Custom information
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Hello there. I am Speciality811, I have relatively recently joined Miraheze, so I am still learning how to properly edit and such. I'll try to be as useful as I can.

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I am 16 years old by the way. So I've still got a long way to go I suppose..

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If I mess up anything; please do forgive me, it is not on purpose, I am still learning how to use Miraheze coding.

Other information

Mostly just action or thriller. I don't really have a favorite genre to be honest.


It's pretty diverse, but I like Tame Impala, combat OSTs and similar genres.


1984, Fahrenheit 451. Yes, I know.

Video games

Roblox, Payday 2, Hitman trilogy, etc.


It's hard to describe, but I guess fast food is more favorable then most other food. I'm not too picky but neither am I too lenient.


Water, tea, coffee, soda, doesn't matter.