Vine Staff/Dialogue: Difference between revisions

abcd... I forgot
(abcd... I forgot)
Line 10:
* "Am I the only one thinking we should have a plan?"
* "Don't distance yourself from me if you need healing!"
* "Hope nobody has allergies."
* "Hope you're ready for a few thorns!"
* "Let nature nurture you."
Line 17 ⟶ 18:
* "This should be a breeze!"
* "Up and at 'em!"
* "Hope nobody has allergies."
* "At last, I can finally relax."
* "How do plants even grow in a place like this?"
* "This place needs some more vegetation..."
* "Is there a chair nearby? I need a second to sit."
* "At last, I can finally relax."
* "I don't have to tend anyone here, right?"
* "Is there a chair nearby? I need a second to sit."
* "This place is looking quite dull."
* "This place needs some more vegetation..."
'''Ally [[SwordBan Hammer]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|VineBan StaffHammer<br>SwordVine Staff|"AnAin't explodingit ishaving thatsuch safea cool power?"<br>"DonIf you were in my shoes, you'td be tired of everyone asking thinkfor sohealing."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Sword<br>Vine Staff<br>Sword|"I'm not used to working with another healer."<br>"You look like the type of person who would always need to have one."<br>"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?"}}
'''Ally [[BoomboxBiograft]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>SwordBiograft<br>Vine Staff<br>Biograft|"PayBeep attentionboop!"<br>"WHY toARE whereYOU yourMAKING swordTHESE swings.SOUNDS?"<br>"Might've...I cutthink aI fewsaw sproutsit alreadyon a show once!"<br>"I SEE. BEEP BOOP."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>SwordBiograft<br>Vine Staff|"PinningDo someonerobots withdream aof swordelectric must hurt the victim fair amount.sheep?"<br>"It's probably fine!WHAT?"<br>"...ProbablyWhat?"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>SwordBiograft<br>Vine Staff<br>Biograft|"PleaseHow makeshould sureI toapproach nothealing geta caughtrobot?"<br>"WE inARE yourABLE ownTO sword'sBE explosionHEALED THE SAME WAY EVERYONE CAN. THROUGH ARTIFICIAL FLESH."<br>"I've...Those doneare thissome adark bunchand ofmysterious times!implications."<br>"BEEP I got it!BOOP."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Biograft<br>Vine Staff|"What's theare planyour forthoughts todayon plants?"<br>"ELIMINATEPOINTLESS."<br>"Perhaps IWHY shouldCARE createFOR aTHINGS planTHAT withONLY someoneWITHER elseAND ROT AWAY?"<br>"...Are you always like this?"}}
'''Ally [[Skateboard]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>SkateboardBiograft<br>Vine Staff|"DoWhat youare haveyour athoughts planon in mindplants?"<br>"Nope!THEY Let'sMUST BE DESTROYED."<br>"What a justone godimensional withpoint theof flow!view."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Skateboard<br>Vine Staff<br>SkateboardBiograft<br>Vine Staff|"ReadyWhat's tothe seeplan somefor sick tricks!today?"<br>"Yes,ELIMINATE."<br>"Perhaps I amshould prepared,create homie.a Didplan Iwith saysomeone that correctly?"<br>"Err, not reallyelse..."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>SkateboardBiograft|"MakeYou're surequite youfragile, don'tmake getsure caughtto income theto centerme ofwhenever combatyou're low."<br>"Sounds good!AFFIRMATIVE."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Skateboard<br>Vine Staff|"This weapon of yours is quite interesting."<br>"I wouldn't call it a weapon, it's a lot radder than that!"<br>"'Radder?' What does that mean?"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Skateboard|"Your dialect is a bit confusing to understand."<br>"The heck's that s'pose to mean?"}}
'''Ally [[BiograftBoombox]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Biograft<br>Vine Staff<br>BiograftBoombox|"BeepBe boop!"<br>"WHYcareful AREof YOUany MAKINGenemies THESEwho SOUNDS?"<br>"...Iwill thinkambush Iyou sawwhile ityour onshield ais show once!down."<br>"I'll SEE.keep BEEPmy BOOP.eyes open!"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Biograft<br>Vine StaffBoombox|"WhatI arequite yourenjoy thoughtsmusic onduring plants?combat."<br>"POINTLESS.Good WHYto CARE FOR THINGS THAT ONLY WITHER AND ROT AWAY?"<br>"...Arehear youthat alwayssomeone likeenjoys this?it!"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Biograft<br>Vine StaffBoombox|"WhatThank areyou yourfor thoughtsshielding onus, plants?"<br>"THEY MUST BE DESTROYEDBoombox."<br>"WhatThat's amy one dimensional point of view.job!"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Biograft<br>Vine Staff|"What's the plan for today?"<br>"ELIMINATE."<br>"Perhaps I should create a plan with someone else..."}}
