User:Capricus Sonus


Study me under a microscope

One time i recorded lots of sound effects ! wiki couldnt use them though bc of the format or curses or smth. u can have them if u want though
now i write descriptions mostly its all i good 4 i guesss
I also play piano and draw ! It's really cool ! Thank you for researching me !

Relics & Ancient Tomes

Research the warriors


Get them HERE!!! (this is OUTDATED!!!)

Biologically Secure Containment Zone


Frolicking Status

This user is frolicking in the fields RIGHT NOW!!!
This user is frolicking in the fields RIGHT NOW!!!
This user is frolicking in the fields RIGHT NOW!!!
This user is frolicking in the fields RIGHT NOW!!!
This user is frolicking in the fields RIGHT NOW!!!
This user is frolicking in the fields RIGHT NOW!!!
This user is frolicking in the fields RIGHT NOW!!!
This user is frolicking in the fields RIGHT NOW!!!
This user is frolicking in the fields RIGHT NOW!!!