

Titles are a customizable cosmetic item that appears below a player's name during an intro to a match or in the death screen when killed by a player. They can be unlocked through a variety of factors. They can be changed by talking to Traffic in either Crossroads or the PHIGHT! Lobby.


Name Description Unlock condition
Butcher You reached 2500 kills, good job! Kill 2500 players.
Havocker You reached 5000 kills, great job! Kill 5000 players.
Massacrer You reached 7500 kills, good job! Kill 7500 players.
Manslayer You reached 10000 kills, good job! Kill 10000 players.
Endbringer You reached 12500 kills, good job! Kill 12500 players.


Name Description Unlock condition
Clumsy You died 2500 times, ouch! Die 2500 times.
Deceased You died 5000 times, must've hurt! Die 5000 times.
Extinct You died 7500 times, what a let down! Die 7500 times.
Wraith You died 10000 times, is it comeback time yet? Die 10000 times.
Spectre You died 12500 times, are you throwing? Die 12500 times.


Name Description Unlock condition
Caretaker You reached 2500 assists, your supportive life begins! Assist 2500 times.
Protector You reached 5000 assists, everyone owes you one! Assist 5000 times.
Preserver You reached 7500 assists, you're a life saver! Assist 7500 times.
Sentinel You reached 10000 assists, the world depends on you! Assist 10000 times.
Guardian Angel You reached 12500 assists, you're an angel! Assist 12500 times.

Kill Streak

Name Description Unlock condition

Win Streak

Name Description Unlock condition
Chief You got a winning streak of 5! Reach a winning streak of 5.
Boss You got a winning streak of 10! Reach a winning streak of 10.
Superior You got a winning streak of 15! Reach a winning streak of 15.
Stellar You got a winning streak of 20! Reach a winning streak of 20.
Astral You got a winning streak of 25! Reach a winning streak of 25.
Celestial You got a winning streak of 30! Reach a winning streak of 30.
Divine You got a winning streak of 35! Reach a winning streak of 35.
Ethereal You got a winning streak of 40! Reach a winning streak of 40.
Empyrean You got a winning streak of 45! Reach a winning streak of 45.
Godlike You got a winning streak of 50! Reach a winning streak of 50.

Phighter related

Name Description Unlock condition
Mightiest Warrior Awarded only to the mightiest of warriors. Earned from Sword's badge. Get the "stuck sword" badge.
SK8R!! RAD!! Earned from Skateboard's badge. Get the "vehicular manslaughter" badge.
Pitbull 1 Q away from death. Earned from Biograft's badge. Get the "your demise" badge.
Elder Old man. Earned from Katana's badge. Get the "sever the soul" badge.
Demolition Expert Great work! Only cost us an arm and a leg! Earned from Rocket's badge. Get the "direct detonation" badge.
Mosquito It takes a fair amount of skill to be this annoying. Earned from Slingshot's badge. Get the "sharp shooter" badge.
360 Noscoper Definitely not aimbot. Earn from Hyperlaser's badge. Get the "bounty collected" badge.
Professional Bhopper It takes a lot of skill to be this good at bhopping. Earned from Shuriken's badge. Get the "shadow sniper" badge.
Job Hater At least it pays well. Earned from Medkit's badge. Get the "guardian angel" badge.
Jammer Your taste in music is questionable. Earned from Boombox's badge. Get the "bass drop" badge.
Chaos Incarnate All it took was ripping an eye out. Earned from Subspace's badge. Get the "experiment successful" badge.


Name Description Unlock condition
Gamer You've played 1000 games, keep going! Play 1000 games.
Rival You've played 2000 games, how many more will you play? Play 2000 games.
Competitor You've played 3000 games, you really like this game! Play 3000 games.
Champion You've played 4000 games, that's crazy! Play 4000 games.
Conqueror You've played 5000 games, go outside! Play 5000 games.


Name Description Unlock condition
Level Shows your level. Earned from reaching level 1 Reach level 1.
Skilled You reached level 100, the grind begins Reach level 100.
Experienced You reached level 200, the grind continues Reach level 200.
Ace You reached level 300, the grind accelerates Reach level 300.
Prodigy You reached level 400, the grind is still grinding Reach level 400.
Top Dog You reached level 500, please go outside Reach level 500.
Specialist You reached level 600, wow Reach level 600.
Maven You reached level 700, wow Reach level 700
Noob You reached level 800, ok Reach level 800.
No-Lifer You reached level 900, alright Reach level 900.
Inphernal You reached level 1000, stop Reach level 1000.


