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Biograft is a melee Phighter. They were released on 26 August 2022 with V0.3.0.


Biograft is a melee Phighter that specializes in pressuring targets and chasing them down. Biograft plays like a glass cannon, dealing high damage while sporting the lowest health in the roster. Their passive, Power of Biograft / Heat, increases its attack speed when using Dual Swing while also limiting their aggressiveness. As Biograft fills its heat meter, it could lead to it being left vulnerable if the bar fills up completely. Echo Execution allows Biograft to confirm kills on enemies at <25% health. Biograft's abilities allows it to get in and out of fights swiftly, allowing for more methodical gameplay.


Power of Biograft / Heat

Dual Swing increases your Heat. Hitting enemies with Dual Swing increases your attack speed. Losing all heat resets your attack speed and creates an explosion.

Damage: 40 (to enemies and self)
Max. Dual Swing interval: 0.2 seconds
Dual Swing disable duration: 0.75 seconds
Slow penalty: 30% for 0.75 seconds

There's nothing here yet...

Dual Swing

Swing your blades and blink in the direction you're moving.

Damage: 16
Swing interval: 0.4 + 0.5 + 0.4 + 0.8 seconds
Blink distance: 3-6 studs (based on swing rate)

There's nothing here yet...

Slash Storm

Fire a projectile, when the center is hit, slash multiple times in the area.

Damage: 20 (projectile) + 3 * 20 (slashes)
Range: 70 studs
Hitbox: 20x20x20
Cooldown: 8 seconds

  • Contrary to the in-game description, Slash Storm activating when its center is hit only applies to terrain; hitting any part of the projectile with an enemy will trigger it.
  • Hitting an enemy with the projectile will immediately trigger the slashes and cause them to move to the enemy's position.
  • The slashes can hit through thin walls.

Q Ability
Echo Execution

Fire a beam, if an enemy is hit, recast to dash to the enemy. If the enemy's health is below 25% of their maximum health and they have less than 10 shield, execute them.

Damage: 20 (initial) + 20 (recast)
Range: 200 studs
Execute threshold: (<25% of max. Health) + 10 health and <10 Shield
Execute damage: 999
Endlag: 0.2 seconds
Recast window: 5 seconds
Cooldown: 12 seconds (hit) / 8 seconds (miss)

  • Triggers an indicator if the target is below the execute threshold.
  • Biograft can be damaged during the recast dash.
  • Deals 10 damage before the execution, affecting the formula for the execute threshold.
  • Executing generates bonus Phinisher points, granting 10 Phinisher points or 8% Phinisher charge.
  • Multiple enemies can be damaged or executed if they are close enough to the targeted enemy.


Attack speed is increased to max, ignore heat, increase Dual Swing damage by 50%, but drain health. Kills now grant 15 shield. Recast to cancel and explode which deals more damage the lower health you are.

Damage: 100 - (current hitpoints * 0.32)
Shield gain: 15
Dual Swing damage: 12
Base self-damage rate: 4/sec
Base duration: 10 seconds
Duration increase:
Kill: +2 seconds
Assist: +1 second
Dual Swing hit: +0.2 seconds
Blink hit: +0.5 seconds
Phinisher points: 125
Phinisher cutscene: 1.5 seconds

  • Phinisher points cannot be gained while Overdrive is active.
  • All cooldowns are refreshed on cast.
  • The heat bar HUD of Power of Biograft / Heat visually drains to represent the remaining duration.
  • Any increase to the duration cannot cause it to exceed 10 seconds.
  • Overdrive's self-damage will double every 15 seconds.
  • The explosion triggers automatically if the duration runs out.
  • All swing speed is lost once Biograft exits Overdrive.


  • High damage output.
  • High mobility.
  • Great at confirming kills.
  • Strong pressure.
  • High skill floor, least beginner friendly Phighter.
  • Lowest health in the game at 250 hitpoints.
  • High risk, high reward Phinisher.

Biograft is a glass cannon. Without proper knowledge or experience, they can be a detriment to their team. Biograft must utilize their mobility to minimize damage taken and keep pressure on the enemy. Biograft's main goal is focusing a single enemy until they are dead. Keeping pressure on someone who is trying to regenerate their shields can net them a kill while they try and escape their wrath. Biograft has excellent burst damage, with moves such as Slash Storm possessing 80 damage in total while Blink has a maximum of 96. These two abilities together can reach 176 damage, which is helpful in whitling down targets for Biograft's Echo Execute.. Biograft has great synergy with Subspace, as Biograft's constant damage benefits from Subspace's vulnerability status effect.

