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<li data-mw-logid="6388" data-mw-logaction="protect/modify" class="mw-logline-protect"> <a href="/Special:Log?logid=6388" title="Special:Log">13:06, 13 April 2024</a> <a href="/User:Sillyvizion" class="mw-userlink" title="User:Sillyvizion"><bdi>Sillyvizion</bdi></a> <span class="mw-usertoollinks mw-changeslist-links"><span><a href="/User_talk:Sillyvizion" class="mw-usertoollinks-talk" title="User talk:Sillyvizion">talk</a></span> <span><a href="/Special:Contributions/Sillyvizion" class="mw-usertoollinks-contribs" title="Special:Contributions/Sillyvizion">contribs</a></span></span> changed protection settings for <a href="/Sword/Dialogue" title="Sword/Dialogue">Sword/Dialogue</a> [Edit=Allow only users with "edittrusteduserprotected" permission] (indefinite) [Move=Allow only users with "edittrusteduserprotected" permission] (indefinite) <span class="comment">(High traffic page)</span> <span class="mw-logevent-actionlink">(<a href="/Sword/Dialogue?action=history&offset=20240413180603" title="Sword/Dialogue">hist</a>)</span> </li>
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Sword/Dialogue From PHIGHTING! Wiki
"I'm ready!"
"I've been waiting for this."
"Victory is ours!"
"Hello Crossroads!"
"Home sweet home."
"Time to buy some stuff."
Sword Fight On The Heights
Ally Ban Hammer - Chat
Ban Hammer Sword Ban Hammer
"Aren't you meant to be some tall god or something?" "I'm not like them." "Clearly, haha!"
Ban Hammer Sword Ban Hammer
"What a puny little weapon you've got there!" "Don't underestimate me." "Ooh, shiver my timbers."
Ban Hammer Sword Ban Hammer
"You call that a weapon?" "It gets the job done." "Mine gets the job done better!"
Ally Biograft - Chat
Biograft Sword Biograft
"WHAT ARE THESE OLD TECHNIQUES YOU USE?" "I was taught them by my master!" "THEY ARE OUTDATED."
Biograft Sword Biograft
"YOUR TECHNIQUES ARE OUTDATED." "We'll see who's better at combat!" "I WILL NOT LOSE."
Ally Boombox - Chat
Boombox Sword
"Is there any specific music genre you like, Sword?" "I think Jazz might be my go-to!"
Ally Hyperlaser - Chat
Hyperlaser Sword
"We have multiple sources of technologically advanced weapons, and yet you stick to a basic sword?" "It's not just some ordinary sword!"
Hyperlaser Sword Hyperlaser
"Your techniques, where did you learn them from?" "My master taught them to me!" "Your master must be an old lad."
Ally Katana - Chat
Katana Sword Katana
"How did you master your blade?" "I learnt techniques from my master." "As did I."
Katana Sword Katana
"That sword of yours appears a bit... short." "We have two different types of blades." "Mine is better, is it not?"
Ally Medkit - Chat
Sword Medkit
"Check out this cool move I learnt!" "Don't get yourself hurt again."
Medkit Sword Medkit
"Having an exploding sword is fairly dangerous." "Don't worry, I know how to control it." "Sure you do."
Sword Medkit
"Hey Med! Here to patch me up again?" "Hopefully you won't owe me as much this time."
Medkit Sword Medkit Sword
"It must be difficult being in the frontline all the time." "It is! Much more difficult than just supporting from the backline." "You've lost a bit of my respect from that." "Whoops!"
Medkit Sword
"Me supporting you? This feels like deja vu." "Haha, life repeats itself, I guess."
Sword Medkit Sword Medkit
"Ready for another adventure Med?" "As ready as I'll ever be for an adventure." "So not at all?" "Correct."
Ally Rocket - Chat
"Good to see you, Rocket!"
"How's your day been, Rocket?"
Sword Rocket
"How's your day been, Rocket?" "Been alright, still got my limbs!"
Sword Rocket
"How's your day been, Rocket?" "Pretty darn good!"
Rocket Sword
"Let's see if they can handle the two of us!" "To victory!"
Rocket Sword
"Let's win this, Sword!" "When do we not?"
Sword Rocket
"Ready to win this, Rocket?" "Always!"
Rocket Sword
"Remember the trick Zuka taught us?" "Of course!"
Rocket Sword
"Remember our old one-two combo?" "Of course!"
Rocket Sword Rocket Sword
"Where did you learn to blow up your sword like that?" "From you of course!" "Really?!" "Nope!"
Ally Vine Staff - Chat
Vine Staff Sword
"An exploding sword... is that safe?" "Don't think so."
Sword Vine Staff Sword
"I'm not used to working with another healer." "You look like the type of person who would always need to have one." "Hey! What's that supposed to mean?"
Vine Staff Sword
"Pay attention to where your sword swings." "Might've cut a few sprouts already!"
Vine Staff Sword Vine Staff
"Pinning someone with a sword must hurt the victim fair amount." "It's probably fine!" "...Probably?"
Vine Staff Sword
"Please make sure to not get caught in your own sword's explosion." "I've done this a bunch of times! I got it!"
"Keep practicing."
"Nice try."
"You're strong, but I'm stronger!"
Using Blade Beam
"Looks like I've got good aim."
"Take that!"
"Think I can't hit you from afar?"
"Try dodging this one."
Using Dolphin Slash
"Dolphin Slash!"
