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| name = Biograft
| image = classrenderbiograft1Classrenderbiograft1.png
| imagecaption = "MEET YOUR DEMISE!"
| class = Melee
| faction = [[Blackrock]]
| health = 5025
| shield = 75100
| addedin = [[V0.3.0]]
| chatcolor = {{Color|{{ClassColor|Biograft}}}}
{{PAGENAME}} is a [[:Category:Melee|melee]] Phighter. They were released on 26 August 2022 with [[v0.3.0]] and the [[Sun vs. Moon]] [[Phestivals|Phestival]].
'''{{PAGENAME}}''' is a [[:Category:Characters/Phighters/Melee|melee]] Phighter. They were released on 26 August 2022 with [[V0.3.0]] and the [[Vanilla vs. Chocolate]] [[Phestivals|Phestival]].
'''Biograft''' is a melee [[Phighters|Phighter]] that specializes in pressuring targets and chasing them down. Biograft plays like a glass cannon, dealing high damage while sporting the lowest health on the roster. Biograft's passive, {{Abilitylink|BiograftPassive}}, increases theirits attack speed when using {{Abilitylink|BiograftPrimary}}. It also limits their aggressiveness, as Biograft fills theirits heat meter by using {{Abilitylink|BiograftPrimary}}, which could lead to themit being left vulnerable if the bar fills up completely. {{Abilitylink|BiograftQ}} allows Biograft to confirm kills on enemies at <25% health. Biograft's abilities allows themit to get in and out of fights swiftly, allowing for more methodical gameplay.
|color = #{{ClassColor|Biograft}}
|Power of Biograft / Heat
|tabclass = Biograft
|ability = Power of Biograft / Heat
|icon = Placeholder.png
|type = Passive
|Dual Swing increases your heat meter. Hitting enemies with Dual Swing increases your attack speed. Losing all heat resets your attack speed. Reaching full heat disables you for half a second and creates an explosion around you.
|description = Dual Swing increases your heat meter. Hitting enemies with Dual Swing increases your attack speed. Losing all heat resets your attack speed. Reaching full heat disables you for half a second and creates an explosion around you.
|'''Max. fire rate:''' 0.15 seconds (each swing)<br>'''Heat generated per swing:''' 3 (on miss), 5 (on hit)<br>'''Heat reduction rate:''' 3 per second<br>'''Maximum heat:''' 50<br> '''Explosion damage:''' 20 (to enemies), 20 (to Biograft)<br> '''Slow:''' 30% for 0.75 seconds<br> '''Dual Swing disable duration:''' 0.75 seconds
|details = '''Damage:''' 20 (explosion), 20 (to self)<br>'''Max. fire rate:''' 0.15 seconds<br>'''Heat generated:''' +3 per swing (on miss), +5 per swing (on hit)<br>'''Heat reduction rate:''' 3/second<br>'''Max. heat:''' 50<br>'''Dual Swing disable duration:''' 0.75 seconds<br>'''{{Status|Slow}} penalty:''' 30% for 0.75 seconds
|demo = [[File:Demonstration BiograftPassive.webm]]
|color = #{{ClassColor|Biograft}}
|tabclass = Biograft
|Dual Swing
|ability = Dual Swing
|icon = Placeholder.png
|type = Primary
|description = Swing your blades and blink in the direction you're moving.
|details = '''Swing damageDamage:''' 7 + 7 + 8 + 8<br>'''Fire rate:''' 0.4 + 0.5 + 0.4 + 0.8 seconds<br>'''Blink rangedistance:''' 3-6 studs (based on attack speed)
|demo = [[File:Demonstration BiograftM1.webm]]
|color = #{{ClassColor|Biograft}}
|tabclass = Biograft
|Slash Storm
|ability = Slash Storm
|icon = BiograftM2.png
|type = Secondary
|description = Fire a projectile, when the center is hit, create 10 slashes in the area.
|details = '''Damage:''' 15 (projectile) + 3 * 10 (slashes)<br>'''Max.Projectile rangespeed:''' ---<br>'''Range:''' 70 studs<br>'''Area of effectRadius:''' 3 stud radiusstuds<br>'''Cooldown:''' 8 seconds
|notes = {{ListFix}}
* Can hit enemies through thin walls.
|demo = [[File:Demonstration BiograftM2.webm]]
|color = #{{ClassColor|Biograft}}
|tabclass = Biograft
|Echo Execution
|ability = Echo Execution
|icon = BiograftQ.png
|Q Ability
|type = Q Ability
|description = Fire a beam, if an enemy is hit, recast to dash to the enemy. If the enemy's health is below 25% of their maximum health and they have less than 10 shield, execute them.
