
Revision as of 01:04, 2 March 2024 by Oofgamin (talk | contribs) (Added most of the Skateboard skins' dialogue and a bit more of Sword's)

Sword Skins

Sci-fi Sword


Sword Greetings from the future.
I'm not meant to be here, so I'm hiding for now.
I could help you out, although, some people got here before you, so it might cost a bit?
I'll take 40k bux, inflation got pretty rough.
What do you say?
Yes No

Sword Placeholder
Sword I see.
Sword You don't have enough.


Sword Placeholder

Marshmallow Sword


Sword heLLO!
i aM MarSHMallow swORD.
dO u wANNa be LikE marSHMALLOw sWoRD tOO?
40k bUX, tAKE it oR LeaVE it.
Yes No

Sword wOOOhoO!
Sword Placeholder
Sword u hAVE nO mONEy!!!


Sword i lOVE marshMALLOW!

Follower Sword


Sword Hello.
I am a follower of our powerful deity.
All will soon succumb to their purposes.
If you would like to join before you get caught, it will cost you a fortune.
60k bux, would you like to join?
Yes No

Sword Placeholder
Sword I see.
Sword You do not have enough.


Sword Placeholder

Skateboard Skins

Hoverboard Skateboard


Skateboard Sup!
Wanna go hoverboarding with me?
Oh, you don't have a hoverboard?
I'll give you my extra for 30k bux.
How about it?
Yes No

Skateboard Placeholder
Skateboard Alright.
Skateboard You don't have enough, come back when you do.


Skateboard Placeholder



Skateboard Hey! Have you seen the bus yet?
I'm on my way to Blackrock, they have some of the most beautiful snow mountains there.
If you want to join me, I can pay for you there.
It'll only cost 40k bux.
Whaddy'a say?
Yes No

Skateboard Placeholder
Skateboard I see.
Skateboard Hm... You're missing something.


Skateboard Placeholder



Skateboard Good day!
I think i hast gotten lost.
I require a steed to travel alongside myself.
Perhaps thee would want to accompany myself as well, for the mere price of 45k bux.
What doth thee think?
Yes No

Skateboard Placeholder
Skateboard Good day.
Skateboard Thou lacks in bux.


Skateboard Placeholder