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The Broker


The Broker is an NPC in PHIGHTING!.




The Broker has two large dark teal horns that curve backwards and upwards. His right eye is white and made out of glass.[5] His functioning eye has a small scar above it. He has teal blush under both eyes. He wears a teal suit with a darker teal tie underneath a navy blue vest. He has bright blue pockets on the vest, teal buttons, and navy blue shoes. He also has folded backwards sleeves near the hands, and his right wrist has a broken chain and cuff on it. Underneath his clothes, his body is covered with several stitches.


The Broker is an individual who, despite initially coming across as jovial and light-hearted, is considered dangerous[6] and manipulative[7]. He has little to no sense of morals, instead preferring to align himself with whichever side of a conflict would benefit him more.[8] He has a habit of stalking other inphernals, particularly those who can grant him useful information[9]. He does not appreciate other factions meddling in his business[10], and has a dislike for bootlickers[11]. While he tends to talk in a friendly manner to most Phighters, it is soon apparent that he has ulterior motives in a majority of interactions, such as when prepositioning Shuriken for a job offer.

He has a particular hatred for Katana, dropping his usual 'jolly' façade to threaten Katana through the phone. Despite his typically exaggerated displays of joviality or threats of violence, he is demonstrably frightened by Ban Hammer[12] - notably panicking when Ban Hammer is the one to call him.

Despite his overall demeanor, he appears to have genuine fondness for his boss, Scythe, as well as Zuka[13].


The Broker is an acolyte of the The Church of the TRUE EYE, a cult that worships a deity. He refers to it as "the family." He, Medkit, and Scythe work together for the cult. Whatever money he makes goes towards the cult.[14] Ban Hammer has hunted him down and arrested him multiple times, only for him to escape.[15] He is wanted for murder, among other crimes.[16] Ban Hammer has tried executing The Broker, but failed.[17]

He is unable to feel physical pain as a result of nerve damage.[18] The nerve damage started off as a medical condition[19] that he always had,[20] but worsened[19] due to the modification[21] of his body.

The Broker's gear is what allows him to spy on people.[22]


Ban Hammer

The Broker despises Ban Hammer. The feeling is mutual.[13] Ban Hammer also makes him nervous.[12]


The Broker believes Coil has potential and would make a great addition to the cult, but thinks he's stupid for repeatedly stealing from Blackrock.[23]


The Broker is not fond of Hyperlaser due to his job.[11]


The Broker despises Katana to an unnatural degree, calling him a 'filthy traitor' and threatening to kill him over the phone.


Medkit and The Broker are coworkers, but they are not friends.[24]


The Broker considers Rocket a friend, but the feeling is not mutual. Rocket dislikes The Broker.[13]


The Broker and Scythe are very close friends.


The Broker doesn't think he would be able to work with Skateboard, and thinks of him as a 'brute'.[25]

The Swords

The Broker does not believe in The Swords, calling them "fake gods".[26]


The Broker met Zuka at a low point in his life and is quite thankful for him. Zuka is also The Broker's coworker. Although The Broker considers Zuka a friend, the relationship is one-sided.[13]


The Broker's dialogue can be found over on The Broker/Dialogue!


The Broker's gallery can be found over on The Broker/Gallery!


  • The Broker is based on the c: face.[4]
  • Starting from V0.5.0, The Broker was removed from Crossroads. He can now be found in a cage seen in the intro shot of Banland.
    • During the Violets vs. Roses Phestival, he was moved across the lobby each patch. At the end of the Phestival, he was moved to an area underneath the Lost Temple bridge.
    • During the Possessed vs. Bitten Phestival, he again was moved with each patch. At the end of the Phestival, he left and instead talked from a phone in Da Shop.
  • He was the first character whose used name does not match that of something from older Roblox.
  • The Broker would be very good at chess if he played seriously, as his manipulation would give him the advantage.[27]
    • If The Broker and Medkit played chess together, it would be a 50/50 chance either would win.[28]
  • The Broker would probably eat raw meat.[29]
  • The Broker has stitches across his entire body, including what appears to be vivisection scars on his abdomen. He notably has stitches around his neck, on account of Ban Hammer beheading him once.[30]
    • He evidently did not succeed.


