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| name = {{PAGENAME}}
| image = classrendervinestaffClassrendervinestaff.png
| imagecaption = "Nature prevails!"
| class = Support
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| shield = 75
| addedin = [[V0.6.0]]
| chatcolor = {{Color|{{ClassColor|Vine Staff}}}}
'''{{PAGENAME}}''' is a [[:Category:Characters/Phighters/Support|support]] [[Phighters|Phighter]]. She was released on 15 July 2023 with [[v0V0.6.0]] and the [[Ice Cream vs. Popsicle]] [[Phestivals|Phestival]].
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|color = #{{ClassColor|Vine Staff}}
|tabclass = VineStaff
General Notes:
|ability = Death Brings Life
The ability types are: Passive, Ability (default), Buff/Utility, Mobility, Ultimate
|icon = Placeholder.png
The last value shouldn't have a line break (<br>) as this'll add an extra, unneeded line at the bottom of the cell.
|type = Passive
|description = Eliminations and hitting an enemy 12 times grants you a charge to Beginning Anew. You earn haste for each sprout you are nearby.
Ability order on class pages (from top to bottom) should be:
|details = '''Max charges:''' 5<br>'''Sprout {{Status|Haste}} range:''' 50 studs<br>'''{{Status|Haste}}:''' 5% per sprout (to self only)
Passive / LMB / RMB / Q / E / Ultimate
|demo = [[File:Demonstration VineStaffPassive.webm]]
<!--Passive Ability-->
|Death Brings Life
|Eliminations and hitting an enemy 12 times grants you a charge to Beginning Anew. You earn haste for each sprout you are nearby.
|'''Healing granted:''' <br>Stage 1: 10 (10 regeneration stacks)<br>Stage 2: 15 (5 base + 10 regeneration stacks)<br>Stage 3: 20 (5 base + 15 regeneration stacks)<br>Explosion: 10 base + 5 * sprout stage regeneration stacks<br>'''Range: 30 studs''' 60x25x60<br>'''Sprout health:'''<br>Stage 1: 30<br>Stage 2: 35<br>Stage 3: 40<br>{{Status|Haste}} '''buff per sprout:''' 5%<br>'''Sprout''' {{Status|Haste}} '''range:''' 50<br>'''Sprout maximum duration:''' 30 seconds<br>
|color = #{{ClassColor|Vine Staff}}
|tabclass = VineStaff
Weapon-type Ability
|ability = A Thousand Petals
|icon = Placeholder.png
The main types of aiming are:
|type = Primary
Melee / Projectile / Hitscan / Targeted
|description = Shoot fast, low damaging petals.
|details = '''Damage:''' 3<br>'''Fire rate:''' 0.11 seconds<br>'''Projectile speed:''' ---<br>'''Range:''' 250 studs<br>'''Ammo:''' 50<br>'''Projectile spawn area:''' -3.5 studs to 3.5 studs<br>'''Reload time:''' 1 second<br>
|notes = {{ListFix}}
* Vine Staff's projectile spawn area is centered on her.
|A Thousand Petals
|demo = [[File:Demonstration VineStaffM1.webm]]
|Shoot fast, low damaging petals.
|'''Damage:''' 3<br>'''Max range:''' 250 studs<br>'''Projectile speed:''' Unknown<br>'''Fire rate:''' 9 shots per second<br>'''Reload time:''' 1 second<br>'''Ammo:''' 50
|color = #{{ClassColor|Vine Staff}}
|tabclass = VineStaff
Aimed Ability
The |ability aim types should be: = Beginning Anew
|icon = VineStaffM2.png
Melee / Projectile / Hitscan / Lock-on / Targeted
|type = Secondary
|description = Use a seed and plant a healing sprout. When Death Brings Life activates, it advances to the next stage and heals all allies around it. At its fourth stage, it explodes and roots enemies.