"Get up there!"
Using Lunge
"Caught you!"
"You can't run from me!"
"You won't get away from me."
Using All-Mighty Axle Arc (Thrown sword)
"A direct hit? Looks like my training's paid off."
"A present from me to you!"
"Looks like it's my lucky day."
Using All-Mighty Axle Arc (Explosion)
"An exploding sword! Surprising, isn't it?"
"Didn't expect that, did you?"
"I call that my All-Mighty Axle Arc!"
"Learnt that one from a friend of mine!"
"Pay attention next time."
"Sorry, Rocket!"
"Work on your fighting skills, Med!"
"You can pay for that, right?"
"Your support has done me well, Med!"
Follower Sword
Match outcome
"Another easy victory!"
"Maybe try harder next time."
"The day is ours!"
"The glory of victory!"
"Victory is ours!"
Victory - Ally Medkit - Chat
Sword Medkit
"Couldn't have done it without you, Med!" "I know."
Victory - Ally Rocket - Chat
Sword Rocket
"We did it, Rocket!" "When do we ever not win together?"
"Don't flatter yourselves."
"I'm just a bit rusty!"
"I'm just warming up!"
"You got lucky."
The skin , Marshmallow Sword, has altered dialogue.
"i'm rEaDy!"
"i'vE BeEn wAiTiNg fOr tHiS."
"vIcToRy iS OuRs!"
"hElLo cRoSsRoAdS!"
"hOmE SwEeT HoMe."
"tImE To bUy sOmE StUfF."
Sword Fight On The Heights
Ally Biograft - Chat
Biograft Sword Biograft
Biograft Sword Biograft
Ally Boombox - Chat
Boombox Sword
"Is there any specific music genre you like, Sword?" "i tHiNk jAzZ MiGhT Be mY Go-tO!"
Ally Hyperlaser - Chat
Hyperlaser Sword
"We have multiple sources of technologically advanced weapons, and yet you stick to a basic sword?" "iT'S NoT JuSt sOmE OrDiNaRy sWoRd!"
Hyperlaser Sword Hyperlaser
"Your techniques, where did you learn them from?" "mY MaStEr tAuGhT ThEm tO Me!" "Your master must be an old lad."
Ally Katana - Chat
Katana Sword Katana
"How did you master your blade?" "i lEaRnT TeChNiQuEs fRoM My mAsTeR" "As did I."
Ally Medkit - Chat
Sword Medkit
"cHeCk oUt tHiS CoOl mOvE I LeArNt!" "Don't get yourself hurt again."
Medkit Sword Medkit
"Having an exploding sword is fairly dangerous." "dOn't wOrRy, i kNoW HoW To cOnTrOl iT!" "Sure you do."
Sword Medkit
"hEy mEd! hErE To pAtCh mE Up aGaIn?" "Hopefully you won't owe me as much this time."
Medkit Sword Medkit Sword
"It must be difficult being in the frontline all the time." "iT Is! mUcH MoRe dIfFiCuLt tHaN JuSt sUpPoRtInG FrOm tHe bAcKlInE!" "You've lost a bit of my respect from that." "wHoOpS!"
Medkit Sword
"Me supporting you? This feels like deja vu." "hAhA, LiFe rEpEaTs iTsElF, I GuEsS."
Sword Medkit Sword Medkit
"rEaDy fOr aNoThEr aDvEnTuRe mEd?" "As ready as I'll ever be for an adventure." "sO nOt aT AlL?" "Correct."
Ally Rocket
"gOoD tO SeE yOu, rOcKeT!"
"hOw's yOuR DaY BeEn, rOckEt?"
Ally Rocket - Chat
Sword Rocket
"hOw's yOuR DaY BeEn, rOcKeT?" "Been alright, still got my limbs!"
Sword Rocket
"hOw's yOuR DaY BeEn, rOcKeT?" "Pretty darn good!"
Rocket Sword
"Let's see if they can handle the two of us!" "tO ViCtORy!
Rocket Sword
"Let's win this, Sword!" "wHeN Do wE NoT?"
Rocket Sword
"Remember the trick Zuka taught us?" "oF CoUrSe!"
Rocket Sword
"Remember our old one-two combo?" "oF CoUrSe!"
Sword Rocket
"rEaDy tO WiN ThIs, rOcKeT?" "Always!"
Rocket Sword Rocket Sword
"Where did you learn to blow up your sword like that?" "fRoM YoU Of cOuRsE" "Really?!" "nOpE!"
"kEeP PrAcTiCiNg."
"nIcE TrY."
"yOu'rE StRoNg, bUt i'M StRoNgEr!"
"sOrRy, rOcKeT!"
"wOrK On yOuR FiGhTiNg sKiLlS, MeD!"
"yOu cAn pAy fOr tHaT, RiGhT?"
"yOuR SuPpOrT HaS DoNe mE WeLl, mEd!"
Match outcome
"aNoThEr eAsY ViCtOrY!"
"mAyBe tRy hArDeR NeXt tImE."
"tHe dAy iS OuRs!"
"tHe gLoRy oF ViCtOrY!"
"vIcToRy iS OuRs!"
"dOn't fLaTtEr yOuRsElVeS."
"i'm jUsT A BiT RuStY!"
"i'm jUsT WaRmInG Up!"
During The Voice Line Update , Sword's dialogue was temporarily replaced.
"How is the weather?"
"What a wonderful day to be outside."
"How was your day?"
Match outcome