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::19 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Broker and Zuka use the phone to communicate ===
'''Q:''' I have a few questions...
1- How does Zuka and Broker communicate, or does Broker just get out of his hidding spot(it is a hidding spot??) And goes to talk with Zuka like nothing?
:'''A:''' phone
::19 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Ban Hammer doesn't know how Broker escapes jail ===
'''Q:''' 2- if Broker has been arrested a few times, how does he escape? Does Ban Hammer trap him??
:'''A:''' : not even banhammer knows
::19 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Between a chess competition of Medkit and Broker, 50/50 chance either would win ===
'''Q:''' 4- we need chess competition of Medkit vs Broker, and if that was the case, WHO WOULD WIN???
:'''A:''' 50/50 win
::19 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== We'll see some Phighter's uncovered faces in Story Mode ===
'''Q:''' in story mode are we gonna ever see phighters without their face covers and what not?
:'''A:''' only some, if its important to their story
::19 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== The circles on Broker's face is a blush ===
'''Q:''' Is the light blue circle at the bottom of Broker's eye a blush or is it a mark like Shuriken or Vinestaff have?
:'''A:''' blush. hes so jolly
::20 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Subspace was never nice, him and Medkit never liked eachother ===
'''Q:''' Was subspace always and asshole or did he used to be nicer? And did him and medkit ever get along?
:'''A:''' DEFINITLY not nice; he was was a terrible kid, especially towards Medkit
: they never liked each other
::20 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Windforce will have a sword round ===
'''Q:''' 1. Will windforce show up in the game or does she just exist for the sake of Banhammer’s story if that makes any sense?
:'''A:''' Windforce will have a sword round, just like all the other deities
::20 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== The lantern Traffic has is from Lightblox ===
'''Q:''' Is the lantern traffic has from lightblox?
:'''A:''' yes
::20 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Nobody is able to get near Subspace ===
'''Q:''' what if u gave subspace a cat ,,,
would he kill it. ...
:'''A:''' considering nobody is able to get near him, probably
::20 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Windforce and Ban Hammer are a power duo ===
'''Q:''' Hai soda!!!!
What is Windforces and Banhammers relationship like as mother and son? Was Windforce ever neglectful, as she was said to not care about much stuff, or is this an exemption for Banhammer or not? Is Banhammer like actively trying to get Windforces approval (because Banhammer lines say ‘this one’s for you momma!’, is this also why Banhammers stupid…)
:'''A:''' haha nah, Windforce and Banhammer are a power duo and they love each other very much!
: i like to think when Windforce is battling she also likes to shout him out kinda similar to how he does it in game, i.e, "This one's for my son!" or something silly like that. Maybe he got it from her
::20 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Medkit isn't the type of person to take in scenery ===
'''Q:''' Hi hi!! Congrats on 6K! :))
Does Medkit like birds or bird watching? For some reason I always wondered that
:'''A:''' Medkit doesn’t strike me as the type of guy to sit down and take breaks/take in scenery even for a second, blame the paranoia
::20 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Medkit finds Boombox annoying because he's loud and obnoxious ===
'''Q:''' i’ve been wondering, what is it that Boombox does that Medkit finds annoying? in the relationship chart it says Med is neutral towards BB but would that ever border on disliking?
:'''A:''' Loud, obnoxious, never knows when to shut up
::20 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Mx Bot is a wannabe villain, Spray Pain is their unwilling sidekick ===
:'''A:''' They’re like the bowser jr of the phighting universe. Wannabe villain tryhard with their most “violent” crime being…controlling biografts to scare the crap out of traffic
: Of course, being such a frightening villain means they must have a sidekick, sometimes spray pain tags along with them but most of the time it is. Unwillingly.
::20 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== The reason Katana would try to kill Medkit is related to the corruption he mentions ===
'''Q:''' Hiya, Soda!!
Can we get a little more explanation to previous Katana/Medkit interaction that have been answered? Like, for what reason would he try to kill him? Would Katana treat Medkit differently if he knew about him trying to do better and that he's sorry for his past etc. cuz like,, Hyper is working for Blackrock too and Katana doesn't try to kill him off actually,,??
:'''A:''' Let’s just say that the corruption he keeps referring to is involved , doesn’t have anything to do with Blackrock
::20 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Traffic is victim to Mx Bot's villainy, though they don't do much harm ===
'''Q:''' Sorry for another post but I just read the mx bot fun fact one so scratch that last one.
