Slingshot/Skins: Difference between revisions

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When using {{Abilitylink|SlingshotPassive}}, his double-jump plays a meow and the trail of steps is replaced with hearts. When using {{Abilitylink|SlingshotPrimary}}, a meow sound is accompanied with each shot. When using {{Abilitylink|SlingshotSecondary}}, a lower-pitched meow accompanies the shot followed by a trail of hearts and the impact position is made a heart. When using {{Abilitylink|SlingshotQ}}, a meow replaces the impact sound. When using {{Abilitylink|SlingshotE}}, a meow accompanies the sound of the dash as hearts trail behind him. When using {{Abilitylink|SlingshotPhinsiher}}, the animation plays out normally, but instead of taking a stance, Catshot does a little dance before running off. The lasers now play distant meows that progressively get higher in pitch. The laser also leaves a trail of hearts now. All effects are light blue.
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When using {{Abilitylink|SlingshotPassive}}, his double-jump and steps are followed by snowflakes. When using {{Abilitylink|SlingshotPrimary}}, the little particles emitted from the full charge are now snowflakes. Upon releasing the shot, the sound of a snowball hitting something plays. When using {{Abilitylink|SlingshotSecondary}}, the snowball sound is played again as the laser is followed by large snowflake trail. When using {{Abilitylink|SlingshotQ}}, the light snowball sound is played. When using {{Abilitylink|SlingshotE}}, a trail of snowflakes follow. When using {{Abilitylink|SlingshotPhinisher}}, a trail of snowflakes follow the laser as the sound of wind and a gust accompanied by some snow crunch plays as the pitch gets progressively higher. All effects are now a lighter, less-saturated blue.
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When using {{Abilitylink|SlingshotPassive}}, the double-jump plays a whooshing sound and the steps play the sounds of stepping on glass or pottery shards. Trailing behind him are these rings with triangles. When using {{Abilitylink|SlingshotPrimary}}, a distorted charge up noise plays while a red ring is summoned and fades as it shrinks and warps closer to the slingshot. When releasing the shot, a sound of a band snapping plays and a the red ring is shown at the base. When using {{Abilitylink|SlingshotSecondary}}, a distorted charge-up sound plays as the red rings start to build up energy at the tip of the slingshot and firing the shot plays a distorted firing sound accompanied by a string snapping and a trail of red rings. When using {{Abilitylink|SlingshotQ}}, a band snapping sound plays as the shot is fired and the sound echos. When using {{Abilitylink|SlingshotE}}, a whooshing sound plays accompanied by sand falling. When using {{Abilitylink|SlingshotPhinisher}}, the sound of rushing wind plays upon the shot being activated and is followed by this odd clicking and a howl when the shot is released and the howls get progressively higher in pitch. The trail behind Cursedshot has some serrated edges in it. The laser are supported by the larger, red ring at it's base and when fired a trail of the rings follow. All effects are now this vibrant red.