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'''Shuriken''' is a ranged [[Phighters|Phighter]] that playsspecializes asin apressuring flankerthe inenemy hisand categorypicking off targets. HeHis boastspassive, high[[Shuriken#As mobilityFast andas DPS,the butWind|As withFast aas weakerthe bulk.Wind]] Helets performshim wellmobilize atacross athe mediummap. range[[Shuriken#Stars butof the Storm|Stars of the Storm]] is limitedvery inversatile close-quarterwith combat.a Evenquick thenslow, Shuriken'sas well as antiheal and more damage if hit from behind. [[Shuriken#Traverse the Horizon|'''Traverse the Horizon''']] ensures he can find the best angles for attack, and [[Shuriken#Stab of the Betrayer|Stab of the Betrayer]] ensures your opponents can'''t recover. [[Shuriken#Illusions of the Smoke|Illusions of the Smoke''']] allowcan himtrick toand getdistract outenemines offor stickyhim situationsto thatrush heinto getsposition, into.and Hishis PhinisherPhinsher '''[[Shuriken#Gullotine Blossom|Guillotine Blossom]]''' iswill ancut AOE/Rangedhis attackfoes that allows himdown to crowd control and deal massive damagesize.


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