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tart trying to cover valks crimes smh
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== Map voting ==
{{PhightingDialogue|Valk<br>Dom|"BigA hillnew round means a new set of stages to pick from!"<br>"HugeLet's see what our options are this time."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Valk<br>Dom|"Check out the maps we've got this time!"<br>"It's time for a new round."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Valk<br>Dom|"I'm real excited for this next match!"<br>"Hopefully it'll be as exciting as the last."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Dom<br>Valk|"I'm quite excited for this next match."<br>"Love the enthusiasm, Dom!"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Dom<br>Valk|"It’s time for a new round."<br>"Check out the maps we’ve got this time!"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Valk<br>Dom|"Looks like it's time for another round Phighters!"<br>"Let's check out which maps you can choose from this time."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Valk<br>Dom|"Phighters, are you ready to rumble?!"<br>"Sure."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Valk<br>Dom|"Remember to stream our new album!"<br>"I don't think we can say that while we're live."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Valk<br>Dom|"Welcome to a brand new Phight!"<br>"The stakes are high, let's find out which map the contestants will be fighting on this time."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Valk<br>Dom<br>Valk|"Are we sure it's safe for matches to take place at Banland?"<br>"As long as no prisoners are set free I think we're fine."<br>"Thank gods I get to watch from here!"}}
'''[[BOGIO Skatepark]]'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Valk<br>Dom<br>Valk<br>Dom|"BOGIO Skatepark. I remember we used to visit that place all the time!"<br>"Yes, I remember you falling off your board onto your face multiple times."<br>"Hey hey! Thought we said no exposing while we’re live!"<br>"My bad."}}
'''[[Chaos Canyon]]'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Valk<br>Dom<br>Valk|"Thinking of getting a tan sometime soon, you think Chaos Canyon would be a good place to get one?"<br>"If you can ignore criminals and outlaws, sure."<br>"I think I'll pass..."}}
'''[[Darkage Cliffs]]'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Dom<br>Valk|"Darkage has some beautiful architecture, it's great to look around while you're there."<br>"Don't distract the Phighters from their main goal! They need to stay focused!"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Valk<br>Dom<br>Valk<br>Dom<br>Valk|"Dodgeball? I remember playing that game all the time!"<br>"I would always win against you."<br>"Uh, no, I would always win against you!"<br>"You're remembering wrong."<br>"Am not!"}}
'''[[Domino Valley]]'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Valk<br>Dom<br>Valk<br>Dom|"Those two massive dominos in Domino Valley could squash someone if they fall the wrong way!"<br>"Anything could squash you if they fell on you."<br>"Hey! Enough with the short jokes!"<br>"Whoops."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Dom<br>Valk<br>Dom|"We've been to Spireline Airlines many times, especially with us having to travel for tours"<br>"Are we sure it's a safe place for a match to take place though? Getting hit with a plane would probably hurt."<br>"They'll be fine."}}
'''[[Hotel Elephant]]'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Valk<br>Dom<br>Valk|"I could go for a nice vacation right about now!"<br>"Let's stay on topic while we're on air."<br>"Sorry, just reminds me of how nice a beach trip would be right about now."}}
'''[[King of the Hill]]'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Dom<br>Valk|"A giant hill? That's the best location we could get?"<br>"Hey! Don't judge so quick, it'll be like a race to the top and competition of who can keep control of it!"}}
'''[[Nuke The Whales]]'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Valk<br>Dom|"DialogueWill goes herewe actually be nuking whales at this location?"<br>"PlaceholderI would hope not, otherwise we might have some lawsuits coming our way."}}
'''[[Protect Telamon]]'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Valk<br>Dom|"The Kingdom of Telamon! I’ve heard it’s been haunted by ghosts and bombarded by zombies recently…"<br>"Sounds like Venom’s up to no good."}}