Biograft's role in a team is to pressure loners and confirm kills. Echo Execution lets them instantly kill anyone at <25% health (assuming they have no shields). When combined with Biograft's burst damage output, sometimes a good Biograft doesn't even need their team to support them. Biograft's low ability cooldowns allow for pressure no other Phighter compares to. If a teammate needs help, they can quickly get to their position and aid them.

Biograft is best played on small maps, as well as flat maps, as inclines can make it harder to hit their primary. Maps with less cover can also make getting Echo Executions from across the map a lot easier. Some of Biograft's more favored maps include Banland, DODGEBALL!, Rob The ROBLOX Bank, and The Iron Cafe.

Biograft is all about knowing limits. It's okay to back out of a fight to regenerate shields. It's okay to stop holding primary because the heat meter is almost full. It's okay to just not take a fight completely. The best Biograft is one who makes good decisions. If played correctly, Biograft is one of if not the most powerful solo carry Phighter in the game.

Ability usage

  • Power of Biograft / Heat
    • You can keep Power of Biograft's attack speed so long as your heat meter isn't at 0. Do bursts of slashes at a high attack speed to keep the effect lasting for next time you want to engage an enemy. You don't need to hit an enemy, you can just swing at nothing. In theory, you can keep your maximum attack speed going until you can activate Overdrive.
  • Dual Swing
    • Use Dual Swing out of combat for increased movement speed. This will increase the heat meter, so stop once you get close to the battle.
  • Slash Storm
    • Due to its lingering hitbox, it can be used as a way to trap enemy phighters or predicting attacks such as Sword's Lunge, Skateboard, and an opposing Biograft's Echo Execution.
  • Echo Execution
    • Because of its range, Echo Execution can be used as a mobility tool to get back into the fight.
    • Echo Execution can be used to put pressure on the enemy. The target may anticipate the dash and increase their guard, so sometimes its best to just wait a few seconds before recasting and dashing to them.
    • Be patient. See if you can whittle down the target's health enough to cross the instant kill threshold.
  • Blink
    • Blink resets its cooldown every hit, with a maximum of two resets. Hitting all three will deal 45 damage, which is usually a third of the health of the average Phighter. You can also use the cooldown reset to get out of a fight by chaining Blink on enemies.
  • Overdrive
    • Biograft has one of the longer Phinisher ability animations. Activating Overdrive in front of the enemy team will get him obliterated. There are many work-arounds to this, such as:
      • Going behind cover.
      • Blinking into the air.
      • Marking someone with Echo Execution and reactivating it once the animation is over.
    • Overdrive's explosion does good damage. End the Phinisher when an enemy is around 20% health to confirm the kill. You can also end it when you cannot find a target and you are taking health damage. Without a Medkit, it is important you keep your health high.
      • Overdrive's explosion is also very useful when combined with Subspace's Noxious Void, due to its AoE damage.

Counterplay against Biograft

Biograft, like most melee Phighters, is hindered by AoE damage. This is why Rocket is a great way to steer an enemy Biograft away from a team. Boombox is also a great counter for all melee Phighters, as his knockback can discombobulate those who rely on staying close to their enemies. Skateboard is Biograft's greatest counter because Biograft has no move that can instantly get him off his skateboard, as opposed to Sword's Lunge. Biograft's only way to chase Skateboard is with Overdrive, but even that may end up not working. Stuns are devastating to Biograft because of their low health pool. Stick with your team when a Biograft is on the opposition. Three or more players can easily decimate Biograft if they choose to engage. Medkit can deter Biograft away from his team because his primary can stop Biograft from regenerating their shields, so it's never out of the picture to just chase a Biograft as Medkit. Biograft can also have problems securing kills against high health Phighters, especially Katana, whose Looming Misfortune can decimate Biograft with just its slow.


Name Icon Description Reward
your demise execute an enemy using echo execution from over 150 studs away Title - Pitbull



  • Biograft is based on the Biograft Energy Sword series of gears.
  • Unlike other Phighters who ragdoll upon death, Biograft's body will break apart.
  • Biograft was first teased during Playtest 2 where their name was written in Morse code in the developer console.
    • The output of the Morse code incorrectly spelt 'Siograft', where the Morse code for B '-...' was accidentally put as '...' for S.
  • Biograft was then teased at the end of the second playtest during the credits where their weapon was shown in Zuka's shop.
    • Biograft's weapons were teased in the background of an image sent by 7GB0 on 17 April 2022.
    • They were teased once again on 22 July in an image sent by 7GB0.
  • During April Fools' 2023, Biograft was renamed to mr robot.



