Patch Notes/29 September 2023
1 version released at 11:12 PM EST.
- Removed trick decay.
- No longer affected by Haste / Slow debuffs on board.
- 25% Slow debuff now forces skate off board.
- Being forced off board now retains momentum similarly to using SWITCH!! to get off board.
- Speed is now affected by 25% of damage rather than 33%.
- On board passive damage decreased from 5-20 based on speed to always 10.
- Cooldown is now 8s while on board.
- On board speed lowered from 20 + 30 * cast to 15 + 30 * cast.
- Damage lowered from 10 + 20 to 10 + 10.
- Cooldown lowered from 12 to 8.