

The PHIGHTING! Wiki would not be possible without the help of its contributors and friends of staff, so this page exists to give thanks to those people.

Special thanks to...

  • boggio for creating PHIGHTING! and for supporting and working with the wiki.
    • A particular special thanks to Soda for her help in verifying and citing information as well as providing countless model, concept art, etc. files.
  • Yap for significant early work on the FANDOM wiki.
  • Kaffi for the wiki logo and favicon, based on boggio's logo for the game.
  • The entire staff team for their hard work and diligence in keeping the wiki maintained.
  • Ninjisy for the wiki's CSS, based on MediaWiki's Timeless skin, and for donating the wiki's domain.
  • PixDeVl for writing our StoredCites module used for consistent citations across the wiki.
  • DuskGloom for the status template used for rendering statuse effects across the wiki.
  • Fulmine and Ninjisister for CSS and JS help.
  • All of our contributors for their hard work and continued usage of the wiki.
  • All of our previous contributors on FANDOM for all of their hard work in starting the wiki and getting it up and running.
  • Miraheze for hosting the wiki and for regularly helping with technical issues, styling, etcetera.

Is there someone you think should be on this list? Let Ninjisy know!