Vine Staff: Difference between revisions

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| name = {{PAGENAME}}
| image = classrendervinestaffClassrendervinestaff.png
| imagecaption = "Nature prevails!"
| class = Support
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| shield = 75
| addedin = [[V0.6.0]]
| chatcolor = {{Color|{{ClassColor|Vine Staff}}}}
'''{{PAGENAME}}''' is a [[:Category:Characters/Phighters/Support|support]] [[Phighters|Phighter]]. She was released on 15 July 2023 with [[v0V0.6.0]] and the [[Ice Cream vs. Popsicle]] [[Phestivals|Phestival]].
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|color = #{{ClassColor|Vine Staff}}
General notes:
|tabclass = VineStaff
|ability = Death Brings Life
Ability order on Phighter pages (from top to bottom) should be:
|icon = Placeholder.png
Passive / Primary / Secondary / Q Ability / E Ability / Phinisher
|type = Passive
|description = Eliminations and hitting an enemy 12 times grants you a charge to Beginning Anew. You earn haste for each sprout you are nearby.
The ability types are: AoE / Buff / Hitscan / Melee / Mobility / Projectile / Status / Targeted / Utility
|details = '''Max charges:''' 5<br>'''Sprout {{Status|Haste}} range:''' 50 studs<br>'''{{Status|Haste}}:''' 5% per sprout (to self only)
An ability can be multiple ability types.
|demo = [[File:Demonstration VineStaffPassive.webm]]
If none of the ability types apply, list it as N/A.
Includes abilities that applies their effects in an area.
Includes abilities that enhance a Phighter's already existing abilities, i.e., Biograft's Overdrive.
Includes abilities that use hitscan hit registration, i.e., abilities with an instant travel time.
Includes abilities that are a physical hit of an object against a player, involves no projectiles.
Includes abilities that enhance a Phighter's mobility.
Includes abilities that fire a projectile that interacts with players and the environment.
Includes abilities that inflict a status effect on a player.
Includes abilities that manually target a player, i.e., Biograft's Echo Execution and Scythe's Stalking Ambush.
Includes abilities that heal or give shield.
|Death Brings Life
|Eliminations and hitting an enemy 12 times grants you a charge to Beginning Anew. You earn haste for each sprout you are nearby.
|'''Max charges:''' 5<br>'''Sprout {{Status|Haste}} range:''' 50 studs<br>'''{{Status|Haste}}:''' 5% per sprout (to self only)
|color = #{{ClassColor|Vine Staff}}
|tabclass = VineStaff
|A Thousand Petals
|ability = A Thousand Petals
|icon = Placeholder.png
|type = Primary
|description = Shoot fast, low damaging petals.
|details = '''Damage:''' 3<br>'''Fire rate:''' 0.11 seconds<br>'''Projectile speed:''' ---<br>'''Range:''' 250 studs<br>'''Ammo:''' 50<br>'''Projectile spawn area:''' -3.5 studs to 3.5 studs<br>'''Reload time:''' 1 second<br>
|notes = {{ListFix}}
* Vine Staff's projectile spawn area is centered on her.
|demo = [[File:Demonstration VineStaffM1.webm]]
|color = #{{ClassColor|Vine Staff}}
|tabclass = VineStaff
|ability = Beginning Anew
|icon = VineStaffM2.png
|type = Secondary
|description = Use a seed and plant a healing sprout. When Death Brings Life activates, it advances to the next stage and heals all allies around it. At its fourth stage, it explodes and roots enemies.
|details = '''Healing:''' <br>Stage 1: 10 {{Status|Regeneration}}<br>Stage 2: 5 + 10 {{Status|Regeneration}}<br>Stage 3: 5 + 15 {{Status|Regeneration}}<br>Explosion: 10 + 5 {{Status|Regeneration}} * no. of sprout stage<br>'''Sprout health:'''<br>Stage 1: 30<br>Stage 2: 35<br>Stage 3: 40<br>'''Healing AoE size:''' 60x25x60<br>'''Max. sprout duration:''' 25 seconds<br>'''Cooldown:''' 0.75 seconds<br>'''Range:''' 300 studs
|Use a seed and plant a healing sprout. When Death Brings Life activates, it advances to the next stage and heals all allies around it. At its fourth stage, it explodes and roots enemies.