  1. Soda in boggio community November 7 2022 (Link) | Image) - "broker is 5'7 and venomshank is 7' btw!!!!"
  2. aidn in boggio community 10 October 2022 (Link) | Image) - "broker - 42"
  3. aidn in boggio community, 10 October 2022 (Link) | Image) - "the broker - september 17th"
  4. 4.0 4.1 @soda-stuff on Tumblr, 16 July 2023 (Link) | Image) - "is broker based off something or is he just a insane rat you made at one point because you were bored?" "he has a gear! Though it hasn't been shown yet he's also based on this face"
  5. @soda-stuff on Tumblr, 23 May 2023 (Link | Image) - "is the broker actually missing an eye? or is one just fucked up" "its a glass eye, he only has 1 functioning eye"
  6. @soda-stuff on Tumblr, 22 October 2023 ( Link | Image ) - "Is broker actually dangerous or [...]" "Dangerous"
  7. @soda-stuff on Tumblr, 6 December 2023 ( Link | Image ) - "How would you describe Brokers personality?" "Manipulative girlboss"
  8. @soda-stuff on Tumblr, 6 December 2023 ( Link | Image ) - "Where— in terms of morality, do you think [Broker] lays?" "Whichever side is more convenient for him"
  9. @soda-stuff on Tumblr, 20 October 2023 ( Link | Image ) - "how does broker/ghosdeeri know so much about the lore?" "Broker is just really good at stalking the right people"
  10. @soda-stuff on Tumblr, 6 December 2023 ( Link | Image ) - "How would you describe [Broker's] relationship with Blackrock?" "Doesn’t particularly care for them, just wants the other regions to stay out of his business."
  11. 11.0 11.1 @soda-stuff on Tumblr, 6 December 2023 (Link | Image) - "Is his hatred for Hyperlaser justified?" "He doesn’t hate Hyperlaser, he’s just not fond of bootlickers"
  12. 12.0 12.1 @soda-stuff on Tumblr, 6 December 2023 (Link | Image) - "Is he actually scared of Banhammer, or is he just fucking around?" "Banhammer makes him nervous"
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 Version 3 of the relationship chart
  14. @soda-stuff on Tumblr, 5 December 2023 (Link | Image) - "AWESOME OKAY HI AGAIN FRIEND IS ASKING HOW MUCH MONEY BROKER HAS DOES HE EVEN HAVE MONEY...IS HE RICH??" "everything he makes goes to his family"
  15. @soda-stuff on Tumblr, 19 October 2023 (Link | Image) - "2- if Broker has been arrested a few times, how does he escape? Does Ban Hammer trap him??" "not even banhammer knows"
  16. Soda in boggio community Discord, 29 December 2024 (Link | Image) - "hi, is broker still wanted for murder" "among other things yes"
  17. @soda-stuff on Tumblr, 20 December 2023 (Link | Image) "Why doesn’t Banhammer just.. yknow, kill Broker? It’d be so much easier than chasing him down every time he escapes" "Oh trust me he's tried"
  18. @soda-stuff on Tumblr, 13 July 2023 (Link | Image) - "any silly fact about broker?" "he cant feel physical pain due to nerve damage"
  19. 19.0 19.1 @soda-stuff on Tumblr, 22 October 2023 (Link Image) - "adding on to my previous broker nerve damage question from your response,, is it a medical condition like cipa? or is it its own thing? and if its "worse" now,, what does that entail,," "Started as a medical condition, then he fucked up his own body"
  20. @soda-stuff on Tumblr, 22 October 2023(Link | Image) - "since broker can't feel physical pain due to nerve damage,, could he feel physical pain before,, was he tortured or something,," "No he was just always like that, though, its worse nowadays"
  21. @soda-stuff on Tumblr, 14 July 2023 (Link | Image) - "And, has the broker's body been changed?(Because I saw a scar on the broker's neck in your painting, and you said that the broker's nerve connection was not good)" "As for Broker…I don’t want to say too much about him yet but yes, his body is severely modified"
  22. Soda in boggio community, 17 December 2023 (Link | Image) - "Is it true that the reason why Broker knows so much about people / can spy on people is because of his gear" "This is correct"
  23. Broker QnA 2024, 17 September 2024 ( Link ) - "Broker what is your opinion on coil?" "Ahh yes, the little firecracker Iv'e been hearing so much about! I suppose Banny's list of pests keeps growing by the day, eh? I think the little underdog shows great potential! Not to mention, He's been a real thorn for Blackrock to deal with! Any demon that wants to keep all their limbs intact knows to stay away from Blackrock, Especially as of recently. So for someone to steal from them repeatedly WITHOUT getting caught... Well, I can't tell if he's just plain stupid or suicidal! I think he'd make a great addition to our family!"
  24. @soda-stuff on Tumblr, 21 October 2023 (Link | Image) - "Zuka and Broker are very close friends and Broker is also close friends with Medkit? I imagine that someone who has the broker as an enemy probably has to sleep with one eye open lol (subspace lmaooo)" "Broker and Medkit are coworkers but i wouldn't say they're friends"
  25. Broker QnA 2024, 17 September 2024 ( Link ) - "Broker how did you know Skateboard was hiding Coil, and would you ever, or have you worked with him?" "A demon never reveals her secrets! And oh gosh, I don't think I'd ever be able to work with such a brute! I'd much rather stick to the classier demons, thank you very much!"
  26. Broker QnA 2024, 17 September 2024 ( Link ) - "Hey Broker, what do you think of the SFoTHs?" "I don't believe in fake gods."
  27. @soda-stuff on Tumblr, 12 July 2023 (Link | Image) - "odd question, but who do you think out of the phighters would be the best at chess?" "probably broker, he knows how to play the best mind games if he's willing to play seriously" "also he eats the pieces"
  28. @soda-stuff on Tumblr, 19 October 2023 (Link | Image) - "we need chess competition of Medkit vs Broker, and if that was the case, WHO WOULD WIN???" "50/50 win"
  29. @soda-stuff on Tumblr, 13 July 2023 (Link | Image) - "do banhammer and/or broker eat raw meat" "Yea probably, I think banhammer thinks of himself a little more sophisticated than broker though so he just eats it on a skewer. It’s still raw tho"
  30. Soda in boggio community, 9 November 2024 (Link | Image) - "wait so youre telling me banhammer tried to behead broker and she fucking survived" "yes"

SwordSkateboardBiograftKatanaBan Hammer
MedkitBoomboxSubspaceVine StaffCoil
Broker DollDomGhosdeeriGraffitiLightbloxLord Pwnatious "Moneybags" the IIIMx. BotPaint BuckétRainbeauRogerSpray PaintThe BrokerThe DollmakerTrafficValkVoid StarZuka
CarnageDuckyFather OverseerGravSparklesUmbrellaUniWarp