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Kramptana is an unlockable skin for Katana. It can be obtained by speaking to its NPC on the roof of Louigi's near the cat cafe for 50,000 Bux.

Kramptana was released on 2 January 2023 during the Rave vs. Relax Phestival. This skin depicts a version of Katana inspired by the Krampus, wearing a large belt holding up a pair of pants, an abundant amount of neck fluff decorated with small christmas bells and a tail. This skin alters Katana's effects and sounds, but not his animations or dialogue.


Moaitana is an unlockable skin for Katana. It can be obtained by speaking to its NPC On top of the final lamppost on the Thieves' Den bridge for 40,000 Bux. Moaitana was released 1 June 2023 after the Violets vs. Roses Phestival. This skin depicts Katana as a Rapa Nui mo'ai, with glowing markings over his body and ropes around his arms, waist and legs. This skin alters Katana's sounds, but not his effects, animations or dialogue.


Cybertana is an unlockable skin for Katana. It can be obtained by speaking to its NPC on a balcony on the back of the tall blue apartment building next to the Rat Zone for 40,000 Bux. Cybertana was released on 31 October 2023, during the Possessed vs. Bitten Phestival and was available to all players via the NPC in Crossroads. This skin depicts Katana wearing a jingasa with gaps for his horns on the sides. He is wearing a a jacket that alludes to jinbaori over a yukata tucked into a pair of hakama held up by a belt (adorned with a hanamusubi knot). He is wearing a pair of geta and ojuzu around his neck and wrists. Cybertana's sword has a glowing edge and gaps along the blade. This skin alters Katana's effects and sounds, but not his animations or dialogue.

When Calamity Slice is used, there’s a sort of mechanic whirring sound that hightens in pitch until the 3rd time you use it, then after that, the pitch descends back down, there’s also a difference in the FX of the slash effect changing to the hole gapped neon sword that Cybertana uses. When using Spirit Cleanse there’s a high pitched but same sounding mechanic whirring sound seen used in the Calamity Slice sounds, the FX is also changed to show Cybertana’s sword instead just like Calamity Slice‘s FX. For Thread Tow nothing is changed in terms of SFX but the thread is now more of a red color. Nothing in Foul Counter is changed. Lastly, there is not much changes with Soul Splicer in terms of animations, but when Cybertana lands the slash the same mechanical sound played in Calamity Slice and Spirit Cleanse is heard again but much higher, the FX is also changed to show Cybertana’s sword instead just like Calamity Slice and Spirit Cleanse‘s FX. The Kanji symbol for Looming Misfortune is not changed, but the font is much sharper.

Heretic Katana

Heretic Katana is an unreleased skin for Katana, depicting him as he was just after leaving The Church of the TRUE EYE. It was teased as a community reward for reaching 3000 preorders on The Broker's Makeship plushie. It is one of only two canon skins in PHIGHTING!.

SwordSkateboardBiograftKatanaBan Hammer
MedkitBoomboxSubspaceVine StaffCoil
Broker DollDomGhosdeeriGraffitiLightbloxLord Pwnatious "Moneybags" the IIIMx. BotPaint BuckétRainbeauRogerSpray PaintThe BrokerThe DollmakerTrafficValkVoid StarZuka
CarnageDuckyFather OverseerGravSparklesUmbrellaUniWarp