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Hoverboard is an unlockable skin for Skateboard. It can be obtained by speaking to its NPC on the balcony of the blue building to the left of the bridge to Lost Temple for 30,000 Bux.

Hoverboard was released on 18 April 2022, at the end of the Fried vs. Scrambled Phestival for the winning team, and depicts Skateboard wearing a futuristic set of armour fit with a helmet covering his entire face, sharp shoulder plates and neon strips decorating his helmet, chestplace, leggings and arms. This skin alters Skateboard's sounds, but not his dialogue, animations or effects.


Snowboard is an unlockable skin for Skateboard. It can be obtained by speaking to its NPC at the bus stop at the end of the bridge to Blackrock for 40,000 Bux.

Snowboard was released on 4 January 2023, during the Rave vs. Relax Phestival. This skin depicts Skateboard in a puffy long-sleeved jacket with fluff around the neck and wrists and a large zipper down the middle. This skin also gives Skateboard a pair of heavy snowboarding pants with two red lines down each leg. He wears a beanie on his head along with a pair of snowboard goggles. When using SWITCH!!, it will play a sound similar to walking on crunchy snow. When using PUSH IT!! on the board, he leaves a trail of white snow with an audible sound of wind rushing past accompanied by the same sound effect as getting on board. His other effects are the same as default but is now a lighter shade of red.


Egobworder is an unlockable skin for Skateboard. It can be obtained by speaking to its NPC on a small balcony behind the dark green building directly to the right of the Lost Temple sign for 45,000 Bux. Egobworder was released on 3 November 2023, during the Possessed vs. Bitten Phestival. This skin depicts Skateboard in a full set of medieval armor, fit with cyan trimmings and two feather decorations on his left shoulder. His helmet covers his face entirely, a large cyan plume extruding from the top of it. Egobworder's skateboard is replaced with a black-bladed sword with a grey handle, a glowing cyan line down the middle of it, stopping right before a cyan gem just above the crossguard. The name "Bworder" comes from a portmanteau of the words board and sword.

When using SWING IT!!, the slashes turn a cyan color and the sound that plays is a deep, echoey whisper accompanied by a sort of hitting sound. When using BASH 'EM!!, it bashes the player and an echo plays accompanied by a slashing sword kind of sound. When using RUN!!, it plays a deep, echoey sound similar to someone dashing forward, while knocking over something. The ability also leaves a cyan, swirl behind him. When using SWITCH!!, it plays a sound similar to a sword being unsheathed and hitting a shield. When using KICK 'EM!!, it'll play a sound similar to a twirling sword. The effect is two cyan rings with some diamonds embedded into them. When using SWITCH!! and getting off the board, a cyan slash appears and a sound, similar to a muted gong sound, is played.

When doing tricks on his board, a sound, similar to a sort of wheeze with some clashing metal, plays. When landing on the ground after a trick, a sound of landing on metal plays. Behind him, a trail of cyan swirls follow. When using THE COOL, RAD, COFFIN!!, the normal animation plays, but the dash effect is replaced with many inphernals holding flags. As he dashes past them, a whirling noise plays accompanied by drums and ending it off with some horns.

SwordSkateboardBiograftKatanaBan Hammer
MedkitBoomboxSubspaceVine StaffCoil
Broker DollDomGhosdeeriGraffitiLightbloxLord Pwnatious "Moneybags" the IIIMx. BotPaint BuckétRainbeauRogerSpray PaintThe BrokerThe DollmakerTrafficValkVoid StarZuka
CarnageDuckyFather OverseerGravSparklesUmbrellaUniWarp