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|Summon a lotus which heals and grants allies regeneration three times before disappearing. Wave 1 occurs when the lotus spawns. All allies in radius of the lotus will activate stage 2 Beginning Anew at their position.
|Summon a lotus which heals and grants allies regeneration three times before disappearing. Wave 1 occurs when the lotus spawns. All allies in radius of the lotus will activate stage 2 Beginning Anew at their position.
|'''Range:''' Unknown<br>'''Healing per wave:''' 10 base + 40 regen stacks<br>'''Waves:''' 3<br>'''Time between waves:''' 6 seconds<br>'''Phinisher points:''' 150
|'''Range:''' 150x50x150<br>'''Healing per wave:''' 10 base + 40 regen stacks<br>'''Waves:''' 3<br>'''Time between waves:''' 6 seconds<br>'''Phinisher points:''' 150

Revision as of 00:37, 21 October 2023

Overview Lore Dialogue Sound effects Gallery History


Vine Staff is a support Phighter that provides healing to allies and minor crowd control from the backlines.


Death Brings Life
AbilityIcon Type

Ability Type
Eliminations , assisting, and hitting an enemy 15 times gives Vinestaff 1 sprout charge.
Healing granted:
Stage 1: 10 (5 base + 5 regeneration stacks)
Stage 2: 15 (5 base + 10 regeneration stacks)
Stage 3: 20 (5 base + 15 regeneration stacks)
Explosion: 15 (10 base + 5 regeneration stacks)
Range: 60x25x60
Sprout health:
Stage 1: 30
Stage 2: 35
Stage 3: 40
Haste per sprout: 5%
Sprout maximum duration: 30 seconds
Ability Demonstration


A Thousand Petals
AbilityIcon Type

Ability Type
Shoot fast, low damaging petals that spread before reaching its target.
Damage: 3
Max range: 250 studs
Projectile speed: Unknown
Fire rate: 9 shots per second
Reload time: 1 second
Ammo: 50
Ability Demonstration


Beginning Anew
AbilityIcon Type

Ability Type
Plant a sprout that grants healing and regeneration. Planting a sprout removes 1 charge. Every time you deal damage 15 times, it advances to the next stage and heals all allies around it. At its fourth stage, it explodes and roots.
Max charges: 5
Cooldown: 0.75 seconds
Ability Demonstration


AbilityIcon Type
Q Ability

Ability Type
Heal an ally for 20HP. For the next 8 seconds, 50% of the damage they deal is turned into healing for both you and the ally. For every 50 damage they deal, they activate stage 1 Beginning Anew.
Healing: 10 (on cast only)
Heal cap: 50
Life steal: 40%
Duration: 8 seconds
Projectile speed: Unknown
Cooldown: 17 seconds
Ability Demonstration


  • Preservation's effects will not occur until the projectile reaches the targetted ally.

Root of the Oak
AbilityIcon Type
E Ability

Ability Type
Fire three branches which root enemies when hit. Hitting a sprout causes it to activate instantly and create an explosion which roots. Hitting an enemy activates stage 1 Beginning Anew.
Direct: 7
Splash: 6
Root duration:
Direct: 1 second
Splash: 0.4 seconds
Number of projectiles: 3
Hitbox: 20x20x20
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Ability Demonstration


Lotus of the Den
AbilityIcon Type

Ability Type
Summon a lotus which heals and grants allies regeneration three times before disappearing. Wave 1 occurs when the lotus spawns. All allies in radius of the lotus will activate stage 2 Beginning Anew at their position.
Range: 150x50x150
Healing per wave: 10 base + 40 regen stacks
Waves: 3
Time between waves: 6 seconds
Phinisher points: 150
Ability Demonstration


  • If Vine Staff dies while her Phinisher is active, its effects will prematurely end.
  • Vine Staff cannot build Phinisher points until Lotus of the Den's effects end.


  • Excellent group healing with sprouts and Phinisher.
  • Large range, mag size and fast fire rate on A Thousand Petals.
  • Great self sustain with access to Preservation and sprout regain.
  • Versatile, has good synergy with the majority of Phighters allowing Vine Staff to function in many team compositions.
  • Can fight consistently at longer ranges compared to other supports.
  • Not hard to use for beginners.
  • No mobility, allows her to get caught out easily by other Phighters if not positioned well.
  • Relies on teammates to perform to her fullest.
  • Vine Staff's healing is not very effective when used as an immediate response to enemy actions.
  • Few damaging abilities, only being her E, Root of the Oak, and Primary, A Thousand Petals
  • Vulnerable at close ranges.

When playing as Vine Staff, it is important to stick with your team as much as possible. This is due to maximizing her regeneration abilities to as many people as possible, and also due to how Vine Staff will fold to almost every Phighters if she attempts to engage in a battle by herself. Her ability to give a large group regeneration with her sprouts and Phinisher will make her a highly important member of the team. With Preservation, she can leech off of high DPS Phighters to give both herself and the target regeneration. Phighters such as Sword, Biograft and Katana are high priority targets for this, but Phighters like Hyperlaser and Rocket can be given it in niche scnearios. In addition, if a teammate needs healing, it is ideal to save Preservation and instead use Beginning Anew. This will grant both the teammate that needs urgent healing, yourself, and potentially any other Phighters in the immediate area regeneration.

Her hitpoints is 175 in total, 100 being health, the other 75 being shield. This allows her to take in a decent amount of damage before dipping into her green health. Having shield gives her more room to tank damage, as she can regenerate the shield over time instead of relying on a Medkit or her ability cooldowns.

Vine Staff is extremely poor at shorter ranges, as her DPS while it can be high, does not match those of Melee Phighters who do not have to rely on aiming their shots as much. Because of this, it is a must that she stays close to her team. As Vine Staff, it is best to play a backlining role while hitting enemies with her Primary from a distance in order to level up her sprouts and plant more to support her frontliners.

Ability usage

Death Brings Life

  • Don't stray away vulturing off of enemies weakened by teammates in order to get free sprouts.

A Thousand Petals

  • placeholder


  • placeholder

Root of the Oak

  • placeholder

Lotus of the Den

  • placeholder

Counterplay against Vine Staff


Name Icon Description Reward
vine staff badge N/A N/A



  • Vinestaff is the first Phighter with she/her pronouns.



Version history

26 November 2022

  • Vine Staff was revealed to the public.
  • An unobtainable badge titled 'vine staff badge' was added to the game.


Melee Sword Skateboard Biograft Katana Ban Hammer
Ranged Rocket Slingshot Hyperlaser Shuriken Scythe
Support Medkit Boombox Subspace Vine Staff
Related Badges Status Effects Phinisher