

Conquer is a gamemode in PHIGHTING!


The main objective of Conquer is to capture and hold down a single zone, typically at the center of the map. The zone spawns after 20 seconds have elapsed since the start of the match. The zone accumulates points to the team that is currently capturing it. Teams can capture the zone by having more players in the zone than the opposing team does. If there are equal players on each team in the zone, no points will be accumulated by either team until one team has less members in the zone. There are a few mechanics to Conquer's zone:

  • Points are accumulated at a rate of 1.25 every second.
    • The point accumulation rate does not increase based on the number of allies on the zone.
  • The first score cap of Conquer is set at 50 points. The following score caps increase at 25-point increments.
    • Upon reaching a score cap, the cap will break after 45 seconds or after both teams reach the cap. The 45-second timer does not pause even if the opposing team has control of the point.
    • The first score cap will always break after 45 seconds. If the losing team is two score caps behind the winning team, the latter's score cap will not have the 45-second countdown and will only break if the losing team reaches the same score.
  • If one team is unbalanced (e.g. 3 total players on red, 5 total players on blue), the zone will be contested if all members on the team with less members are on the zone.
  • If the team with less points has captured/contested the zone within 2 seconds of the end of the match, the match will go into Overtime.
    • During Overtime, the 10 second countdown starts if the zone is captured by the leading team.
    • The countdown will not stop until the losing team contests or recaptures the zone.
      • However, it will reset when the losing team gains more points and begins their countdown.
  • The Conquer zone uses a cylinder shape.
    • Players that are directly above the zone will still count as contesting players.

Version history

8 January 2022

24 November 2022

  • Removed temporarily.

16 November 2022

  • Conquer zone change now uses a cylinder shape instead of a sphere.
  • Overtime in Conquer now continues as long as one player from the losing team is on the point.

24 September 2022

  • Conquer has received a rework:
    • Points are gained by capturing the zone. For a team to capture the zone, they must have more players standing in it than the other team.
    • The zone will be contested and not give out points if the number of players contesting the zone on each team are equal.
      • If one team is unbalanced (e.g. 3 total players on red, 5 total players on blue), the zone will be contested if all members on the team with less members are on the point.
    • If the timer runs out and the team with less points has captured/contested the zone, the match will go into Overtime until the other team recaptures it or the team has more points.

v0.3.0 - 26 August 2022

  • Point was renamed to Conquer.

Playtest 2 - X April 2022

  • Gamemode voting was introduced. Gamemodes are no longer tied to specific maps.

Playtest 1 - 19 February 2022

  • Conquer was introduced to the game.