The Bog Timez:Recaps/29 March 2024
- Seraphlaser and Hoverboard will be heavily redesigned
* A lot of old skins will still get remodels * The list of skins to remodel include: Marshmellow Sword, Hoverboard, Floatie Biograft, PJ Rocket, Seraphlaser, Pirate Medkit, Exorspace, and maybe Biocarved
- They will probably adjust Seraphlaser's gun, but they thought it being really big is funny
- Seraphlaser will NOT be getting eyelashes
- Sci-Fi sword isn't getting touched since it was the first ever skin
- The dev skins (Catshot, Buster Rocket, and 7mk0) are also not getting touched since they are gifts
- Soda describe's Officer Bloxxer/Mike Schmidt as "a non-canon, self insert of someone"
- As of the time this stream happened, Medkit's apartment was already finished in the new Crossroads
- Windforce's model was finished off stream
- Subspace would smell like "probably nothing good"
- Subspace doesn't use his instant kill poison because you can't just go around and kill people
- In hand-to-hand combat, Rocket would probably beat Sword due to his mech arm
- In canon, the runes on Seraphlaser are a language, but since they don't want to make a whole language they are just random squiggles for us
- Soda thinks the graffiti submissions of Phighters are cool, but they are more looking for things that would exist in a city