The Bog Timez:Recaps/27 July 2024

  • Heretic Katana will have extra effects and the waist jacket will be animated like sword's cape
  • Valk's wings are tiny because it's funny
  • If someone were to throw Broker into a fire for a couple of seconds he wouldn't feel anything
  • Boombox and Sparkles wouldn't mind each other's company, they're both extroverted
  • Sword doesn't have a protagonist nickname, he's just Sword
  • Some phighters with remodels will gradually get darker skin tones
* The plan right now is to introduce the remodels with new crossroads and that's not gonna be for a long time, but some of them will get changes sooner (no specification)
  • Vine Staff doesn't like Scythe, she thinks Scythe is very creepy
* Scythe is quite literally threatening to scalp her and hang her head up on a wall
  • If you completely remove a demon's horns they will die, carving is simply removing or reshaping the horns it doesn't affect the base
  • Medkit doesn't have much of a choice to "hang out" with Broker or Scythe
  • Scythe and Broker are really good friends
  • Hyperlaser and Katana don't know what each other's faces look like
  • Yogurt is ceased to exist (the scaler dummy)
* They're using Sword and Ban Hammer as scale dummies now
  • Settings dummy will be replaced by Mx. Bot
  • Scythe doesn't hate Medkit, she's just his boss
  • They has been intentionally not drawing Skateboard
* They wanted to do more drawing of him when he gets his redesign
  • Vine Staff is polite to Katana, she doesn't want to bother him
  • IceDagger doesn't melt when Firebrand touches him, he's not made of ice