|notes = {{ListFix}}
|'''Healing:''' <br>Stage 1: 10 {{Status|Regeneration}}<br>Stage 2: 5 + 10 {{Status|Regeneration}}<br>Stage 3: 5 + 15 {{Status|Regeneration}}<br>Explosion: 10 + 5 {{Status|Regeneration}} * no. of sprout stage<br>'''Sprout health:'''<br>Stage 1: 30<br>Stage 2: 35<br>Stage 3: 40<br>'''Healing hitbox size:''' 60x25x60<br>'''Max. sprout duration:''' 30 seconds
* Sprouts can be placed on the sides or ceilings of terrain.
* Hitscans will pierce through sprouts.
* Damaging a sprout grants Phinisher chargepoints.
* A destroyed sprout will not provide its healing, root, or explosion damage.
* Sprouts destroyed by expiring will provide their effects as normal.
* [[Hyperlaser|Hyperlaser's]] [[Hyperlaser#Eviscerating Ray|Eviscerating Ray]] will pierce and instantly destroy sproutsthe sprout as well andas grant Hyperlaser another shot.
* Beginning Anew has no endlag.
|demo = [[File:Demonstration VineStaffM2.webm]]
|color = #{{ClassColor|Vine Staff}}
<!--Q Ability-->
|tabclass = VineStaff
|ability = Preservation
|icon = VineStaffQ.png
|type = Q Ability
|description = Heal a targeted ally. For the next 8 seconds, 40% of the damage they deal is turned into healing for both you and the ally. For every 50 damage they deal, you gain a seed.
|details = '''Healing:''' 10 (on cast)<br>'''Heal cap:''' 50<br>'''Life steal:''' 40%<br>'''Range:''' 300 studs<br>'''Projectile speed:''' ---'''Duration:''' 8 seconds<br>'''Cooldown:''' 17 seconds
|Heal a targeted ally. For the next 8 seconds, 40% of the damage they deal is turned into healing for both you and the ally. for every 50 damage they deal, you gain a seed.
|notes = {{ListFix}}
|'''Healing:''' 10 (on cast only)<br>'''Projectile speed:''' ---<br>'''Heal cap:''' 50<br>'''Life steal:''' 40%<br>'''Duration:''' 9 seconds<br>'''Cooldown:''' 17 seconds
* Preservation's effects will not occur until the projectile reaches the targeted ally.
|demo = [[File:Demonstration VineStaffQ.webm]]
* Preservation's effects will not occur until the projectile reaches the targetted ally.
|color = #{{ClassColor|Vine Staff}}
<!--E Ability-->
|tabclass = VineStaff
|ability = Root of the Oak
|icon = VineStaffE.png
|type = E Ability
|description = Fire three branches which root enemies when hit. Hitting a sprout causes it to activate instantly and create an explosion which roots. Hitting an enemy gives you a seed.
|details = '''Damage:''' 9 (direct) + 6 (splash)<br>'''Root duration:''' 1 second (direct) + 0.4 seconds (splash)<br>'''Projectile speed:''' ---<br>'''Projectiles:''' 3<br>'''Hitbox size:''' 20x20x20 (splash)<br>'''Cooldown:''' 10 seconds
|Fire three branches which root enemies when hit. Hitting a sprout causes it to activate instantly and create an explosion which roots. Hitting an enemy gives you a seed.
|notes = {{ListFix}}
|'''Damage:''' 9 (direct) + 6 (splash)<br>'''Root duration:''' 1 second (direct) + 0.4 seconds (splash)<br>'''Projectile speed:''' ---<br>'''Projectiles:''' 3<br>'''Hitbox size:''' 20x20x20 (splash)<br>'''Cooldown:''' 12 seconds
* Root of the Oak has no endlag.
|demo = [[File:Demonstration VineStaffE.webm]]
|color = #{{ClassColor|Vine Staff}}
|tabclass = VineStaff
|ability = Lotus of the Den
|icon = VineStaffUlt.png
|[[type = Phinisher]]
|description = Summon a lotus which heals and grants allies regeneration three times before disappearing. All allies in radius of the lotus will activate stage 1 Beginning Anew at their position and your seeds now plant level 2 sprouts.
