

Annihilate is a gamemode in PHIGHTING!


Annihilate functions identically to Team Deathmatch in other games. Killing players from the other team grants a player's team one point. The team with the most points by the end of the match is the victor.

Annihilate has several interactions:

  • The Score Cap limits the maximum amount of points at increments of 10.
  • Dying from killbricks or other hazards will grant the other team a point if the player has been previously hit by an enemy.
    • Using the Reset function in ROBLOX's menu while at full health and shield does not grant the other team a point.
  • If both team's points are equal at the end of the match, the match will go into Overtime.

Version history

v0.3.0 - 26 August 2022

  • Deathmatch was renamed to Annihilate.

15 April 2022

  • The score cap for Annihilate was changed from 5, 10, 15.. to 10, 20, 30.. .

Playtest 2 - 15 April 2022

  • Gamemode voting was introduced. Gamemodes are no longer tied to specific maps.

Playtest 1 - 19 February 2022

  • Annihilate was introduced to the game.