So what is mx bot's relation to traffic then if they want to mess with him?
:'''A:''' Every villain needs their victim, traffic just unfortunately happens to be one haha. It’s nothing serious tho, I don’t think Bot is capable of bringing harm to anyone despite what they say
::20 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Zuka is favored by a few of the deities ===
'''Q:''' How do the deities feel about zuka? Mainly darkheart?
:'''A:''' he’s actually quite favored by a few of them (firebrand and darkheart specifically) but it’s due to reasons I cannot speak of yet
: I still like to think he hangs out with DH though even if they don’t work together anymore
::20 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Ban Hammer is closest to Broker out of the non-Phighters* ===
'''Q:''' soda, out of all of the phighters, who would u consider banhammer "closest" to (could be friendship or just acquaintanceship)
:'''A:''' Oh I wanna answer this so bad but it is unfortunately a character that is not public yet
Though, non phighter would probably be broker? It’s more of a cat and mouse thing if anything tho, not a friendship
::20 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
:: ''*Archival note: The Phighter that Ban Hammer is closest to was confirmed by Soda to be Scythe in the Boggio discord.''
=== Flipside's parents' divorce was very bad ===
'''Q:''' hope you're kickin it well in there!! ^^
1. how's dom n valks relationship to their parents? iirc it was mentioned their divorce was MESSY so im curious if that affected the brothers at all
:'''A:''' oh yeah it was bad, definitely messed them up for awhile I'd imagine
::20 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Medkit isn't very close with Zuka, but considers Rocket a friend ===
'''Q:''' Does medkit see sword as family or a friend? Rocket and Zuka too
:'''A:''' Medkit's relationship with Sword is certainly an unconventional one since they met when Medkit was around his 20s,
: I dont think he's super close with zuka though, but I guess Rocket would be considered something of a friend as well
::20 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Katana hides his face out of a mix of insecurity and due to his past ===
'''Q:''' im sorry soda for asking you so many questions but, why is katana so secretive about how he looks? is it something related to his past or is it just him being insecure?
:'''A:''' a mix of both
::20 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Firebrand helped raise Dom and Valk and is fiercely protective of them ===
'''Q:''' are valk and doms parents like. good parents?? with good intentions?? or are they kinda...... not fit to be parents at all
:'''A:''' It’s…complicated, however, Firebrand stepped in and helped raised them (flipside) for a good while as a parental stand-in and now he’s fiercely protective of them
::20 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Katana will get a face reveal in the future ===
'''Q:''' 1: will katana ever get an actual face reveal?
:'''A:''' In the future
::20 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== It is possible for demons to have horn mutations ===
'''Q:''' 2: how rare are horn mutations like firebrand and spray pain?
:'''A:''' Firebrand's horns can be considered a mutation since its growing out of his eye, Spray Pain's horns just cover their eye so its not a mutation, though, i don't think its impossible for mutations to exist in normal demons
::20 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Ghostdeeri holds all known knowledge of the Phighting universe ===
'''Q:''' 3: how does broker/ghosdeeri know so much about the lore?
:'''A:''' Gdeeri is a librarian, she practically holds all known knowledge of the phighting universe within the confines of her library, she probably even wrote some of the history books herself
: Broker is just really good at stalking the right people
::20 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Hyperlaser takes great care of Princess ===
'''Q:''' anyways err if princess WAS canon, do you think hyperlaser would be a good owner? i assume he's out of the house often, what w/ being a merc and all. but would he like at least come home and be like "oohhhh hiii princess :))"
:'''A:''' i like to think he is an entirely different person when he's around her, and yes, he'd take great care of her!! after all, she is his princess :)
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Hyperlaser doesn't like Subspace, but remains neutral ===
'''Q:''' actually; does hyperlaser *somewhat* care about subspace or......... (referenced by his dialogue with medkit)
:'''A:''' "care" is a strong word. He "cares" about subspace in the same way you would "care" about your dickhead boss, which is to say, not a whole lot. Actually i would go as far to say he just doesn't like the guy but remains neutral on the surface
: I would say he is curious about what happened between the two tho, considering both of them are infamous for different reasons
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Subspace likes to torture in his free time ===
'''Q:''' Hi...subspace fanatic here..