|details = '''Damage:''' 10 (projectileinitial) + 10 (dashrecast)<br>'''Projectile speed:''' ---<br>'''Execute threshold:''' ><25% of max HPhealth + 10 health and below 10 shield<br>'''Execute damage:''' 999<br>'''Second useReactivation window:''' 5 seconds<br>'''Range:''' 300200 studs <br> '''Cooldown:''' 8 seconds (if missed), 12 seconds (if recasted or nothit)
|notes = {{ListFix}}
* If the target is below the execute threshold when hit or while marked, an indicator is played.
* Biograft can be damaged during the recast dash.
* Deals 10 damage before the execution, affecting the formula for the execute threshold.
* Executing generates bonus Phinisher points, granting 10 Phinisher points or 8% Phinisher charge.
* Multiple enemies can be damaged or executed if they are close enough to the targetted enemy.
* Executed enemies have their ragdoll beheaded.
|demo = [[File:Demonstration BiograftQ.webm]]
*The execute threshold calculates using the target's current health.
*A sound cue will play if the target is below the execution threshold when hit.
*The execute damage generates Phinisher points, giving the player 10 Phinisher points or 8% Phinisher charge per execute.
*Biograft can be damaged during the recast dash.
*Multiple enemies can be damaged, and even executed if they are close enough to the targetted enemy.
*Executed enemies will have their ragdoll beheaded.
|color = #{{ClassColor|Biograft}}
|tabclass = Biograft
|ability = Blink
|icon = BiograftE.png
|E Ability
|type = E Ability
|description = Blink forward and damage anybody in your path. You have two charges of this ability that recharge every 6 seconds. Hitting an enemy will not use up a charge for a maximum of 2 times.|'''Damage:''' 12 <br>'''Blink range:''' 40 studs<br>'''Max. uses:''' 4<br>'''Cooldown:''' 6 seconds per charge
|details = '''Damage:''' 12 <br>'''Max. uses:''' 4<br>'''Blink distance:''' 40<br>'''Cooldown:''' 0.5 seconds<br>'''Charge time:''' 6 seconds
|notes = {{ListFix}}
* After using a reset, the cooldown for Blink will continue in the background. When this cooldown is finished, it will set the amount of cooldown resets back to two.
* Contrary to the in-game description, Blink occurs in the direction of the crosshair.
|demo = [[File:Demonstration BiograftE.webm]]
*After using a reset, the cooldown for Blink will continue in the background. When this cooldown is finished, it will set the amount of cooldown resets back to two.
*Despite what the in-game description mentions, Blink occurs in the direction of the crosshair.
|color = #{{ClassColor|Biograft}}
|tabclass = Biograft
|ability = Overdrive
|icon = BiograftUlt.png
|type = Phinisher
|Attackdescription = Dual Swing's speed is increased to max,maximum ignoreand heat, increase Dual Swingits damage boosted by 50% butfor drain8 healthseconds. KillsEliminations nowincrease grant 15the shieldduration. RecastOnce tothe cancelduration andends, explodean whichexplosion dealsis morecreated damagearound theyou lowerthat healthdamages youyourself areand enemies. Recast to end Overdrive early.
|details = '''Health drain rateDamage:''' 1HP/0.25 seconds30 (doublesexplosion), every20 15(to secondsself) <br>'''Damage{{Abilitylink|BiograftPrimary}} damage increase:''' +50%<br>'''ShieldExplosion gained on kill or assistrange:''' 1520 for 5 secondsstuds<br>'''DamageDuration:''' 20-50 (explosion, increases at lower health)8 seconds<br>'''ExplosionDuration rangeincrease:''' 20+2 studsseconds (kill), +1 second (assist)<br>'''Phinisher points:''' 125
|notes = {{ListFix}}
* Phinisher points cannot be gained while Overdrive is active.
* The explosion also occurs if Biograft dies during Overdrive.
* The heat bar of {{Abilitylink|BiograftPassive}} visually drains to represent the remaining duration.
* All attack speed is lost once Biograft exits Overdrive.
|demo = [[File:Demonstration BiograftUlt.webm]]
* While Overdrive is active, Phinisher points cannot be gained.
* Biograft can die from Overdrive's health drain.
Line 105 ⟶ 110:
|* High skill floor, least beginner friendly Phighter.