Name Description Unlock condition
Rich You got 100000 Bux! Obtain 100000 Bux.
Wealthy You got 200000 Bux! Obtain 200000 Bux.
Prosperous You got 300000 Bux! Obtain 300000 Bux.
Expensive You got 400000 Bux! Obtain 400000 Bux.
Lush You got 500000 Bux! Obtain 500000 Bux.
Elegant You got 600000 Bux! Obtain 600000 Bux.
Valuable You got 700000 Bux! Obtain 700000 Bux.
Exorbiant You got 800000 Bux! Obtain 800000 Bux.
Ritzy You got 900000 Bux! Obtain 900000 Bux.
Aristocratic You got 1000000 Bux! Obtain 1000000 Bux

Event titles

Name Description Unlock condition
Phestival Winner Great job! Hope you didn't get carried! Earned from winning a Phestival. Be on the winning team of a Phestival.
Fried vs Scrambled Shows your rank for this Phestival Participated in the Fried vs. Scrambled Phestival.
Vanilla vs Chocolate Shows your rank for this Phestival Participated in the Vanilla vs. Chocolate Phestival.
Sun vs Moon Shows your rank for this Phestival Participated in the Sun vs. Moon Phestival.
Bat vs Rat Shows your rank for this Phestival Participated in the Bat vs. Rat Phestival.
Rave vs Relax Shows your rank for this Phestival Participated in the Rave vs. Relax Phestival.
Violets vs Roses Shows your rank for this Phestival Participated in the Violets vs. Roses Phestival.
Ice Cream vs Popsicle Shows your rank for this Phestival Participated in the Ice Cream vs. Popsicle Phestival.
Possessed vs Bitten Shows your rank for this Phestival Participated in the Possessed vs. Bitten Phestival.
Dove vs. Crow Shows your rank for this Phestival Participated in the Dove vs. Crow Phestival.
Pirates vs. Mermaids Shows your rank for this Phestival Participated in the Pirates vs. Mermaids Phestival.
Egg Hunter Earned from completing Egg Hunt 2022. Obtain the "egg hunt 2022" badge.
Veteran You've been here since the early days! Obtained by choosing any Phestival team before Vanilla vs Chocolate Chose a Phestival team before Vanilla vs Chocolate ended.
Aphelion Earned from reaching the 1% threshold in the Mix-Up Madness Phrenzy. Earned at least 2097 points in Mix-Up Madness.
Pandemonius Earned from reaching the 25% threshold in the Mix-Up Madness Phrenzy. Earned at least 64 points in Mix-Up Madness.
Darkheart Follower Earned from reaching the 50% threshold in the Mix-Up Madness Phrenzy. Earned at least 15 points in Mix-Up Madness.
EYE SPY Earned from completing Phighting 4 Killed by the Overseer's Eye in the minigame at the top of the PHIGHT! Lobby tower during April Fools' 2024.
Daybreaker Earned from reaching the 1% threshold in the Decoy Deploy Phrenzy. Includes the Divine Smite kill effect. Earned at a highscore of at least 760 points in Decoy Deploy or reaching 25,000 total points.
Sacrificial Lamb Earned from reaching the 25% threshold in the Decoy Deploy Phrenzy. Includes the Brokercoin kill effect. Earned at a highscore of af least 510 points in Decoy Deploy
Worshipper Earned from reaching the 50% threshold in the Decoy Deploy Phrenzy. Earned at a highscore of at least 386 points in Decoy Deploy


Name Description Unlock condition
Phighter It begins. Play the game.
Newcomer Welcome to PHIGHTING! Earned from joining the game. Play the game.
Spawn of Satan Grinded 10 hours just to get to hear one Flipside song. Earned from experiencing a 66.6x battle. Obtain the "devil's game" badge.
Virtuoso Best of the best. Earned from PWNING a team. Obtain the "PWNED!" badge.
Supreme You survived absolute chaos. Earned from experiencing a max sword round. Obtain the "Supreme Survivor" badge.
Supportive Thanks for playing! Earned from watching the credits in Playtest 2. Obtain the "thank you!" badge.
Donator Earned from buying a Brokercoin. Purchase at least one Brokercoin.
Brokercoins Displays the number of owned Brokercoins. Purchase at least one Brokercoin.
Him Earned from being aidn. Exclusive to 7GB0.
Soda Earned from being Soda. Exclusive to Sodakettle.
Pix Earned from being Pix. Exclusive to pixonett.
Owner Earned from being aidn. Exclusive to 7GB0.
Developer Earned from being a developer at boggio. Exclusive to the developers of the game.
Composer Hi Exclusive to composers of the PHIGHTING! original soundtrack.
Contributor Hi Exclusive to members of the community who have made contributions to the game.
Tester Earned from being a tester in boggio. Exclusive to the members of the community who test the game.
Moderator Earned from being a Moderator in boggio. Exclusive to the members of the community who moderate the game.
Ur Mama Mama Exclusive to 7GB0.


  • The track that plays while in the title menu is "TITLE WAVE".