Space Knights
Space Knights is a map in PHIGHTING!.
Space Knights is a fairly open and large map set in a space environment. Players spawn on opposite sides of the map, behind a bridge sitting above a large ravine, which separates the main area from the spawn. Crystals and cubical structures, which can be used for cover, are scattered across the environment. The center of the map features a large blue spiral structure in the middle of a dip in the terrain. This area is very open, with players having to retreat to the outer edges for safety. On opposite sides of the central area are spacious caverns that players can use to approach from a different direction or to find shelter.
Space Knights is set within the location of the original game - the map consists of a celestial environment, on the surface of an astral body surrounded by other planetoids and large, floating debris. The center of the map features the sacred Space Kingdom Core, a blue neon sphere, suspended within a glowing helix. The core is prone to attacks from external threats, necessatating its defense from the Space Knights. There is evidence of their activity within the map - there are several posters detailing the evolutions of the invading species from numerous tours, as well as a status tracker for five Knights, located within the caverns in the middle of the map.
The landscape is bare and rocky, sparsely decorated with clusters of fluorescent crystals, and dominated by the craggy faces of the cliffs surrounding the central area. However, the area is also host to numerous primitive structures: buildings, bridges, and low walls, all constructed from blocks, are evidence of activity from the titular Space Knights.
V0.6.0 - 19 July 2023
Intro shot.
Spawn area for each team featuring fortifications.
Main bridge connecting each spawn to the central area.
Central area which contains the Conquer zone.
Cave system found on the sides of the map, connecting each spawn to the central area and providing cover as well as a flank route.
One of 2 towers overlooking the central area.
V0.5.0 - 22 April 2023
Thumbnail image.
Full thumbnail image.
Playtest 4 - 28 October 2022
Thumbnail image.
Full thumbnail image.
A view of the exterior area.
Old thumbnail image.
Full old thumbnail image.
- This map is based on the 2013 game, Space Knights! by RaceToTheBottom.
- All sounds in this map have reverb, which is more noticeable with loud sound effects such as Biograft's Echo Execution siren.
Version history
8 October 2022
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