  • The Beta Biograft skin is based on a modified version of the Beta Biograft model that exists within the PHIGHTING! universe.
    • The in-game skin features dual chainsaws modified into Biograft swords, whereas the canonical Beta Biograft has a singular chainsaw.
    • The sound effects for the skin were created by Key After Key.
  • Biocarved is a community contributed skin created by ThatOneWill.
    • The skin was one of three winners of the 2022 Halloween Skin Contest.
  • Cocoagraft is a community contributed skin created by infernalroses.
    • The skin was one of three winners of the 2023 Festive Skin Contest.

Version history

V0.9.5 - 23 January 2025

In private servers only:

V0.9.0 - 16 December 2024

In private servers and phighting: the zone only:
  • Overdrive
    • Decreased damage multiplier from 50% to 25%.
    • Shield gain from assists decreased from 15 to 10.

V0.9.0 - 10 December 2024

V0.9.0 - 24 November 2024

  • All changes made on November 19th and 20th were added to public servers.
  • Dual Swing
    • No longer has endlag.

V0.9.0 - 20 November 2024

In private servers only:
  • Blink
    • BUG FIX: Fixed movestacking.

V0.9.0 - 19 November 2024

In private servers only:

V0.9.0 - 16 November 2024

  • All changes made on November 2nd and 6th were added to public servers.

V0.9.0 - 6 November 2024

In private servers only:
  • Dual Swing
    • BUG FIX: Fixed issue where second swing would not occur properly if swing speed was high.
  • Echo Execution
    • Now goes on cooldown immediately if the targeted enemy dies.
    • BUG FIX: Fixed target visual being delayed.

V0.9.0 - 2 November 2024

In private servers only:
  • Added a unique dialogue animation for Biograft.
  • Blink
    • Damage lowered from 15 to 12.

V0.9.0 - 22 September 2024

  • All changes made on September 21st were added to public servers.

V0.9.0 - 21 September 2024

In phighting: the zone only:

V0.8.0 - 28 August 2024

V0.8.0 - 26 August 2024

  • All experimental changes in the previous patch have been published to public servers.
  • Dual Swing
    • Damage increased from 7 + 7 + 8 + 8 to 8 + 8 + 8 + 8.
  • Slash Storm
    • Damage increased from 15 + 3 * 10 to 15 + 4 * 10.
  • Echo Execution
    • Initial damage increased from 10 to 15.
  • Overdrive
    • Explosion damage increased from 30 to 50.

V0.8.0 - 16 August 2024

In phighting: the zone only:
  • Health and Shield distribution adjusted from 25/100 to 50/75.
  • Biograft will now take increased damage if their current Shield is higher than their Innate Shield.
  • Blink
    • Damage increased from 12 to 15.

V0.8.0 - 28 July 2024

  • Slash Storm
    • The speed of the visual projectile is no longer affected by FPS.
    • Blade Storm will now activate if any part of it hits an enemy rather than only the center and will move to the enemy's position (only terrain will activate it if it's hit at its center).
  • Blink
    • BUG FIX: Fixed infinite cast bug (hopefully).

V0.8.0 - 13 July 2024

  • Menu animation now has SFX created by BanicAttack.

V0.8.0 - 27 June 2024

V0.8.0 - 10 June 2024

  • Added dialogue.

V0.8.0 - 24 May 2024

  • Added ability icons.

V0.8.0 - 6 April 2024

PHIGHTING! 4 - 1 April 2024

  • Renamed from "Biograft" to "kazuya mishima".
  • Visually reworked to reference Kazuya Mishima from the Tekken series.
  • Now has a unique splash screen that appears behind Biograft when activating its Phinisher.

V0.8.0 - 27 March 2024

  • All of Biograft's abilities that require LOS are no longer blocked by Boombox's Protecting Overtone.
  • Overdrive
    • Hitpoints no longer decay while active.
    • Now has a base duration of 8 seconds.
    • Kills grant an additional 2 seconds to the duration, and assists grant 1 second.
    • Automatically creates an explosion around Biograft once the Phinisher ends or if Biograft dies during it.
    • End explosion damage no longer scales off of health and is now consistently 30.
    • Biograft takes 20 self-damage once the Phinisher ends.
    • The heat bar of Power of Biograft / Heat now visually drains during the Phinisher to represent the remaining duration.

V0.8.0 - 10 March 2024

V0.8.0 - 28 February 2024

V0.8.0 - 26 February 2024

  • The Cocoagraft skin was added to the game.
    • Increased the volume of Cocoagraft's sound effects.

