Patch Notes/21 June 2024

Revision as of 22:37, 21 June 2024 by Kaffi (talk | contribs)

4 versions released at 06:58 PM, 08:43 PM, 09:13 PM, and 09:52 PM EDT in private servers only.

General additions and changes:

  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue with freecam where the Conquer zone would always default to the blue team's color.


  • Changed default revolver firing SFX.
  • Changed icon when hovering over allies.
  • Crystalize
    • Travel time reduced from 0.82s to 0.5s.
    • Crystalize can now activate as long as 0.75s have passed.
    • Healing recieved from passive will reach a cap of 20 after being 3s on cooldown.
      • At least 1 health point needs to be generated during the cooldown period before Crystalize can be activated again.
  • Curing Cartridge
    • Fire rate reduced from 0.6s 0.75s.
    • Increased damage and healing from 5 to 8 (body shot) and 10 to 16 (headshot).
    • No longer locks onto allies.