'''Ally [[Hyperlaser]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>BiograftHyperlaser|"You'reBe quitecareful fragile,for makeany sureflankers, to come to me whenever you're lowplease."<br>"AFFIRMATIVEWill do."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Biograft<br>Vine StaffHyperlaser|"DoCould robotsyou dreampick ofout electricany sheeplow health targets?"<br>"WHAT?"<br>"What?Sounds like a plan."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Hyperlaser|"Keep your eyes on the flanks."<br>"Alright."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Biograft<br>Vine Staff<br>Biograft|"How should I approach healing a robot?"<br>"WE ARE ABLE TO BE HEALED THE SAME WAY EVERYONE CAN. THROUGH ARTIFICIAL FLESH."<br>"...Those are some dark and mysterious implications."<br>"BEEP BOOP."}}
'''Ally [[Katana]] - Chat'''
Line 89 ⟶ 85:
''' Ally [[Medkit]] - Chat'''
'''Ally [[Ban Hammer]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|BanVine HammerStaff<br>Vine StaffMedkit|"Ain'tShooting itallies funto havingheal suchthem... ais coolthat powerhealthy?"<br>"IfOf youcourse were in my shoes, you'd be tired of everyone asking forit healingis."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Medkit<br>Vine Staff|"Two healers? Is this necessary?"<br>"I don't think so, maybe you should resign."<br>"I have no plan to."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Medkit|"Woah! You're just like me!"<br>"Another healer? I haven't seen one of those in a long time."}}
Line 108 ⟶ 107:
'''Ally [[SlingshotScythe]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Scythe<br>Vine Staff<br>SlingshotScythe<br>Vine Staff<br>Slingshot|"CouldA little birdie told me you're watchone forof anythe incomingfew flankers?blessed."<br>"SoundsBlessed? likeThis arm is a plan!curse, I don't see anything "blessed" about it."<br>"SpecificallyIt's a hoodedmatter oneof perspective, watchdear. outI fordon't thatsuppose oneyou'd be open to... External assistance?"<br>"GotNo! itYou and your creepy family can buzz off!"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Scythe<br>Vine Staff<br>SlingshotScythe|"ThinkEvenin' youflowers."<br>"Don't can teachcall me tothat! float?I know who you are, I'm not stupid."<br>"WithSo thoseaggressive! kicksI you gotlike on? Probably notthat."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>SlingshotScythe<br>Vine Staff<br>Scythe|"WhatI'sm yournot plan?sure how I feel about assisting a wanted criminal."<br>"AnnoyWhy? What'em ass muchnot asto possible!like~?"<br>"Fascinating,Everything."<br>"Oh thatI'm could work.wounded!"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|SlingshotScythe<br>Vine Staff<br>Scythe|"What'sI thethink planyour horns would make for dinnera fabulous addition to my wall."<br>"W-what?"<br>"Please stay focusedNothin'."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|SlingshotVine Staff<br>Scythe<br>Vine Staff<br>Scythe|"ThinkKeep Iyour mightdistance."<br>"So paranoid, I'vem usedonly thetrying wrongto toothbrushprotect thisour!"<br>"I hopecan ittake wasn'tcare mine.of myself."<br>"We'll see about that, flowers."}}
'''Ally [[Hyperlaser]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Hyperlaser|"Keep your eyes on the flanks."<br>"Alright."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Hyperlaser|"Be careful for any flankers, please."<br>"Will do."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Hyperlaser|"Could you pick out any low health targets?"<br>"Sounds like a plan."}}
'''Ally [[Shuriken]] - Chat'''
Line 137 ⟶ 125:
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Shuriken<br>Vine Staff|"Did you remember to brush your teeth today?"<br>"Uhh, there's someone who needs healing behind you!"<br>"What? Where?"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Shuriken|"Go in with caution, I don't want to find you all wounded again."<br>"I'll try my best, sis!"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Shuriken<br>Vine Staff<br>Shuriken|"Hey! Wanna see who can get the most kills!"<br>"This is not the time for games, Shuri."<br>"Aw..."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Shuriken|"GoPrepare infor with caution, I don't want to find you all wounded again.trouble!"<br>"I'll tryAnd mymake best,it sisdouble!"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Shuriken|"Stick with the plan, Shuri."<br>"What was the plan again?"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Shuriken|"Stop running away from me when you want healing!"<br>"Sorry! Can't help myself."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Shuriken|"Prepare for trouble!"<br>"And make it double!"}}
'''Ally [[ScytheSlingshot]] - Chat'''
''' Ally [[Medkit]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>MedkitSlingshot<br>Vine Staff<br>Slingshot|"TwoCould healers?you Iswatch thisfor necessaryany incoming flankers?"<br>"ISounds don'tlike thinka soplan!"<br>"Specifically a hooded one, maybewatch youout shouldfor resignthat one."<br>"IGot have no plan!"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine StaffSlingshot<br>MedkitVine Staff|"ShootingThink alliesI tomight've healused them...the iswrong thattoothbrush healthy?this morning."<br>"OfI coursehope it iswasn't mine..."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>MedkitSlingshot|"Woah!Think You'reyou justcan liketeach me! to float?"<br>"AnotherWith healer?those Ikicks haven'tyou seengot one of those in aon? longProbably timenot."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Slingshot<br>Vine Staff|"What's your plan?"<br>"Annoy 'em as much as possible!"<br>"Fascinating, that could work."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Slingshot<br>Vine Staff|"What's the plan for dinner?"<br>"Please stay focused."}}