Is there anything subspace likes to do in his free time? Like outside of inventing ofc, if all he does is be a nerd an invent stuff what would be smth he might do?? :3
:'''A:''' torture
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Mx Bot can hijack electronics via their gear ===
'''Q:''' Based on one of the responses, Biografts can be controlled, how can they be controlled? Is it hard to do so?
:'''A:''' I assume this is stemming from the Mx Bot post? Bot is the only one that is capable of hijacking electronics/machinery via their gear and by proxy, may or may not mess with unfortunate biografts that happen to stumble their way and use them for their own bidding
: It’s basically like playing on a big iPad haha
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Spray Pain is just a background character ===
'''Q:''' Is Spray Paint going to be the equivalent of the Y/N character for storymode (Im guessing by reading their wiki dksbdksbs)
:'''A:''' No, he’s just a fun background character
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Subspace is slowly rotting away ===
'''Q:''' Does Subspace, or any other character in phighting, cannonically have any sort of disabilities or conditions? (Like autism, ADHD, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Bipolar, etc)
:'''A:''' I guess Subspace’s condition could be considered a disability since his body is slowly rotting away, dunno what it would be called tho. there’s also a few other characters I can also think of who might fall under a similar category but I don’t wanna go too in depth with it
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Biological relatives exist because of how the Spawn works ===
'''Q:''' How can there be biological relatives (like Windforce being Banhammer's mom) for demons when they don't have sexual organs for reproduction? (I'm presuming its some kind of spawn ritual thingy)
:'''A:''' The Spawn, there should be some information on the wiki about that
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
:: ''Archival note: help.''
=== Deities are also demons ===
'''Q:''' Are all of the deities all demons or are some of them something else?
:'''A:''' Yes, they fall under the same category of demons
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Demons are not related to the biblical definition of demons ===
'''Q:''' Are demons like actual demons??? As in the like "biblical" definition of just creatures that live in an underworld or are they literally just funny people that have horns?
:'''A:''' They’re just Demons in name only, they have no connections to hell or biblical theming
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== A lot of Biografts exist ===
'''Q:''' How many Biografts exist currently?
:'''A:''' A lot
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== There are as many models of Biograft as there are in the Roblox catalogue ===
'''Q:''' How many models of Biograft are there? (Apart from Zeta and Beta)
:'''A:''' As many as there are on in the roblox avatar catalogue
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Subspace was always a dickhead ===
'''Q:''' What happened to Subspace that he ended up this way? (Or was he just born to be an a-hole? ;-;)
:'''A:''' Was always a dickhead, he’s just more of a dickhead now
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Subspace will never get a redemption arc ===
'''Q:''' Will Subspace get a redemption arc? (As in not be a-hole anymore)
:'''A:''' Fuck no, but, I can see people being sympathetic to him, doomed by the narrative
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Zuka's horns are gray due to age ===
:'''A:''' Old
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== The matches in Phighting! are not canon ===
'''Q:''' Are the matches that we have in phighting "cannon"?
:'''A:''' No
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Horns are made of bone* ===
'''Q:''' Can demons feel through their horns??? Like if somebody touches them or pets them there, can they feel it?
:'''A:''' Their horns are made of bone so, unsure
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
:: ''*Archival note: This is currently untrue, as horns were later stated to be made from keratin rather than bone.''
=== Yanking demon's horns would be uncomfortable ===
'''Q:''' How uncomfortable is it when somebody grabs a demon by their horn and begins aggressively shaking their head by holding onto their horns or just straight up yanking against their horns?
:'''A:''' That doesn’t sound comfortable I’d imagine
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== It is possible for demons to kill by using their horns ===
'''Q:''' Has any demon killed anybody else just by using their horns??? (Like sharpening them and headbutting them into somebody's guts)
:'''A:''' Probably
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Ban Hammer is in charge of keeping the peace (violently) ===
'''Q:''' Do a "police force" exist in the world of phighting or are the Deities managing everything?
:'''A:''' Banhammer is in charge of keeping the peace, although in a very violent way
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Illumina isn't good around children ===
'''Q:''' What is Illumina like in terms of personality? Are they good around children?
:'''A:''' Do not let illumina anywhere near children.
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Windforce took care of Ban Hammer by herself ===
'''Q:''' Apart form Windforce herself, did anybody else helped to take care of Ban Hammer? Like her brother?
:'''A:''' It was just her
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Ban Hammer practices his golf skilsl on Banland prisoners ===
'''Q:''' How the hell did Ban Hammer get so good at golf???
