Archive/Soda Tumblr: Difference between revisions

Adding more of Lune's work hai lune
m (Adding Lune's work)
m (Adding more of Lune's work hai lune)
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:'''A:''' ahh i can't say too much about her but they are both very close, she's something like a little sister to him
: add new semicolon for new paragraph
::13 July 2023 - [ Link] | Image
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::14 July 2023 - [ Link] | Image
::14 July 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Sword would bear hug anyone and is very extroverted ===
'''Q:''' also, can i get a silly sword fact? i think he's neat!!
:'''A:''' i think Sword would be the kind of person to just bear hug anyone, regardless of how they feel about it. also would be very extroverted in my mind
::14 July 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Venomshank hasn't zombified anyone he's close to yet ===
'''Q:''' If not lore related, has Venomshank ever (accidentally) zombified anyone he was close to? Family, friends etc
:'''A:''' Not yet.
::14 July 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Not all of Venomshank's zombies are dead demons ===
'''Q:''' HI SODA!! Hope ur having a good day!! I was wondering if. Venomshank uses the dead bodies of the Phighters from each game to make his zombies!
:'''A:''' i haven't really thought about that, but i think thats a neat HC!
: all his zombies aren't necessarily created from dead demons, some of them are just created from his abilities
::14 July 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== There's a possibility of Phighters dying in Story Mode ===
'''Q:''' do phighters have the possibility of being killed off during story mode?
:'''A:''' Yes no maybe so
::15 July 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Katana's mask is symbolic ===
'''Q:''' me again. helo.
does katana just wear his mask for the aesthetic or does he have a hyperlaser-ish situation going on or a secret third thing like hiding a silly face like venomshank does (sorry if lore related!!)
:'''A:''' It's not quite the same as Hyperlaser's situation but its more symbolic; He uses his mask to cover the parts he hates most about himself
::16 July 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== It's heavily looked down to change factions ===
'''Q:''' how big of a sin is changing factions just wanted to know
:'''A:''' It depends but its heavily looked down on imo
::16 July 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Ban Hammer is not very bright ===
'''Q:''' ok random thought that i had
would banhammer have the bite force of an alligator or crocodile or smth similar. i think those teeth could do some damage
sorry for the random ask it . popped into my head while scrolling thru the phighting tag on here
:'''A:''' considering he's probably the biggest playable phighter, i'd say his head is made out of like 70% jaw strength and 30% brain. He is not that bright.
: chomp chomp !
::16 July 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Slingshot is a cafe owner in Crossroads ===
'''Q:''' Alright this one is for my discord friends
But since we git broker and MedKit facts, can we get a slingshot fact?
:'''A:''' Slingshot is the owner of a fairly successful cafe in Crossroads! He's technically the boss of both Vine and Shuri since they also work there
::16 July 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== All Phighters celebrate phestivals in their own way ===
'''Q:''' with the phestival coming up, i wanted to ask if all the phighters enjoy them, or if some of them dislike how excited everyone gets from dom and valk making a big fuss over the matches? i can imagine the playgroundies enjoying phestivals a lot, but im not sure about guys like medkit or hyperlaser,,,,
:'''A:''' I'm sure they all celebrate them in their own way! I think Hyperlaser just likes to sit and watch the fireworks from the rooftops and Medkit will still go out with Sword and Rocket for the celebration
::16 July 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Shuriken, Slingshot and Vine Staff like to leave gifts for Katana ===
'''Q:''' does,, do shuri, sling and vine see katana as family at all? like uncle, brother, father etc etc figure or is he just. that guy that is there to them
:'''A:''' I think he's just like an older neighbor to them, i like to think sometimes they'll leave him little treats or gifts outside his door to know he's appreciated since he doesn't talk much
::16 July 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Rocket carved his horns to look more like Zuka ===
'''Q:''' Didn't you say that Rocket's horns are also stylized a while back?
:'''A:''' yep! Rocket carved his horns when he was younger to look more like Zuka
::16 July 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Juice is too childish for Medkit, who likes grape juice ===
'''Q:''' Does Medkit like orange juice or apple juice
:'''A:''' he would never drink juice. It's too childish for him.
: also he would like grape juice
::16 July 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Sword has seen Venomshank go feral once ===
'''Q:''' Has Sword ever witness Venomshank go feral?? (Also sorry for so many random questions)
:'''A:''' Once.
::16 July 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Illumina used to have two wings ===
'''Q:''' illumina fact?
:'''A:''' He used to have 2 wings
::16 July 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Broker has a gear that hasn't been shown yet ===
'''Q:''' is broker based off something or is he just a insane rat you made at one point because you were bored?
pictures appreciated if possible (did broker have any other design changes i saw one scrolling for a question like this)
:'''A:''' he has a gear! Though it hasn't been shown yet
::16 July 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== None of the factions or Crossroads have free healthcare ===
'''Q:''' Do any factions + crossroads have free healthcare
:'''A:''' Haha no
::16 July 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== None of the characters have canon orientations ===
'''Q:''' Is vine staff a canon lesbian…???
