now damages through Shield on backstab.
    • Hitbox size increased.
    • Improved backstab registration.
    • Slow increased from 25% to 30%.
  • Traverse the Horizon
    • Range reduced from 250 studs to 200 studs.
  • Illusions of the Smoke
    • Clone lifetime increased from 8 seconds to 12 seconds.
    • Explosion range increased.
    • Slow increased from 25% to 30%.

V0.5.0 - 15 April 2023

26 November 2022

  • Shuriken was revealed to the public.
  • An unobtainable badge titled 'shuriken badge' was added to the game.


SwordSkateboardBiograftKatanaBan Hammer
MedkitBoomboxSubspaceVine StaffCoil
Broker DollDomGhosdeeriGraffitiLightbloxLord Pwnatious "Moneybags" the IIIMx. BotPaint BuckétRainbeauRogerSpray PaintThe BrokerThe DollmakerTrafficValkVoid StarZuka
CarnageDuckyFather OverseerGravSparklesUmbrellaUniWarp