V0.8.0 - 25 February 2024

V0.7.0 - 18 February 2024

  • Changed MVP pose.

V0.7.0 - 15 January 2024

  • All particle effects now use the new optimized system.
  • Dual Swing
    • BUG FIX: Particles no longer loop infinitely and cause frame drops.

V0.7.0 - 6 January 2024

  • The "your demise" badge condition was changed from "execute an enemy using echo execution from over 200 studs away" to "execute an enemy using echo execution from over 150 studs away".
  • Echo Execution
    • Visual indicator now updates if the target is below the execution threshold after being hit or marked.

V0.7.0 - 2 January 2024

  • Dying now causes Biograft to break into pieces rather than ragdoll.
  • Echo Execution
    • Executing an enemy with the recast now beheads them.
  • Overdrive
    • Self-damage now doubles every 15 seconds while the Phinisher is active.

V0.7.0 - 19 November 2023

  • Blink
    • Damage lowered from 15 to 12.
    • Blink now has 2 charges, each recharging after 6 seconds of not using Blink, up to two times.
    • Blink will not use a charge if Biograft hits an enemy for a maximum of 3 consecutive times; this cap resets after 6 seconds of not using Blink.

V0.6.0 - 8 October 2023

  • Received 15 new lines of dialogue.

V0.6.0 - 7 October 2023

  • Updated UI.

V0.6.0 - 1 October 2023

V0.6.0 - 9 September 2023

  • Echo Execution
    • Adjusted visual effect.
    • Now plays a special sound and has a bigger visual effect if the target is below the execution threshold at the time of being hit.

V0.6.0 - 11 August 2023

  • Overdrive
    • NEW EFFECT: 15 Shield is now also given upon assists rather than only kills.

V0.5.0 - 11 July 2023

  • Power of Biograft / Heat
      • Heat now decays at a constant rate of 0.15 per tick.
      • Bonus attack speed buff is lost when heat reaches 0 instead of after 3 seconds of not hitting an enemy.
    • Overheat endlag reduced from 1 second to 0.75 seconds.
    • Overheat self-damage reduced from 25 to 20.
    • Overheat self slow reduced from 50% to 30%.
  • Dual Swing
    • NEW EFFECT: Now gives 5 heat regardless of hitting an enemy or not.
    • Damage changed from 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 to 7 + 7 + 8 + 8.

V0.5.0 - 21 June 2023

V0.5.0 - 6 June 2023

  • Received new dialogue.
  • BUG FIX: Purchasing the Beta Biograft skin now saves properly.

V0.5.0 - 4 June 2023

  • Received new dialogue.

V0.5.0 - 30 April 2023

V0.5.0 - 29 April 2023

  • The Beta Biograft skin was added to the game.
  • Overdrive
    • NEW EFFECT: Now makes noise while the Phinisher is active.

V0.5.0 - 25 April 2023

V0.5.0 - 16 April 2023

  • Received an updated voice sound.

V0.5.0 - 12 April 2023

  • Overdrive
    • Renamed from "Overheat" to "Overdrive".

V0.5.0 - 10 April 2023

  • Blink
    • Damage reduced from 20 to 15.
    • Cooldown increased from 5 seconds to 6 seconds.

V0.5.0 - 8 April 2023

The Voice Line Update - 1 April 2023

  • Renamed from "Biograft" to "mr robot".
  • Dialogue reworked.
  • Overdrive
    • Now plays a voiceline provided by T-Dot.

V0.4.5 - 22 January 2023

  • Blink
    • BUG FIX: No longer clips out of existence when used on certain surfaces.

V0.4.5 - 8 January 2023

  • Echo Execution
    • BUG FIX: Echo Execution now consistently hits its target.

V0.4.5 - 4 January 2023

  • Blink
    • NEW EFFECT: Blink now resets its maximum consecutive use counter if it is not used after 5 seconds.

V0.4.5 - 3 January 2023

Playtest 4 - 28 December 2022

  • Echo Execution
    • Dash window duration decreased from 8 seconds to 5 seconds.

Playtest 4 - 7 December 2022

  • Power of Biograft / Heat
      • The heat gauge now constantly decreases by 3 heat per second, increased to 12 heat per second if Dual Swing was not used for 2 seconds.
      • Generates 3 heat if Dual Swing does not hit an enemy.
    • Overdrive slow increased from 30% to 50%.
    • Overdrive Dual Swing disable duration reduced from 2 seconds to 1 second.
  • Dual Swing
    • Damage increased from 6 + 6 + 8 + 8 to 6 + 7 + 8 + 9.

