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This page is about the group Flipside. For the original PHIGHTING! track, see "THE FLIPSIDE".

Flipside is a famous idol group in PHIGHTING! It consists of two brothers, Valk and Dom. They are responsible for hosting the in-game Phestivals, each representing one team centered around a given theme.


Valk and Dom were both born into fame and wealth[1], eventually becoming the hosts of the Phestivals. They have a distant relationship with the Phighters involved and see them mostly for the money they bring in.[2]


There have been eight songs involving Flipside. Listed by release order, they are:



  • The duo was first revealed in a discord post by 7GBO on the 18th of March 2022.
    • Flipside made its first in-game appearance in V0.3.0.
  • "Valk" and "Dom" are stage names based on their hats, the Valkyrie Helm and Dominus respectively. Their gears suggest their actual names are Microphone and Megaphone.
  • In an older version, they would give a tutorial to new players. This was removed and eventually replaced by a placeholder tutorial in a patch on 19 February 2024.
  • For many patches, the duo could be seen at the top of the Crossroads Tower. This was changed with V0.9.0.
  • As of V0.9.0, Valk and Dom will show the map pools to players upon joining Crossroads after a map pool change. The dialogue they give regarding maps is the same they give during map voting sequences in the PHIGHT! Lobby.