:'''A:''' none of them have canon orientations
::16 July 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Question Title ===
'''Q:''' if it isn't any trouble, could you tell us a bit more about sword and medkit's relationship….. as a treat.
:'''A:''' as for sword and med, I think Sword is the only person Medkit considers a real friend that he like. Somewhat cares about (which is impressive in Medkit's perspective)
: i like to think Medkit tried to shoo him off but Sword always kept coming back around
::17 July 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Traffic travels and has visited every region ===
:'''A:''' He travels! He's been to every region a handful of times via hitchhiking and likes setting up shop there for a week or two before moving out
: I like to think Ghosdeeri gets a little worried since he'll be gone for weeks at a time but he always comes back around with stories for her library
::17 July 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Demon's gears are random when spawning ===
'''Q:''' hiii cant remember where the ask is but i vaguely remember you mentioning how medkit was more invested in tech and didnt wanna be a doctor so i cant help but wonder :
is it possible for demons in the phighting universe to get stuck with a gear that they dont like? thanks :]
:'''A:''' yes! its pretty much random for every demon what gear they get when they spawn, even for biological demons who have parents. So some of them can turn out Really Crappy
::17 July 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Medkit hurt Subspace out of self-defense ===
'''Q:''' i thought the whole thing with subspace and medkit was that they didnt like each other and with the incident was them both hurting each other and that medkit hurt subspace more so how does that make subspace an abuser
:'''A:''' I suppose I could have clarified a bit? yes Medkit hurt Subspace but it was purely out of self defense. Sub and Med never liked each other but it was because Subspace thrived on seeing others hurt, trust me, he's hurt a lot more demons than just Medkit
::17 July 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Princess Swag ===
'''Q:''' potentially a hyperlaser funfact? i must be fed, soda
:'''A:''' i was gonna give him a black cat as a pet companion but aidn said no
: Still upset
::17 July 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Rocket used to be hot-headed ===
'''Q:''' how would you describe rocket'z personality? can i get a funfact about him as a bonuz too plz
:'''A:''' i think current day rocket is a lot more excited and hyper/silly than he was when he was younger, he's also a bit of a klutz
: younger rocket was a lot more angry and hot-headed, however, he managed to grow out of it when zuka found him
::17 July 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== There's only ever gonna be 4 factions ===
'''Q:''' is there gonna be only 4 fractions? or there’s possibility of adding more?
:'''A:''' Just 4
: I think if I had to make more than that I’d cry
::17 July 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Characters would have actual voices in-universe ===
'''Q:''' in-universe would they have regular voices or talk like how they do in-game?
do demons speak a language seperate from ours?
:'''A:''' I think in universe they would have actual voices. The little beeps they make are just so the dialog feels more “alive” and we don’t exactly have the resources to hire voice actors and whatnot, we also just don’t want to hire voice actors because it sounds really uncanny in roblox games.
: I don’t think we have a name for their language since it’s just based on whatever language the player is using for their roblox client lol
::17 July 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Subspace has always been Subspace ===
'''Q:''' I remember during a Q&A in the bogcom discord you talked about how phighters essentially are born with their weapons, those items becoming their own name. Did Subspace have a previous identity before developing the crystals he uses now?
:'''A:''' Nope! He was always Subspace, the crystals just allow him to become more dangerous
::17 July 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Illumina is a demon of words and not action ===
'''Q:''' hello, this is my first time asking here!!
Can we please have some Illumina facts? I've never heard any 🙁
:'''A:''' I already gave an illumina fact earlier but I suppose another one couldn’t hurt
: I’ve always imagined them as more of a demon of words and not action, essentially breaking down whoever is facing them verbally and scaring them off without having to even lift a finger
: Of course they would also be insanely powerful (y’know, being a deity and all) but I think they find a bit of amusement in it
::17 July 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== The room in Crossroads could have a mystery ===
'''Q:''' I like to create theories, so are there any characters that would be interesting to investigate or any interesting mysteries?
:'''A:''' Hmm I cant really tell you where to start but i think most people have overlooked that one particular room in crossroads...
::17 July 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Young Zuka won't appear in Story Mode ===
'''Q:''' is young zuka gonna appear in story mode?
:'''A:''' never
::17 July 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Medkit is pretty depressing ===
'''Q:''' does anything make medkit happy or is he just a dead depressed soul
:'''A:''' well after Blackrock he just kinda became a shell of his former self. Pretty depressing i'd say!
: of course, he does enjoy Sword and Rocket's company but outside of that I don't think he cares too much about anything
: edit: and i suppose he does care for 1 other person but he hasn't been revealed yet >:3
::17 July 2023 - [ Link] | Image
=== Each region has their own line of defense ===
'''Q:''' Hello soda! I love how you guys made BlackRock like an evil organisation that creates machines and stuff
and I've been wanting to ask, is the mass-production of biografts posing a threat to any of the other factions or are there like 10 or 20 of them?
:'''A:''' i dont think i can give an exact number rn but its quite a lot .
: Yes they are considered a threat but the other regions have their own defenses as well! I wouldn't underestimate them........Especially lost temple :3c
::17 July 2023 - [ Link] | Image