* Lowest health in the game at 125 hitpoints.
* High risk, high reward Phinisher.}}
Biograft is a glass cannon. Without proper knowledge or experience, they can be a detriment to their team. Biograft must utilize their mobility to minimize damage taken and keep pressure on the enemy. Biograft's main goal is focusing a single enemy until they are dead. Keeping pressure on someone who is trying to regenerate their shields can net them a kill while they try and escape their wrath. Biograft has decent burst potential, as combining Slash Storm and Blink can lead to around 80 damage (assuming all three Blinks are hit). Biograft has great synergy with [[Subspace]], as Biograft's constant damage benefits from Subspace's vulnerability status effect.
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** Use Dual Swing out of combat for increased movement speed. This will increase the heat meter, so stop once you get close to the battle.
** Due to its lingerlingering hitbox, it can also be used as a way to trap forenemy phighters or predicting thingsattacks such as Sword's {{Abilitylink|SwordE}}, [[Skateboard]], and an opposing Biograft's Echo Execution.
**Because of its range, Echo Execution can be used as a mobility tool to get back into the fight.
**Echo Execution can be used to put pressure on the enemy. The target may anticipate the dash and increase their guard, so sometimes its best to just wait a few seconds before recasting and dashing to them.
** Be patient. See if you can whittle down the target's health enough to cross the instant kill threshold.
**Blink resets its cooldown every hit, with a maximum of two resets. Hitting all three will deal 45 damage, which is usually a third of the health of the average Phighter. You can also use the cooldown reset to get out of a fight by chaining Blink on enemies.
**Biograft has one of the longer Phinisher ability animations. Activating Overdrive in front of the enemy team will get him obliterated. There are many work-arounds to this, such as:
***Going behind cover.
***Blinking into the air.
***Marking someone with Echo Execution and reactivating it once the animation is over.
**Overdrive's explosion does good damage. End the Phinisher when an enemy is around 20% health to confirm the kill. You can also end it when you cannot find a target and you are taking health damage. Without a Medkit, it is important you keep your health high.
***Overdrive's explosion is also very useful when combined with Subspace's {{Abilitylink|SubspacePhinisher}}, due to its AoE damage.
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<table class="fandomphtable" width="70%" style="text-tablealign:center;">
<th> Name </th>
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<td>''your demise''</td>
<td>[[File:Badgeyourdemise.png|150x150px]] </td>
<td> execute an enemy using echo execution from over 200150 studs away. </td>
<td> N/A[[Titles|Title]] - '''Pitbull''' </td>
Line 157 ⟶ 163:
* Biograft{{PAGENAME}} is based on the [ Biograft Energy Sword series] of gears.
* Unlike other [[Phighters]] who ragdoll upon death, Biograft{{PAGENAME}}'s body will break apart.
* Biograft{{PAGENAME}} was first teased during [[Playtest 2]] where thiertheir name was written in Morse code in the developer console.
** The output of the Morse code incorrectly spelt 'Siograft', where the Morse code for B '-...' was accidentally put as '...' for S.
* Biograft{{PAGENAME}} was then teased at the end of the second playtest during the credits where their weapon was shown in [[Zuka]]'s shop.
** Biograft{{PAGENAME}}'s weapons were teased in the background of an image sent by GB7GB0 on 17 April 2022.
** HeThey waswere teased once again on 22 July in an image sent by GB7GB0.
* During [[The Voice Line Update|April Fools' 2023]], {{PAGENAME}} was renamed to mr robot.
** During [[PHIGHTING! 4|April Fools' 2024]], {{PAGENAME}} was renamed to kazuya mishima, and remodeled to reference Kazuya Mishima from the [ Tekken series].
* Biograft{{PAGENAME}}'s run animation is based on the Naruto run.
* Biograft{{PAGENAME}}'s character design is inspired from Raiden from [ Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance].
* The BiocarvedBeta Biograft skin is a communitymodified contributedmodel skinof createdthe character by ThatOneWill.the same name.
** The sound effects for the skin were created by Key After Key.
* Biocarved is a community contributed skin created by ThatOneWill.
** The skin was one of three winners of the 2022 Halloween Skin Contest.
* Cocoagraft is a community contributed skin created by infernalroses.
** The skin was one of three winners of the 2023 Festive Skin Contest.
==[[Version history]]==
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<references />
[[Category:Characters]] [[Category:Characters/Phighters]] [[Category:Characters/Phighters/Melee]]
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