|details = '''Healing:''' 20 + 30 {{Status|Regeneration}} per wave<br>'''Waves:''' 3<br>'''Time between waves:''' 6 seconds<br>'''AoE hitbox:''' 150x50x150<br>'''Phinisher points:''' 150
|Summon a lotus which heals and grants allies regeneration three times before disappearing. All allies in radius of the lotus will activate stage 1 Beginning Anew at their position and your seeds now plant level 2 sprouts.
|notes = {{ListFix}}
|'''Healing:''' 20 + 30 {{Status|Regeneration}} per wave<br>'''Waves:''' 3<br>'''Time between waves:''' 6 seconds<br>'''Healing hitbox:''' 150x50x150<br>'''Phinisher points:''' 150
* Phinisher points cannot be gained while Lotus of the Den is active.
* If {{PAGENAME}} dies, Lotus of the Den's effects are cancelled.
|demo = [[File:Demonstration VineStaffUlt.webm]]
Line 158 ⟶ 117:
* Vulnerable at close ranges.
When playing as '''Vine Staff''', it is important to have good awareness and ability management. When a Vine Staff pushes too far up, she will quickly get picked off by the opposing team due to her poor mobility and defense on her own. It is best to stay in the midline to backline of the team to allow for her to best support her team. It is ideal to push up when tanks such as [[Ban Hammer]] or [[Katana]] pushes up. Staying with tanks allows for a mutual benefit for both Phighters — the tank can receive healing while you receive defense. Even if you push up more, Vine Staff should not play in the frontline of the battle. Do not come face to face with opposing melee Phighters. Sticking behind the tank a bit will be most beneficial, allowing you to stay safer yet still being able to heal the tank.
Line 165 ⟶ 123:
Her hitpoint split being 100 health, 75 shield allows her to absorb a decent amount of damage. Having shield gives her the ability to self-sustain outside of her abilities or a [[Medkit]]. Vine Staff falls quickly to melee Phighters with a much higher consistent DPS than her. Because of this, it is important you keep track of the battlefield, keeping appropriate distances between you and your opponents yet being in a position to properly heal your teammates. Using Root of the Oak to both stall any Phighters that may be chasing you is effective as it gives you a small window of time to get back to your team, as well as gaining sprouts that can be used for haste. Using Root of the Oak to hit both sprouts and an enemy is highly effective.
===Ability usage===
* {{Abilitylink|VinestaffPassive}}
** Know the ways that you gain sprouts in order to best use this ability to your benefit.
Line 208 ⟶ 164:
===Counterplay against {{PAGENAME}}===
* Destroy her sprouts whenever you can to deny her regeneration. She is very vunerable without them.
* Try to bait out her abilities and attack when she is isolated.
* Beside {{Abilitylink|VinestaffE}}, {{PAGENAME}} has no other way to create space between her and attackers, keep this in mind when engaging and consider committing to an attack only after the ability is on cooldown.
** If hit by Root of the Oak, consider retreating and approaching at a different angle or after waiting a bit, as a prolonged chase makes it incredibly easy for Vine Staff to plant and use sprouts, making her even harder to catch.
* Vine Staff has difficulty out-manuvering attackers if stuck in a wide open area, use moves such as {{Abilitylink|KatanaQ}} or {{Abilitylink|SwordE}} to move her into unfavourable positions.
<table class="fandomphtable" width="70%" style="text-tablealign:center;">
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* Vine Staff{{PAGENAME}} is based on the [ Vine Staff] gear.
* Vine{{PAGENAME}} Staff wasis the first Phighter with she/her pronouns.
* During [[PHIGHTING! 4|April Fools' 2024]], {{PAGENAME}} was renamed to aang, and remodeled to reference Aang from [ Avatar: The Last Airbender].
Line 238 ⟶ 197:
* Valleystaff is a community contributed skin created by TRYN4F1ND.
** The skin was one of three winners of the August 2023 Skin Contest.
* Vine Splash is the first skin to replace a body part from the original model. It is currently the most complex PHIGHTING! skin.
** The skin was made in a day.
==[[Version history]]==
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[[Category:Characters]] [[Category:Characters/Phighters]] [[Category:Characters/Phighters/Support]]