|details = '''Healing:''' <br>Stage 1: 10 {{Status|Regeneration}}<br>Stage 2: 5 + 10 {{Status|Regeneration}}<br>Stage 3: 5 + 15 {{Status|Regeneration}}<br>Explosion: 10 + 5 {{Status|Regeneration}} * no. of sprout stage<br>'''Sprout health:'''<br>Stage 1: 30<br>Stage 2: 35<br>Stage 3: 40<br>'''Healing AoE size:''' 60x25x60<br>'''Max. sprout duration:''' 25 seconds<br>'''Cooldown:''' 0.75 seconds<br>'''Range:''' 300 studs
|notes = {{ListFix}}
|Beginning Anew
|Use a seed and plant a healing sprout. When Death Brings Life activates, it advances to the next stage and heals all allies around it. At its fourth stage, it explodes and roots enemies.
|'''Max charges:''' 5<br>'''Cooldown:''' 0.75 seconds
* Sprouts can be placed on the sides or ceilings of terrain.
* Hitscans will pierce through sprouts.
* Damaging a sprout grants Phinisher chargepoints.
* A destroyed sprout will not provide its healing, root, andor explosion damage.
* Sprouts destroyed viaby expiryexpiring will provide their effects as normal.
* [[Hyperlaser|Hyperlaser's]] [[Hyperlaser#Eviscerating Ray|Eviscerating Ray]] onwill hit/killpierce abilityand isdestroy triggeredthe ifsprout aas sproutwell as grant Hyperlaser isanother hitshot.
* Beginning Anew has no endlag.
|demo = [[File:Demonstration VineStaffM2.webm]]
|color = #{{ClassColor|Vine Staff}}
|tabclass = VineStaff
Ability Type B: Unaimed
|ability = Preservation
Any ability that isn't aimed (such as mobility) would go here.
|icon = VineStaffQ.png
|type = Q Ability
|description = Heal a targeted ally. For the next 8 seconds, 40% of the damage they deal is turned into healing for both you and the ally. For every 50 damage they deal, you gain a seed.
|details = '''Healing:''' 10 (on cast)<br>'''Heal cap:''' 50<br>'''Life steal:''' 40%<br>'''Range:''' 300 studs<br>'''Projectile speed:''' ---'''Duration:''' 8 seconds<br>'''Cooldown:''' 17 seconds
|notes = {{ListFix}}
* Preservation's effects will not occur until the projectile reaches the targeted ally.
|Q Ability
|demo = [[File:Demonstration VineStaffQ.webm]]
|Heal a targeted ally. For the next 8 seconds, 40% of the damage they deal is turned into healing for both you and the ally. for every 50 damage they deal, you gain a seed.
|'''Healing:''' 10 (on cast only)<br>'''Heal cap:''' 50<br>'''Life steal:''' 40%<br>'''Duration:''' 9 seconds<br>'''Projectile speed:''' Unknown<br>'''Cooldown:''' 17 seconds
* Preservation's effects will not occur until the projectile reaches the targetted ally.
|color = #{{ClassColor|Vine Staff}}
|tabclass = VineStaff
|Root of the Oak
|ability = Root of the Oak
|icon = VineStaffE.png
|E Ability
|type = E Ability
|description = Fire three branches which root enemies when hit. Hitting a sprout causes it to activate instantly and create an explosion which roots. Hitting an enemy gives you a seed.
|details = '''Damage:'''<br>Direct: 9<br>Splash: (direct) + 6 (splash)<br>'''Root duration:'''<br>Direct: 1 second<br>Splash: (direct) + 0.4 seconds (splash)<br>'''NumberProjectile ofspeed:''' projectiles---<br>'''Projectiles:''' 3<br>'''Hitbox size:''' 20x20x20 (splash)<br>'''Cooldown:''' 1210 seconds
|notes = {{ListFix}}
* Root of the Oak has no endlag.
|demo = [[File:Demonstration VineStaffE.webm]]
* This ability can also be used as a defensive tool to freeze attackers in place, allowing you to gain more distance and making them an easier target for {{Abilitylink|VinestaffPrimary}}.
Ability Type C: Ultimate
This ability can be aimed or a buff/mobility.
