V0.4.5/Additional Versions

Main Additional Versions

Below lists the history of additional versions implemented following the release of V0.4.5.

Initial release

This version released on 31 December 2022 at 3:00 PM EST.

General additions and changes

  • Phighter limits were introduced to the game.
    • Only one of that specific Phighter can be in a team.
    • Attempting to pick a Phighter taken by another player will cause the action to fail.
    • If two or more players playing the same Phighter are assigned to the same team, the game will randomly assign one player that Phighter.
  • Players can now see what Phighter their teammates are playing in the Phighter select screen.
  • A 10 second preparation timer will occur before each match start.
  • Phestival changes:
    • Gaining XP in a Phestival also contributes to your Phestival rank.
      • Gaining sufficient XP increases the player's Phestival rank, going from (team name) Fan to (team name) Immortal.
      • Any subsequent rank increases after Immortal adds a + following the rank, continuing infinitely.
      • At the end of the Phestival, 1.5k Bux is granted to the player for each rank they earned following (team name) Fan.
      • The player must level up their rank once to qualify for Phestival rewards.

Phighter balance changes


  • Shielding Amplifier
    • BUG FIX: Now properly applies the Haste status.
  • Raining Tacos
    • NEW EFFECT: Now gives a 100 shield to other nearby allies on cast.
    • Shield on landing reduced from 500 to 400.
    • Shield decay delay reduced from 1.5 seconds to 0 seconds.


  • Skating form
    • Maximum walkspeed decreased from 35 to 30.
  • PUSH IT!!
    • Hitbox cooldown increased from 0.5 seconds to 0.75 seconds.
    • Maximum damage reduced from 25 to 20.
    • Turning speed reduced by 10%.


  • Quick Feet
    • Cooldown increased from 0.25 seconds + hover duration to 0.75 seconds + hover duration.
  • Sling Shot
      • Fully charging Sling Shot changes the damage falloff from 1 damage per 3 studs to 1 damage per 5 studs.
      • Fully charging Sling Shot changes the minimum damage from 2 to 15.
    • Maximum damage reduced from 25 to 20.
    • Charge time reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1 second.
    • Damage falloff increased from 50 studs to 75 studs.
  • Sidestep
    • Cooldown increased from 5 seconds to 7 seconds.


  • Noxious Void
      • Pull force is now constant instead of varying on distance from the crystal.
      • Noxious Void now disables all mobility moves for all players caught inside.

1 January 2023

Two versions released at 04:09 AM and 06:42 AM EST.

General additions and changes:

  • Added more Phestival ranks, bringing the total up to 24 ranks.
  • Phestival Sword rounds now occur for the remainder of the Phestival. A map has a 25% chance to include one of three swords that spawn during One Minute Left.


  • Raining Tacos
    • NEW EFFECT: Shield on initial cast now decays.
    • Initial shield reduced from 100 to 75.
    • Phinisher cost increased from 125 to 150.


  • Foul Counter
    • NEW EFFECT: Now blocks 100% of all damage sources excluding any damage source above 50.
  • Soul Splicer
    • Phinisher cost increased from 100 to 125.


  • The "Cozyshot" skin was added to the game.


  • The "Sci-fi Sword" skin is now obtainable in Crossroads.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed servers from having bugged timers.

2 January 2023

This version released at 06:42 AM EST.

General additions and changes:

  • The map DODGEBALL! was reworked.
  • A Sword round has a 20% chance to turn into a Darkheart round, changing the map into Fractured Space.
  • The chance of a Sword round was increased from 25% to 33%.


  • The "Kramptana" skin is now obtainable in Crossroads.


  • The "Exorspace" skin is now obtainable in Crossroads.

3 January 2023

This version released at 09:58 AM EST.

General additions and changes:

  • For the remainder of the Phestival:
    • The chances of a Sword round was increased from 33% to 50%.
    • The chances of a Darkheart round was increased from 20% to 25%.
    • The chances of a 13x match was increased from 5% to 10%.
    • The chances of a 66.6x match was increased from 1% to 3%.


  • The "Biocarved" skin is now obtainable in Crossroads.


  • The "Witchlaser" skin is now obtainable in Crossroads.


  • The "Snowboard" skin was added to the game.

4 January 2023

This version released at 10:41 AM EST.

