User:Parch3rz/Overview: Difference between revisions

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| faction = [[Lost Temple]]
| health = 40
| shield = 10085
| addedin = :<
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Parcher is a ranged phighter that specialises in both stunninggreat damage and supporting, his abilities, such as Arctic Bolt and Stunning Freeze allow him to {{Status|Stun}} outand {{Status|Slow}} phightersPhights for a certain amount of time, letting his allies deal damage to the enemies when they’re most vulnerable. Parcher is pretty vulnerable with his low health and shield, and he also has limited options to save himself from dangerous situations, making him unable to escape from fast Phighters, however, he can still fight back against slow Phighters, dealing heavy amount of damage with Crossbow and Firework’s Slaughter. Parcher has limited options to save himself from dangerous situations, making him unable to escape from fast Phighters. His [[Phinisher]], Commander’s Call not only can grant himself [[Status Effects]] buffs, his {{Status|Stun}} time will also be extended, and apply great [[Status Effects]] buffs to all his surrounding allies, capable of giving a match-winning advantage to his team.
== Abilities ==
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|Fire a bolt that {{Status|Stun}} and {{Status|Slow}} the enemy on hit.
|'''Damage:''' 30<br>'''Cast time:''' 1.5 second <br>'''Range:''' 800 studs<br>'''{{Status|Stun}}:''' 1.7 seconds<br>{{Status|Slow}}: 30%<br>'''Cooldown:''' 17 seconds
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|Grants yourself and your allies buffs.
|{{Status|Haste}} '''buff:''' 60%<br>{{Status|Bounce}} '''buff:''' 25%<br> {{Status|Vulnerable}}''':''' 60% (Self Apply)<br>'''Damage buff:''' 75%<br> {{Status|Vulnerable}}''':''' 60% (Self Apply)<br>'''Phinisher cost:''' 150
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* Dying ends the [[Phinisher]]’s effects.
* Shooting a [[Boombox]]’s {{Abilitylink|BoomboxE}} instantly destroys it.


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