If it is not an aimed ability, reference Ability Type B.
|color = #{{ClassColor|Vine Staff}}
|Lotus of the Den
|tabclass = VineStaff
|ability = Lotus of the Den
|icon = VineStaffUlt.png
|type = Phinisher
|Summon a lotus which heals and grants allies regeneration three times before disappearing. All allies in radius of the lotus will activate stage 1 Beginning Anew at their position and your seeds now plant level 2 sprouts.
|description = Summon a lotus which heals and grants allies regeneration three times before disappearing. All allies in radius of the lotus will activate stage 1 Beginning Anew at their position and your seeds now plant level 2 sprouts.
|'''Range:''' 150x50x150<br>'''Healing per wave:''' 20 base + 30 regen stacks<br>'''Waves:''' 3<br>'''Time between waves:''' 6 seconds<br>'''Phinisher points:''' 150
|details = '''Healing:''' 20 + 30 {{Status|Regeneration}} per wave<br>'''Waves:''' 3<br>'''Time between waves:''' 6 seconds<br>'''AoE hitbox:''' 150x50x150<br>'''Phinisher points:''' 150
|notes = {{ListFix}}
* Phinisher points cannot be gained while Lotus of the Den is active.
* If {{PAGENAME}} dies, Lotus of the Den's effects are cancelled.
|demo = [[File:Demonstration VineStaffUlt.webm]]
* If {{PAGENAME}} dies while her Phinisher is active, its effects will prematurely end, although the visuals will persist.
* {{PAGENAME}} cannot build Phinisher points until Lotus of the Den's effects end.
Line 149 ⟶ 117:
* Vulnerable at close ranges.
When playing as '''Vine Staff''', it is important to have good awareness and ability management. When a Vine Staff pushes too far up, she will quickly get picked off by the opposing team due to her poor mobility and defense on her own. It is best to stay in the midline to backline of the team to allow for her to best support her team. It is ideal to push up when tanks such as [[Ban Hammer]] or [[Katana]] pushes up. Staying with tanks allows for a mutual benefit for both Phighters — the tank can receive healing while you receive defense. Even if you push up more, Vine Staff should not play in the frontline of the battle. Do not come face to face with opposing melee Phighters. Sticking behind the tank a bit will be most beneficial, allowing you to stay safer yet still being able to heal the tank.
Line 156 ⟶ 123:
Her hitpoint split being 100 health, 75 shield allows her to absorb a decent amount of damage. Having shield gives her the ability to self-sustain outside of her abilities or a [[Medkit]]. Vine Staff falls quickly to melee Phighters with a much higher consistent DPS than her. Because of this, it is important you keep track of the battlefield, keeping appropriate distances between you and your opponents yet being in a position to properly heal your teammates. Using Root of the Oak to both stall any Phighters that may be chasing you is effective as it gives you a small window of time to get back to your team, as well as gaining sprouts that can be used for haste. Using Root of the Oak to hit both sprouts and an enemy is highly effective.
===Ability usage===
* {{Abilitylink|VinestaffPassive}}
'''Death Brings Life'''
** Know the ways that you gain sprouts in order to best use this ability to your benefit.
*** Every time you hit any enemy 12 times with A Thousand Petals.
*** For every 50 damage your teammate does with Preservation active on them.
*** For every hit on Root of the Oak.
*** Every time you get an assist.
** Each of these can be more ideal depending on the situation, and you can quickly accumulate assists with sprout regeneration applied to teammates.
* {{Abilitylink|VinestaffPrimary}}
** You should always be doing damage or planting sprouts whenever possible.
'''A Thousand Petals'''
** Use on Phighters with large hitboxes and slow speed to quickly gain sprouts, such as Ban Hammer or Katana.
* You should always be doing damage or planting sprouts whenever possible.
** Be wary of sniping from long distances on moving targets, as her projectile speed is too slow to reliably hit. Phighters such as [[Skateboard]] when he is skating are typically too fast for your projectiles. Do not waste your time on Phighters that quickly die when faced with your whole team. You are not a one man army.
* Use on Phighters with large hitboxes and slow speed to quickly gain sprouts, such as Ban Hammer or Katana.
