Vine Staff: Difference between revisions

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'''{{PAGENAME}}''' is a [[:Category:Support|support]] [[Phighters|Phighter]]. She was released on 15 July 2023 with [[v0V0.6.0]] and the [[Ice Cream vs. Popsicle]] [[Phestivals|Phestival]].
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|color = #{{ClassColor|Vine Staff}}
|Death Brings Life
|tabclass = VineStaff
|ability = Death Brings Life
|icon = Placeholder.png
|type = Passive
|Eliminations and hitting an enemy 12 times grants you a charge to Beginning Anew. You earn haste for each sprout you are nearby.
|description = Eliminations and hitting an enemy 12 times grants you a charge to Beginning Anew. You earn haste for each sprout you are nearby.
|'''Max charges:''' 5<br>'''Sprout {{Status|Haste}} range:''' 50 studs<br>'''{{Status|Haste}}:''' 5% per sprout (to self only)
|details = '''Max charges:''' 5<br>'''Sprout {{Status|Haste}} range:''' 50 studs<br>'''{{Status|Haste}}:''' 5% per sprout (to self only)
|notes =
|demo = [[File:Demonstration VineStaffPassive.webm]]
|color = #{{ClassColor|Vine Staff}}
|A Thousand Petals
|tabclass = VineStaff
|ability = A Thousand Petals
|icon = Placeholder.png
|type = Primary
|Shoot fast, low damaging petals.
|description = Shoot fast, low damaging petals.
|'''Damage:''' 3<br>'''Fire rate:''' 0.11 seconds<br>'''Projectile speed:''' ---<br>'''Range:''' 250 studs<br>'''Ammo:''' 50<br>'''Reload time:''' 1 second<br>
|details = '''Damage:''' 3<br>'''Fire rate:''' 0.11 seconds<br>'''Projectile speed:''' ---<br>'''Range:''' 250 studs<br>'''Ammo:''' 50<br>'''Projectile spawn area:''' -3.5 studs to 3.5 studs<br>'''Reload time:''' 1 second<br>
|notes = Vine Staff's projectile spawn area is centered on her.
|demo = [[File:Demonstration VineStaffM1.webm]]
|color = #{{ClassColor|Vine Staff}}
|Beginning Anew
|tabclass = VineStaff
|ability = Beginning Anew
|icon = Placeholder.png
|type = Secondary
|Use a seed and plant a healing sprout. When Death Brings Life activates, it advances to the next stage and heals all allies around it. At its fourth stage, it explodes and roots enemies.
|description = Use a seed and plant a healing sprout. When Death Brings Life activates, it advances to the next stage and heals all allies around it. At its fourth stage, it explodes and roots enemies.
|'''Healing:''' <br>Stage 1: 10 {{Status|Regeneration}}<br>Stage 2: 5 + 10 {{Status|Regeneration}}<br>Stage 3: 5 + 15 {{Status|Regeneration}}<br>Explosion: 10 + 5 {{Status|Regeneration}} * no. of sprout stage<br>'''Sprout health:'''<br>Stage 1: 30<br>Stage 2: 35<br>Stage 3: 40<br>'''Healing hitbox size:''' 60x25x60<br>'''Max. sprout duration:''' 30 seconds
|details = ''''Healing:''' <br>Stage 1: 10 {{Status|Regeneration}}<br>Stage 2: 5 + 10 {{Status|Regeneration}}<br>Stage 3: 5 + 15 {{Status|Regeneration}}<br>Explosion: 10 + 5 {{Status|Regeneration}} * no. of sprout stage<br>'''Sprout health:'''<br>Stage 1: 30<br>Stage 2: 35<br>Stage 3: 40<br>'''Healing hitbox size:''' 60x25x60<br>'''Max. sprout duration:''' 30 seconds
|notes = Sprouts can be placed on the sides or ceilings of terrain.<br>Hitscans will pierce through sprouts.<br>Damaging a sprout grants Phinisher charge.<br>A destroyed sprout will not provide its healing, root, or explosion damage.<br>Sprouts destroyed by expiring will provide their effects as normal.<br>[[Hyperlaser|Hyperlaser's]] [[Hyperlaser#Eviscerating Ray|Eviscerating Ray]] will pierce, destroy the sprout, and grant Hyperlaser another shot.
|demo = [[File:Demonstration VineStaffM2.webm]]
* Sprouts can be placed on the sides or ceilings of terrain.
