Scythe/Lore: Difference between revisions

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She wears a fancy white suit jacket with two small gold buttons connected by a chain, with an inline gold border accent on the lapels following around a popped collar decorated with small gold spikes, paired with a teal shirt underneath and a forest-green necktie. She wears two-toned forest-green pants with diamond patterning and is held up with a forest-green belt in the belt loops with a gold buckle. She wears white horse-riding boots with gold accents and gold spurs.
SheHer hasright arm is a prosthetic, arm that haswith white plating foraround the forearm and upper arm section topped offdecorated with gold accents,. blackBlack wiring connectingconnects the upper arm with the gold metal arm socket, goldon jointsher pairedshoulder, withwhile athe blackelbow screwconsists jointof fora the elbowslarge, andgold black metal plating for the forearm topped offjoint with whiteblack forscrews theon segmentits connectingsides. the elbow withFinally, the forearmhand andis goldmade forof the handblack and gold fingersplating. She wears a forest green glove for the left hand.
Scythe has a darker skin tone in comparison to the rest of the Phighters, being a light shade of gray rather than the typical white.
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