** A common misconception is that {{PAGENAME}}'s primary deals too little damage to kill people. While it is true she lacks quick burst damage to finish off low health enemies, her slow but high damage whittles away health. Do not be afraid to engage in 1v1's or take high ground to rain petals from above.
* Be wary of sniping from long distances on moving targets, as her projectile speed is too slow to reliably hit. Phighters such as [[Skateboard]] when he is skating are typically too fast for your projectiles. Do not waste your time on Phighters that quickly die when faced with your whole team. You are not a one man army.
*** Use your sprouts beforehand to sustain yourself and move closer to ensure all of your projectiles hit. Your sprouts will continue to heal you with every 12 shots hit.
* A common misconception is that Vinestaff's primary deals too little damage to kill people. While it is true she lacks quick burst damage to finish off low health enemies, her slow but high damage whittles away health. Do not be afraid to engage in 1v1's or take high ground to rain petals from above.
*** If needed, {{Abilitylink|VinestaffQ}} can also provide additional healing.
** Use your sprouts beforehand to sustain yourself and move closer to ensure all of your projectiles hit. Your sprouts will continue to heal you with every 12 shots hit.
*** Be aware that other opponents may dive in to support their teammate, so always have an escape plan and use natural cover.
** If needed, {{Abilitylink|VinestaffQ}} can also provide additional healing.
* {{Abilitylink|VinestaffSecondary}}
** Be aware that other opponents may dive in to support their teammate, so always have an escape plan and use natural cover.
** The most important part of her kit. It is important to set up as many sprouts beforehand so all of your damage is contributing to levelling up sprouts and providing healing.
*** Consider placing them behind cover so teammates who move forward will also be healed.
'''Beginning Anew'''
** Never have more than the max amount of charges (5) at a time, you will be missing out on potential sprouts.
* The most important part of her kit. It is important to set up as many sprouts beforehand so all of your damage is contributing to levelling up sprouts and providing healing.
** Sprouts have an almost infinite range of where they can be placed, use them to help teammates across the map.
** Consider placing them behind cover so teammates who move forward will also be healed.
** When in danger, spam them where you're retreating to and hit any nearby Phighters. You should be able to hit the required 12 shots to level up the sprout and heal you again.
* Never have more than the max amount of charges (5) at a time, you will be missing out on potential sprouts.
* {{Abilitylink|VinestaffQ}}
* Sprouts have an almost infinite range of where they can be placed, use them to help teammates across the map.
** WhenKeep in danger, spam them wheremind you're retreatingcan to and hituse anythis nearbyon Phighters. Youthat shouldare benear ablemaximum tohealth, hitthey thealso requiredprovide 12 shotsvalue to levelyou upin the sproutform andof healsprouts youor againhealing.
** Use your Preservation on high DPS or tank teammates such as Ban Hammer, Biograft, Katana or Sword. It will sustain their damage and give you more sprouts and healing.
** Don't hold onto it for too long, it lasts for 8 seconds and the healing is slower than you may think.
** Use Preservation when a teammate is using a Phinisher. Many Phighters have a Phinisher that deals large amounts of damage. Use Preservation to both sustain them in their Phinisher as well as gain sprouts. Biograft's and Katana's Phinisher are both excellent examples of Phighters to use Preservation on when their Phinisher is active.
* Keep in mind you can use this on Phighters that are near maximum health, they also provide value to you in the form of sprouts or healing.
** Be careful to not use it on a low health teammate, as it is far more likely they will die before they can take advantage of its effects. Consider using {{Abilitylink|VinestaffSecondary}} instead.
* Use your Preservation on high DPS or tank teammates such as Ban Hammer, Biograft, Katana or Sword. It will sustain their damage and give you more sprouts and healing.
* {{Abilitylink|VinestaffE}}
* Don't hold onto it for too long, it lasts for 8 seconds and the healing is slower than you may think.
** It is advised against using this to hit enemies from a distance, it travels too slow to hit reliably. Instead, use it close range or on a sprout for an instant explosion. It can be used for hitting enemies and rooting them as well as exploding sprouts to give regeneration to yourself and teammates.