Playtest 4 - 5 December 2022

  • Power of Biograft / Heat
    • NEW EFFECT: Now has an Overdrive gauge, which is gradually filled by using Dual Swing.
      • Each swing generates 5 heat, up to a maximum of 50 heat.
      • Upon reaching 50 heat, Biograft explodes, doing 25 damage to himself, 15 damage to enemies around him, slowing him by 30% and making him unable to use Dual Swing for 2 seconds.
      • After 3 seconds of not using Dual Swing, the Overdrive gauge decreases by 0.5 per frame.
  • Overdrive
    • NEW EFFECT: The heat gauge for Dual Swing is disabled during the Phinisher's effects.

Playtest 4 - 27 November 2022

  • Overdrive
    • NEW EFFECT: Killing an enemy during Overdrive grants Biograft 15 Shield for 5 seconds.
      • BUG FIX: Biograft no longer gains Shield when killing players while Overdrive is not active.
    • Explosion damage increased from 10-50 to 20-50.

Playtest 4 - 10 November 2022

  • Dual Swing
    • Damage reduced from 6 + 8 + 8 + 10 to 6 + 6 + 8 + 8.
    • Blink range changed from 6 studs to 3-6 studs (based on attack speed).
  • Echo Execution
      • Echo Execution no longer executes if the enemy has Shield.
      • Execution threshold check once again accounts for Health instead of Health + Shield.
    • Dash damage reduced from 20 to 10.
    • First cast cooldown decreased from 10 seconds to 8 seconds.
    • Second cast cooldown decreased from 15 seconds to 12 seconds.
    • BUG FIX: Echo Execution no longer goes into the second cast if the player fails to use the ability within the recast window and misses the second first cast.

Playtest 4 - 6 November 2022

  • Echo Execution
    • NEW EFFECT: Execute threshold check now accounts for the target's current Health + Shield instead of only Health.
    • Hitbox size decreased from 3x3 studs to 1x1 studs.
    • First cast cooldown increased from 5 seconds to 10 seconds.
    • Second cast cooldown increased from 10 seconds to 15 seconds.

Playtest 4 - 30 October 2022

  • Echo Execution
    • BUG FIXES:
      • Using the second cast at the end of the match no longer softlocks the player.
      • No longer locks the player into the dash animation in certain cases.

Playtest 4 - 28 October 2022

  • Echo Execution
      • Projectile goes through ally players.
      • Recast hitbox changed. Biograft now applies the dash damage to all nearby players.
  • Overdrive
      • Can now be recasted to explode and end the Overdrive status effects early.
      • HP drain can now kill the player.
    • Damage changed from 25 to 10-50 (based on current HP).
    • REMOVED: No longer explodes on death.

V0.3.0 - 24 September 2022

  • Blink
    • Now has an FoV visual effect on use.

V0.3.0 - 3 September 2022

  • Blink
    • BUG FIX: No longer breaks the game's camera when blinking into certain surfaces.
  • Overdrive
    • READDED EFFECT: Primary/Dual Swing gains 50% increased damage for the Phinisher's duration.

V0.3.0 - 28 August 2022

  • Dual Swing
    • Hitbox changed from server-side to client-side.
    • Damage reduced from 6 + 8 + 10 + 12 to 6 + 8 + 8 + 10.
  • Slash Storm
    • Cooldown increased from 5 seconds to 8 seconds.
    • Slash damage reduced from 4 * 10 to 3 * 10.
  • Overdrive
    • NEW EFFECT: Explosion now also happens on death.
    • REMOVED: No longer increases Dual Swing damage by 50%.

V0.3.0 - 26 August 2022

  • General additions and changes
    • BUG FIX: The badge Your Demise now properly unlocks when its conditions are met.
  • Overdrive
    • NEW EFFECT: No longer generates Phinisher points while active.

V0.3.0 - 26 August 2022

  • Biograft was added to the game.

16 May 2022

  • Biograft was officially revealed to the public.


SwordSkateboardBiograftKatanaBan Hammer
MedkitBoomboxSubspaceVine StaffCoil
Broker DollDomGhosdeeriGraffitiLightbloxLord Pwnatious "Moneybags" the IIIMx. BotPaint BuckétRainbeauRogerSpray PaintThe BrokerThe DollmakerTrafficValkVoid StarZuka
CarnageDuckyFather OverseerGravSparklesUmbrellaUniWarp