'''[[ROBLOX Arcade]]'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Valk<br>Dom<br>Valk<br>Dom<br>Valk|"I wish I could just get out of here and get to that arcade!"<br>"Now's not the time."<br>"I know I know... sometimes I'd just rather be gaming than sitting here all day."<br>"I think you played enough games when you were younger."<br>"You're just salty that I always beat you!}}
'''[[ROBLOX Bowling Alley]]'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Valk<br>Dom<br>Valk|"I would love to go to a bowling alley again! How about we go against each other?"<br>"You're always so excited to go and then sulk when I beat you."<br>"Hey! I don't... nevermind, there's no denying how bad I am at bowling."}}
'''[[ROBLOX HQ]]'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Dom<br>Valk<br>Dom<br>Valk|I’m not sure how I feel about us making them fight in a professional environment."<br>"Don’t worry about it! We always rent the highest floors to make these matches happen."<br>"And if they fall off?"<br>"Oh well!"}}
'''[[ROBLOX Laundromat]]'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Valk<br>Dom<br>Valk<br>Dom|"I've never actually been in this laundromat before!"<br>"I know, because I'm always the one who has to do the laundry."<br>"Hey! I try... sometimes."<br>"You're the reason most of my white clothes are no longer white."}}
'''[[ROBLOX Mall]]'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Valk<br>Dom<br>Valk<br>Dom|"Time for a shopping spree!"<br>"We visit this mall multiple times a week, I think we can take a break once in a while."<br>"But the mall is calling me!"<br>"And your bank account is screaming for help."}}
'''[[ROBLOX Museum]]'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Dom<br>Valk|"This museum features many historical things from the Inpherno's past."<br>"Let's hope no one breaks anything!"}}
'''[[Rob The ROBLOX Bank]]'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Valk<br>Dom<br>Valk|"Let's go check out what's safe at the bank!"<br>"Now, now, let's not endorse crimes..."<br>"I'm just endorsing a good time! It's not like we'll actually take anything..."}}
'''[[Rocket Arena]]'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Valk<br>Dom<br>Valk<br>Dom<br>Valk|"The lights, the music, everything at Rocket Arena reminds me of our shows!"<br>"Except our shows are better."<br>"Hmmmm that's debatable..."<br>"..."<br>"Kidding! I'm kidding!"}}
'''[[Shooting Teapot Observatory]]'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Valk<br>Dom<br>Valk<br>Dom<br>Valk|"Wow… this teapot ship is just incredible to look at!"<br>"It’s even better to be on."<br>"Do you think we could go on it sometime?"<br>"Maybe… but you’re paying for the trip."<br>"Oh darn…"}}
'''[[Space Knights]]'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Valk<br>Dom|"This map takes place in outer space? Can they even breathe out there?"<br>"I would hope so, otherwise this match may not be very exciting."}}
'''[[Sword Fight On The Heights]]'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Valk<br>Dom<br>Valk|"This map reminds me a lot of granddad! Wonder what he's up to now..."<br>"Probably enjoying retirement."<br>"Or doing something super cool! Like scorching baddies!"}}
'''[[The Bread Factory]]'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Valk<br>Dom<br>Valk<br>Dom|"I could go for a nice snack of some bread and butter right now..."<br>"Stop talking before I get hungry too."<br>"Some nice toasted bread..."<br>"Enough."}}
'''[[The Iron Cafe]]'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Valk<br>Dom<br>Valk<br>Dom<br>Valk|"Remember the days we would perform here? That was such a long time ago!"<br>"That was back when we were considered small."<br>"Those were the days! Look how far we’ve come."<br>"Yes. I’ve grown and you’re still quite small."<br>"Hey!"}}
'''[[Train Demolition]]'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Valk<br>Dom|"Are we gonna be demolishing these trains? Sounds like it would cost a fortune!"<br>"Thankfully I think these trains are very sturdy, although, getting hit by one may leave you with some hospital bills."}}
'''[[Underground War]]'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Valk<br>Dom|"Woah... this cave is massive! And these crystals look gorgeous!"<br>"It sure is, and this is barely even the whole thing. Those crystals could look nice on some jewelry, as well."}}
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