'''Ally [[Skateboard]] - Chat'''
'''Ally [[Boombox]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>BoomboxSkateboard|"IDo quiteyou enjoyhave musica duringplan mind?"<br>"GoodNope! toLet's hearjust thatgo someonewith enjoysthe itflow!"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>BoomboxSkateboard|"ThankMake sure you fordon't shieldingget us,caught Boomboxin the center of combat."<br>"That's mySounds jobgood!"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Skateboard<br>Vine Staff<br>BoomboxSkateboard|"BeReady carefulto ofsee anysome enemiessick whotricks!"<br>"Yes, willI ambusham youprepared, whilehomie. yourDid shieldI issay down.that correctly?"<br>"I'llErr, keepnot my eyes open!really."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Skateboard<br>Vine Staff|"This weapon of yours is quite interesting."<br>"I wouldn't call it a weapon, it's a lot radder than that!"<br>"'Radder?' What does that mean?"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Skateboard|"Your dialect is a bit confusing to understand."<br>"The heck's that s'pose to mean?"}}
'''Ally [[Subspace]] - Chat'''
Line 185 ⟶ 178:
'''Ally [[Ban HammerSword]] - Chat'''
'''Ally [[Scythe]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>HyperlaserSword|"BeAn carefulexploding forsword... anyis flankers,that"<br>"WillDon't think doso."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Scythe<br>Vine Staff<br>Scythe<br>Vine Staff|"A little birdie told me you're one of the few blessed."<br>"Blessed? This arm is a curse, I don't see anything "blessed" about it."<br>"It's a matter of perspective, dear. I don't suppose you'd be open to... External assistance?"<br>"No! You and your creepy family can buzz off!"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|ScytheSword<br>Vine Staff<br>ScytheSword|"EveninI'm not used to working with another flowershealer."<br>"Don'tYou calllook melike that!the Itype knowof person who youwould are,always I'mneed notto stupidhave one."<br>"So aggressiveHey! I likeWhat's that. supposed to mean?"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Scythe<br>Vine Staff<br>ScytheSword|"I'mPay notattention sureto howwhere Iyour feelsword about assisting a wanted criminalswings."<br>"Why? WhatMight'sve notcut toa like~?"<br>"Everything."<br>"Ohfew I'msprouts woundedalready!"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>ScytheSword<br>Vine Staff<br>Scythe|"KeepPinning yoursomeone distance."<br>"Sowith paranoid,a I'msword onlymust tryinghurt tothe protectvictim ourfair support!amount."<br>"IIt's canprobably take care of myself."fine!<br>"We'll see about that, flowers...Probably?"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Scythe<br>Vine Staff<br>ScytheSword|"IPlease thinkmake yoursure hornsto wouldnot makeget forcaught ain fabulousyour additionown to mysword's wallexplosion."<br>"W-what?"<br>"NothinI'.ve done this a bunch of times! I got it!"}}
Line 205 ⟶ 198:
* "Had to do it!"
* "I can tend to you later."
* "I hope you know how to fix that."
* "I hope you know how to tend to those wounds."
* "I'm not as weak as I look."
* "Just according to plan."
* "Sorry"
* "That must have hurt."
* "I hope you know how to fix that."
* "Sorry"
'''Using {{Abilitylink|VinestaffE}}'''
Line 218 ⟶ 211:
* "Apologies, Katana."
* "Good effort, Katana"
* "I know you have more in you, Katana."
* "I understand your troubles, Katana."
* "Good effort, Katana"
* "Sorry, Katana"
* "You're stronger than that, Katana."
Line 267 ⟶ 260:
'''Assisting [[Rocket]]'''
* "Very nice, Rocket."
* "Be careful, Rocket."
* "Stay cautious, Rocket."
* "Very nice, Rocket."
'''Assisting [[Slingshot]] - Chat'''
* "You finally hit something!"
* "That took you quite some time."
* "You did something good for once!"
* "You finally hit something!"
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Slingshot<br>Vine Staff|"Does this mean I'll get a pay raise?"<br>"...Would you accept pastries as a form of payment?"<br>"...I'll let it slide."}}
Line 282 ⟶ 275:
'''Assisting [[Shuriken]] - Chat'''
* "You actually killed someone? Surprising."
* "At last, you hit something."
* "Good job, brother."
* "You actually killed someone? Surprising."
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Shuriken<br>Vine Staff|"Good work, Shuri."<br>"Is that sarcasm?"<br>"Not this time."}}
Line 308 ⟶ 301:
==Match outcome==
* "It's good that we followed the plan."
* "We won? Well, of course we did!"
* "You're welcome!"
* "It's good that we followed the plan."
'''Victory - Ally [[Shuriken]] - Chat'''
Line 319 ⟶ 312:
* "There's always next time!"
* "My apologies, teammates."
* "I will try to be better."
* "It's no worries, there is always another chance!"
* "There's always next time!"
* "We must reconsider our plan."
