Sword/Dialogue: Difference between revisions

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m (reorganized phighter chats)
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'''Ally [[Boombox]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Boombox<br>Sword|"Is there any specific music genre you like, Sword?"<br>"I think Jazz might be my go-to!"}}
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'''[[Sword Fight On The Heights]]'''
* "bAcK HeRe aGaIn?"
'''Ally [[Boombox]]'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Boombox<br>Sword|"Is there any specific music genre you like, Sword?"<br>"i tHiNk jAzZ MiGhT Be mY Go-tO!"}}
'''Ally [[Rocket]]'''
* "gOoD tO SeE yOu, rOcKeT!"
* "hOw's yOuR DaY BeEn, rOckEt?"
'''Ally [[Biograft]] - Chat'''
Line 167 ⟶ 165:
{{PhightingDialogue|Biograft<br>Sword<br>Biograft|"YOUR TECHNIQUES ARE OUTDATED."<br>"wE'Ll sEe wHo's bEtTeR At cOmBaT!"<br>"I WILL NOT LOSE."}}
'''Ally [[Hyperlaser]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Sword|"We have multiple sources of technologically advanced weapons, and yet you stick to a basic sword?"<br>"iT'S NoT JuSt sOmE OrDiNaRy sWoRd!"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Sword<br>Hyperlaser|"Your techniques, where did you learn them from?"<br>"mY MaStEr tAuGhT ThEm tO Me!"<br>"Your master must be an old lad."}}
'''Ally [[Katana]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Katana<br>Sword<br>Katana|"How did you master your blade?"<br>"i lEaRnT TeChNiQuEs fRoM My mAsTeR"<br>"As did I."}}
'''Ally [[Medkit]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Sword<br>Medkit|"hEy mEd! hErE To pAtCh mE Up aGaIn?"<br>"Hopefully you won't owe me as much this time."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Medkit<br>Sword|"Me supporting you? This feels like deja vu."<br>"hAhA, LiFe rEpEaTs iTsElF, I GuEsS."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Sword<br>Medkit<br>Sword<br>Medkit|"rEaDy fOr aNoThEr aDvEnTuRe mEd?"<br>"As ready as I'll ever be for an adventure."<br>"sO nOt aT AlL?"<br>"Correct."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Sword<br>Medkit<br>|"cHeCk oUt tHiS CoOl mOvE I LeArNt!"<br>"Don't get yourself hurt again."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Medkit<br>Sword<br>Medkit<br>Sword|"It must be difficult being in the frontline all the time."<br>"iT Is! mUcH MoRe dIfFiCuLt tHaN JuSt sUpPoRtInG FrOm tHe bAcKlInE!"<br>"You've lost a bit of my respect from that."<br>"wHoOpS!"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Medkit<br>Sword<br>Medkit|"Having an exploding sword is fairly dangerous."<br>"dOn't wOrRy, i kNoW HoW To cOnTrOl iT!"<br>"Sure you do."}}
'''Ally [[Rocket]] - Chat'''
Line 204 ⟶ 186:
{{PhightingDialogue|Rocket<br>Sword<br>Rocket<br>Sword|"Where did you learn to blow up your sword like that?"<br>"fRoM YoU Of cOuRsE"<br>"Really?!"<br>"nOpE!"}}
'''Ally [[Hyperlaser]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Sword|"We have multiple sources of technologically advanced weapons, and yet you stick to a basic sword?"<br>"iT'S NoT JuSt sOmE OrDiNaRy sWoRd!"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Sword<br>Hyperlaser|"Your techniques, where did you learn them from?"<br>"mY MaStEr tAuGhT ThEm tO Me!"<br>"Your master must be an old lad."}}
'''Ally [[Medkit]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Sword<br>Medkit|"hEy mEd! hErE To pAtCh mE Up aGaIn?"<br>"Hopefully you won't owe me as much this time."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Medkit<br>Sword|"Me supporting you? This feels like deja vu."<br>"hAhA, LiFe rEpEaTs iTsElF, I GuEsS."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Sword<br>Medkit<br>Sword<br>Medkit|"rEaDy fOr aNoThEr aDvEnTuRe mEd?"<br>"As ready as I'll ever be for an adventure."<br>"sO nOt aT AlL?"<br>"Correct."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Sword<br>Medkit<br>|"cHeCk oUt tHiS CoOl mOvE I LeArNt!"<br>"Don't get yourself hurt again."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Medkit<br>Sword<br>Medkit<br>Sword|"It must be difficult being in the frontline all the time."<br>"iT Is! mUcH MoRe dIfFiCuLt tHaN JuSt sUpPoRtInG FrOm tHe bAcKlInE!"<br>"You've lost a bit of my respect from that."<br>"wHoOpS!"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Medkit<br>Sword<br>Medkit|"Having an exploding sword is fairly dangerous."<br>"dOn't wOrRy, i kNoW HoW To cOnTrOl iT!"<br>"Sure you do."}}
'''Ally [[Boombox]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Boombox<br>Sword|"Is there any specific music genre you like, Sword?"<br>"i tHiNk jAzZ MiGhT Be mY Go-tO!"}}
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