* Use Preservation when a teammate is using a Phinisher. Many Phighters have a Phinisher that deals large amounts of damage. Use Preservation to both sustain them in their Phinisher as well as gain sprouts. Biograft's and Katana's Phinisher are both excellent examples of Phighters to use Preservation on when their Phinisher is active.
** Be wary of immediately initating with it, save it for when you're being chased or need to secure a kill.
*Be careful to not use it on a teammate who is very low health, as it is far more likely they will die before they can use the effects. Consider using {{Abilitylink|VinestaffSecondary}} instead.
** Root of the Oak is able to hit enemies and explode sprouts at the same time.
* {{Abilitylink|VinestaffPhinisher}}
'''Root of the Oak'''
** Use proactively and don't hold onto it for the whole game. With consistent sprout placement and damage it charges quickly. It shines in Conquer where she can place it on the point where most of her teammates will be.
* It is advised against using this to hit enemies from a distance, it travels too slow to hit reliably. Instead, use it close range or on a sprout for an instant explosion. It can be used for hitting enemies and rooting them as well as exploding sprouts to give regeneration to yourself and teammates.
*** Be waryvery ofcareful immediatelywhere initatingyou withplace it, save it forand when you're beinguse chasedit, oryou needimmediately tobecome securea target for a killshutdown.
** Consider saving sprouts until you use your Phinisher, as when it is active your sprouts grow at level two instead of level one.
* Root of the Oak is able to hit enemies and explode sprouts at the same time.
** Do not rely on it to save you and your team instantly. Regeneration is not ideal as an immediate response to high damage. Use it to sustain mid to low health teammates with both 50 regeneration and regeneration from the sprouts that grow.
** Keep in mind delay between bursts. You are not immortal because you used your Phinisher. The most important thing is to stay alive so your Phinisher stays active.
'''Lotus of the Den'''
* Use proactively and don't hold onto it for the whole game. With consistent sprout placement and damage it charges quickly. It shines in Conquer where she can place it on the point where most of her teammates will be.
** Be very careful where you place it and when you use it, you immediately become a target for a shutdown.
* Consider saving sprouts until you use your Phinisher, as when it is active your sprouts grow at level two instead of level one.
* Do not rely on it to save you and your team instantly. Regeneration is not ideal as an immediate response to high damage. Use it to sustain mid to low health teammates with both 50 regeneration and regeneration from the sprouts that grow.
* Keep in mind delay between bursts. You are not immortal because you used your Phinisher. The most important thing is to stay alive so your Phinisher stays active.
===Counterplay against {{PAGENAME}}===
* Destroy her sprouts whenever you can to deny her regeneration. She is very vunerable without them.
* Try to bait out her abilities and attack when she is isolated.
* Beside {{Abilitylink|VinestaffE}}, {{PAGENAME}} has no other way to create space between her and attackers, keep this in mind when engaging and consider committing to an attack only after the ability is on cooldown.
** If hit by Root of the Oak, consider retreating and approaching at a different angle or after waiting a bit, as a prolonged chase makes it incredibly easy for Vine Staff to plant and use sprouts, making her even harder to catch.
* Vine Staff has difficulty out-manuvering attackers if stuck in a wide open area, use moves such as {{Abilitylink|KatanaQ}} or {{Abilitylink|SwordE}} to move her into unfavourable positions.
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Line 225 ⟶ 188:
* Vine Staff{{PAGENAME}} is based on the [ Vine Staff] gear.
* Vine{{PAGENAME}} Staff wasis the first Phighter with she/her pronouns.
* During [[PHIGHTING! 4|April Fools' 2024]], {{PAGENAME}} was renamed to aang, and remodeled to reference Aang from [ Avatar: The Last Airbender].
* Valleystaff is a community contributed skin created by TRYN4F1ND.
** The skin was one of three winners of the August 2023 Skin Contest.
* Vine Splash is the first skin to replace a body part from the original model. It is currently the most complex PHIGHTING! skin.
==[[Version history]]==
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[[Category:Characters]] [[Category:Characters/Phighters]] [[Category:Characters/Phighters/Support]]