* Hitscans will pierce through sprouts.
* Damaging a sprout grants Phinisher charge.
* A destroyed sprout will not provide its healing, root, or explosion damage.
* Sprouts destroyed by expiring will provide their effects as normal.
* [[Hyperlaser|Hyperlaser's]] [[Hyperlaser#Eviscerating Ray|Eviscerating Ray]] will pierce and instantly destroy sprouts and grant Hyperlaser another shot.
<!--Q Ability-->
|color = #{{ClassColor|Vine Staff}}
|tabclass = VineStaff
|ability = Preservation
|Q Ability
|icon = Placeholder.png
|type = Q Ability
|Heal a targeted ally. For the next 8 seconds, 40% of the damage they deal is turned into healing for both you and the ally. for every 50 damage they deal, you gain a seed.
|description = Heal a targeted ally. For the next 8 seconds, 40% of the damage they deal is turned into healing for both you and the ally. for every 50 damage they deal, you gain a seed.
|'''Healing:''' 10 (on cast only)<br>'''Projectile speed:''' ---<br>'''Heal cap:''' 50<br>'''Life steal:''' 40%<br>'''Duration:''' 9 seconds<br>'''Cooldown:''' 17 seconds
|details = '''Healing:''' 10 (on cast)<br>'''Projectile speed:''' ---<br>'''Heal cap:''' 50<br>'''Life steal:''' 40%<br>'''Duration:''' 9 seconds<br>'''Cooldown:''' 17 seconds
|notes = Preservation's effects will not occur until the projectile reaches the targeted ally.
|demo = [[File:Demonstration VineStaffQ.webm]]
* Preservation's effects will not occur until the projectile reaches the targetted ally.
<!--E Ability-->
|color = #{{ClassColor|Medkit}}
|Root of the Oak
|tabclass = Medkit
|ability = Root of the Oak
|E Ability
|icon = Placeholder.png
|type = E Ability
|Fire three branches which root enemies when hit. Hitting a sprout causes it to activate instantly and create an explosion which roots. Hitting an enemy gives you a seed.
|description = Fire three branches which root enemies when hit. Hitting a sprout causes it to activate instantly and create an explosion which roots. Hitting an enemy gives you a seed.
|'''Damage:''' 9 (direct) + 6 (splash)<br>'''Root duration:''' 1 second (direct) + 0.4 seconds (splash)<br>'''Projectile speed:''' ---<br>'''Projectiles:''' 3<br>'''Hitbox size:''' 20x20x20 (splash)<br>'''Cooldown:''' 12 seconds
|details = '''Damage:''' 9 (direct) + 6 (splash)<br>'''Root duration:''' 1 second (direct) + 0.4 seconds (splash)<br>'''Projectile speed:''' ---<br>'''Projectiles:''' 3<br>'''Hitbox size:''' 20x20x20 (splash)<br>'''Cooldown:''' 12 seconds
|notes =
|demo = [[File:Demonstration VineStaffE.webm]]
|color = #{{ClassColor|Medkit}}
|Lotus of the Den
|tabclass = Medkit
|ability = Lotus of the Den
|icon = Placeholder.png
|type = Phinisher
|Summon a lotus which heals and grants allies regeneration three times before disappearing. All allies in radius of the lotus will activate stage 1 Beginning Anew at their position and your seeds now plant level 2 sprouts.
|description = Summon a lotus which heals and grants allies regeneration three times before disappearing. All allies in radius of the lotus will activate stage 1 Beginning Anew at their position and your seeds now plant level 2 sprouts.
|'''Healing:''' 20 + 30 {{Status|Regeneration}} per wave<br>'''Waves:''' 3<br>'''Time between waves:''' 6 seconds<br>'''Healing hitbox:''' 150x50x150<br>'''Phinisher points:''' 150
|details = '''Healing:''' 20 + 30 {{Status|Regeneration}} per wave<br>'''Waves:''' 3<br>'''Time between waves:''' 6 seconds<br>'''AoE hitbox:''' 150x50x150<br>'''Phinisher points:''' 150
|notes = Phinisher points cannot be gained while Lotus of the Den is active.<br>If {{PAGENAME}} dies, Lotus of the Den's effects are cancelled.
|demo = [[File:Demonstration VineStaffUlt.webm]]
* Phinisher points cannot be gained while Lotus of the Den is active.
* If {{PAGENAME}} dies, Lotus of the Den's effects are cancelled.