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== Teasers ==
Phighters have been teased through various means on the Boggio community server, or in-game. TheseFollowing teasers[[Playtest can1]], bea indirectfill-in-the-blank orroadmap officiallywas given to the public, which reveals the Phighters of the game's base roster. Note: The list of teasers does not include the ones given to server boosters. The fill-in-the-blank is not finalized, changes may occur.
<gallery position="center" widths="400" captionalign="center">
Plannedclasses.png|A fill-in-the-blank listing the planned classes
Plannedclassesupdated.png|Ditto, but with letters added to some prompts
File:Upcoming unknown class1.png|An upcoming class for PHIGHTING!
<gallery position=center widths=300 captionalign=center>
Revealbiograftshot.png|A headshot of Biograft
Revealbiografttitle.png|A silhouette of Biograft on the Title Screen
Revealbiograftprimary.gif|A reveal of Biograft's primary