General additions and changes:

  • For the last hour and a half of the Phestival:
    • The chances of a 13x match was increased from 10% to 25%.
    • The chances of a 66.6x match was increased from 3% to 5%.


  • Blink
    • NEW EFFECT: Blink now resets its max. uses counter if it is not used after 5 seconds.


  • Charged Blast
      • Direct hit damage now scales based on charge time.
      • Charging up Charged Shot now applies a 25% Slow, increasing to 50% over 3 seconds.
    • Direct hit damage changed from 30 to ...
    • Splash damage reduced from 15-30 to 10-20 (based on charge time).
    • Maximum explosion range reduced to 30.
  • Multi-Missiles
    • REWORK: Rocket's next 3 primaries in the next 2 seconds fires hitscan rockets.
    • Direct hit damage increased from 10 * 3 to 12 * 3.
    • Splash damage increased from 6 * 3 to 8 * 3.
    • Cooldown increased from 8 seconds to 10 seconds.


  • Blade Beam
    • REWORK: Fires a single large slash that pierces players and shields instead of multiple blades.
    • Damage changed from 12 + 10 * 3 to 18.
    • Projectile speed increased from 1 to 2.

5 January 2022

This version released at 01:40 AM EST.

General additions and changes:


  • The "Seraphlaser" skin was added to the game. Players who were on Team Relax and leveled their Phestival Rank at least once were given the skin.


  • The "Buster Rocket" skin is now obtainable in Crossroads.


8 January 2023

This version released at 10:25 AM EST.

General additions and changes:

  • Maps are now split into Annihilate and Conquer gamemodes.
  • All Phestival skins are now obtainable without the Sword round requirement.
  • From this version until 22 January 2023, all Bux earned is doubled.

Gamemode changes:

Map changes:


  • Echo Execution
    • BUG FIX: Echo Execution now consistently hits its target.


  • The "Seraphlaser" skin has received new sound effects.



  • Multi-Missiles
    • Direct hit damage reduced from 12 * 3 to 10 * 3.
    • Splash damage reduced from 8 * 3 to 6 * 3.
    • BUG FIX: Splash damage now properly registers on a direct hit.


  • Standing Form
    • BUG FIX: Shield regen now properly works in Standing Form.
  • Skating Form
    • NEW EFFECT: Now has a bar indicating speed, up to a maximum of 25.
    • Maximum speed reduced from 30 to 25.
    • Slopes now speed up and slow down Skateboard less.
  • SWITCH!!
      • Now changes the Haste bonus of SLUGGISH!! depending on how fast the player is going.
      • Damage is now calculated based on how close the speed is to the maximum speed instead of multiplying the player's speed by 1.5.
    • Maximum damage reduced from 50 to 35.



  • Blade Beam
    • Cooldown increased from 6 seconds to 8 seconds.
    • Projectile is less transparent.
  • Lunge
    • NEW EFFECT: Pinning an enemy disables Sword's abilities until he touches the ground.

22 January 2023

Two versions released at 05:16 AM and 06:23 AM EST.

General additions and changes:

  • The double Bux multiplier was removed.
  • The amount of Bux earned on levelling up was changed.
    • The bux reward earned for other levels was increased from 100 bux to 250 bux.
    • The bux reward for levels 5, 15, 35, 45, etc. was increased from 250 bux to 500 bux.
    • The bux reward for levels 10, 20, 30, 40, 60, etc. was increased from 500 bux to 1000 bux.
    • For levels 25, 50, 75, 125, 150, etc. the player now gains 2500 bux.
    • For levels 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, etc. the player now gains 10000 bux.
  • Improved positioning of player silhouettes on the scoreboard.

Map changes:


  • Blink
    • BUG FIX: No longer clips out of existence when used on certain surfaces.



  • BUG FIX: Hits should now register and cancel properly if the hit is not possible.

12 February 2023

This version released at 10:02 AM EST.

General additions and changes:

Map changes:


  • Tripmine
    • BUG FIX: Mines no longer explode on corpses.


20 February 2023

This version released at 01:55 AM EST.

General additions and changes:

Map changes:

Version History
2022 Playtest 1 Playtest 2 V0.3.0 Playtest 4
2023 V0.4.5 The Voice Line Update V0.5.0 V0.6.0 V0.7.0
2024 V0.8.0 PHIGHTING! 4 V0.9.0 V0.9.5