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Line 56: Line 56:
* "How many times have I beat you? I've lost count!"
* "How many times have I beat you? I've lost count!"

* "Speed it up, slow guy!"


Revision as of 13:55, 4 June 2023

Overview Lore Dialogue Sound effects Gallery History



  • "Can they even keep up with me?"
  • "I'll catch 'em!"
  • "Just try to catch me!"
  • "Let's hurry this up!"
  • "Need a flanker? I'm your guy!"
  • "They won't see me coming!"


  • "A bit of practice would be nice right now."
  • "A nice refresher would be great right now."
  • "I could go for a nice snack right now."
  • "Is it legal to scale these buildings?"
  • "Let's chill for a bit."

Ally Katana - Basic

  • "All this stuff about destiny and all that, relax for once."
  • "Speed it up a lil bit, Katana."

Ally Katana - Chat

  • "Shuriken, what exactly is “fun”?"
    • “Like… just having a good time.”
    • "I have good times with you and Vine Staff, is that fun?”
  • "What was your childhood like, Katana?"
    • "Dark."
    • "Damn, mood killer."
  • "Why so serious, Katana?"
    • "I worry that my time to act is gradually depleting."
    • "Don't be like that, we have all the time in the world to have fun!"
    • "I see."

Ally Slingshot - Basic

  • "All we need is Vine to complete our trio!"
  • "I won't let you outdo me, Sling!"
  • "Sling and I on the same team? They won't be able to keep up!"
  • "Should we see who gets the most points, Sling?"

Ally Slingshot - Chat

  • "I wont let you outdo me, Sling!"
    • "Trust me, you won't be able to keep up!"



  • "Didn't even know what hit you!"
  • "Didn't see me coming!"
  • "Try ducking next time!"
  • "Watch yourself!"


  • "How many times have I beat you? I've lost count!"


  • "Speed it up, slow guy!"


  • "Let's pick up the pace!"

Match outcome


  • "They don't call me a thief for nothing!"
  • "Better work on your stamina!"

Victory - Ally Slingshot

  • "I think I was a bit better this time, Sling."
  • "I guess this is a win for the both of us, Sling!"


  • "Back to practice I go!"
  • "I call cheats!"
  • "Ouch, not my best run."

Defeat - Ally Slingshot

  • "If only you practiced more, Sling."
  • "Let's call this a draw, Sling."


Melee Sword Skateboard Biograft Katana Ban Hammer
Ranged Rocket Slingshot Hyperlaser Shuriken Scythe
Support Medkit Boombox Subspace Vine Staff
Related Badges Status Effects Phinisher