:'''A:''' Practiced on some banland prisoners with his hammer
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Zuka's gear is the Exponential Rocket Launcher, B. Zuka for short ===
'''Q:''' How come Zuka gets their own name but Rocket names himself after his gear? (Because if I am correct, zuka was born with rocket as their gear from what I presume)
:'''A:''' Zuka’s gear is the Exponential Rocket Launcher, Shortened down to B. zuka for convenience (it would also be confusing if there was 2 characters named Rocket)
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Subspace was born as Subspace Tripmine ===
:'''A:''' He was born as subspace tripmine, it’s just his gear has been heavily modified over the years
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Skins are not canon ===
:'''A:''' No skins are canon
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Medkit joined Lost Temple due to familial connections ===
'''Q:''' is there any other reason as to why medkit decides to join lost temple?
aside from like playground being a faction with demons that are highly energetic and extroverted, complete opposite of medkit’s personality
i just thought that thieves’ den would be his 2nd option, but why lost temple?
:'''A:''' Familial connections
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Firebrand had children at one point ===
'''Q:''' does valk and dom's existence imply that firebrand had children at one point?
:'''A:''' yes
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Demons would say "Oh my gods" ===
'''Q:''' what do the demons say instead of "oh my god"
:'''A:''' probably just "Oh my gods" since there are multiple, the names are kind of a mouthful so i don't rlly see anyone using the phrase on a first name basis
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Demons can experience exhaustion and general sluggishness ===
'''Q:''' Can demons, despite not needing too consume anything nor sleep, still experience hunger or sleepiness (for lack of a better word...)?
:'''A:''' they can experience things like exhaustion/general sluggishness
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Zuka is from Blackrock ===
'''Q:''' And, can you say if zuka was ever apart of any other faction.. I dont mind the tiniest of crumbs for this question
:'''A:''' Zuka is from Blackrock
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
'''Q:''' does subspace have trauma.........
:'''A:''' subspace is the trauma
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Subspace is being protected by an authority higher than Ban Hammer ===
'''Q:''' hello sodaaaaaa this might be a stupid question but any reason why banhammer cant just grab and throw subspace into banland?? i vaguely remember its because of blackrock or smth like that
:'''A:''' Subspace is being protected by an authority higher than Banhammer
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Medkit met Sword a few years after leaving Blackrock ===
'''Q:''' Did Medkit meet Sword decently soon after leaving Blackrock? Or was there a time gap before they met?
:'''A:''' Correct, Medkit left Blackrock in his early 20s and met Sword when he was working at Lost Temple (so around age 22 i think), i believe Sword was around 16 years old at this time
: sorry im not very good with numbers lol
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Broker and Medkit are coworkers, but not friends ===
'''Q:''' Zuka and Broker are very close friends and Broker is also close friends with Medkit? I imagine that someone who has the broker as an enemy probably has to sleep with one eye open lol (subspace lmaooo)
:'''A:''' Broker and Medkit are coworkers but i wouldn't say they're friends
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Hyperlaser would be curious to see Zuka fight ===
'''Q:''' With that line from Hyperlaser “Your father, is he still interested in combat?” Does he want to somehow get Zuka to return to Blackrock or does he simply want him to see him in action again? Poor old man, there's no moment of peace bro, and it's also likely that Zuka won't tell much about his past to Rocket, Blackrock is already doing that, I think maybe he'll discover things he shouldn't know about Zuka or things that aren't very cool ones from Blackrock. since it was pretty infamous
:'''A:''' Haha, i think Hyperlaser is a little curious to see the old legend back in a fight considering how infamous he is, though, i don't think zuka would ever pick his gear back up again
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Medkit is a traitor to his country ===
'''Q:''' Hi, Soda!!! I'm sorry if I'm late but would banhammer throw medkit In jail? What's their relationship? Non romantic of course.
:'''A:''' Medkit is a traitor to his country, or at least, that's what the story is. It's Banhammer's job to make sure demons don't go out of line like that
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Medkit's associates aren't very good people ===
'''Q:''' Can we know more about Medkit's job? Like what he did working at Lost Temple and what he does being Co-workers with Broker
:'''A:''' all i will say is that his associates are very not good people
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Spawn rules do not apply to deities or their descendants ===
'''Q:''' how did firebrand not lose his gear since he got children of his own
:'''A:''' Spawn rules apply differently to deities and their descendants
::21 October 2023 - [ Link] | Image
Autopatrolled users, trusted_users
