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Use a separate heading for specific intros, e.g. Ally [[Slingshot]]
Line 7:
* "Blink and they'll miss me!"
* "Can they even keep up with me?"
* "I call this trick the 'Superb Sequence!'"
* "I call this trick the 'Super Duper Obliterator!'"
* "I call this trick... I forgot!"
* "I'll catch 'em!"
* "I'll be the one to take them down!"
* "I've never been caught, not even once!"
* "Just try to catch me!"
* "Let's hurry this up!"
* "Let's put my masterful skills to work!"
* "Need a flanker? I'm your guy!"
* "Need a professional? I'm your guy!"
* "Their speed won't be able to match mine!"
* "They won't see me coming!"
* "I've calltrained thisall trickmy thelife 'Superbfor Sequencethis!'"
* "A bit of practice would be nice right now."
* "A nice refresher would be great right now..."
* "I could go for a nice snack right now..."
* "Is it legal to scale these buildings?"
* "Let's chill for a bit."
* "There's no time for relaxing, a master at his craft never sleeps!"
* "Everyone wants to know my tricks, just wait for the crowd to start piling for me!"
* "I must relax to regenerate my awesome powers!"
* "Is it legal to scale these buildings? Guess we'll find out!"
* "Let's chill for a bit."
* "No time to wait! Let's get going already!"
* "There's no time for relaxing, a master at his craft never sleeps!"
{{PhightingDialogue|Shuriken|"Everyone wants to know my tricks, just wait for the crowd to start piling for me!"<br>"Any second now!"}}
'''Ally [[Katana]]'''
* "All this stuff about destiny and all that, relax for once."
* "Speed it up a lil bit, Katana."
'''Ally [[SlingshotBan Hammer]] - Chat'''
* "All we need is Vine to complete our trio!"
{{PhightingDialogue|Ban Hammer<br>Shuriken<br>Ban Hammer|"Another fast, pesky prick. How fun.'<br>"You should try to enhance your mobility some time!"<br>"I've tried. It's not for me."}}
* "I won't let you outdo me, Sling!"
* "Sling and I on the same team? They won't be able to keep up!"
{{PhightingDialogue|Ban Hammer<br>Shuriken<br>Ban Hammer|"When will you stop messing around and learn how rough the world is?"<br>"When I have to!"<br>"Oh you'll have to soon enough, I'll tell you."}}
* "Should we see who gets the most points, Sling?"
* "Let's get 'em, Sling!"
{{PhightingDialogue|Ban Hammer<br>Shuriken<br>Ban Hammer|"You should learn to take it slow, patience is a virtue, afterall."<br>"What does that even mean?"<br>"Not sure! My momma told me it!"}}
* "The never before beaten duo, Shuri and Sling!"
'''Ally [[Biograft]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Shuriken<br>Biograft<br>Shuriken|"Hey!, I swear I just saw you at Crossroads!"<br>"THAT MAY HAVE BEEN ANOTHER VERSION OF MYSELF."<br>"Ooh, Clones! Sounds like my type of thing!"}}
'''Ally [[Boombox]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Boombox<br>Shuriken|"What type of music do you like, Shuriken?"<br>"Probably Pop!"}}
'''Ally [[Hyperlaser]]'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Shuriken<br>Hyperlaser|"Your friend, Katana, does he talk about his problems often?"<br>"Not really, he's not a talker."<br>"I see."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Shuriken<br>Hyperlaser|"Is there any way I could learn more about your regions culture?"<br>"Why? Interested in it?"<br>"Somebody you know is making me interested in it."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Hyperlaser<br>Shuriken<br>Hyperlaser|"Your friend, Katana, does he talk about his problems often?"<br>"Not really, he's not a talker."<br>"I see."}}
'''Ally [[Katana]] - Chat'''
* "All this stuff about destiny and all that, relax for once."
* "Don't know anything about this destiny talk, but let's seal their destinies! Or something like that..."
* "Let's get them Katana!"
* "Speed it up a lil bit, Katana."
{{PhightingDialogue|Katana<br>Shuriken<br>Katana|"Shuriken, what exactly is ”fun“?"<br>"Like... just having a good time."<br>"I have good times with you and Vine Staff, is that fun?"}}
Line 59 ⟶ 82:
{{PhightingDialogue|Shuriken<br>Katana<br>Shuriken<br>Katana|"Why so serious, Katana?"<br>"I worry that my time to act is gradually depleting."<br>"Don't be like that, we have all the time in the world to have fun!"<br>"Time in my world is not infinite."}}
'''Ally [[Medkit]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Medkit<br>Shuriken|"Do you ever worry that that grapple of yours may break and you'd get yourself hurt?"<br>"I've never thought of that happening."}}
'''Ally [[Slingshot]] - Chat'''
* "All we need is Vine to complete our trio!"
* "I won't let you outdo me, Sling!"
* "Let's get 'em, Sling!"
* "Should we see who gets the most points, Sling?"
* "Sling and I on the same team? They won't be able to keep up!"
* "The never before beaten duo, Shuri and Sling!"
{{PhightingDialogue|Slingshot<br>Shuriken|"I'll beat you this time, Shuri!"<br>"I'd like to see you try!"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Shuriken<br>Slingshot|"I won't let you outdo me, Sling!"<br>"Trust me, you won't be able to keep up!"}}
{{PhightignDialoguePhightingDialogue|Shuriken<br>Slingshot|"Ready to witness my super secret technique?"<br>"Please don't gethurt yourself hurt again."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Shuriken<br>Slingshot|"Should we compete to see who can get the most points, Sling?"<br>"Oh it's on!"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Shuriken<br>Slingshot<br>Shuriken|"Wanna know my super secret technique, Sling?"<br>"Is it the one where you shoot them from miles away?"<br>"O-Of course not!"}}
'''Ally [[Vine Staff]] - Chat'''
* "Make sure to heal me, sis!"
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Shuriken<br>Vine Staff|"Brother, please use your brain this time."<br>"Hey! When don't I use my brain?"<br>"I can remember a few multiple times when you haven't."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Shuriken<br>Vine Staff|"Can you do the dishes tonight... pretty please!"<br>"I've done your chores three times already!"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Shuriken<br>Vine Staff|"Did you remember to brush your teeth today?"<br>"Uhh, there's someone who needs healing behind you!"<br>"What? Where?"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Shuriken|"Go in with caution, I don't want to find you all wounded again."<br>"I'll try my best, sis!"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Shuriken<br>Vine Staff<br>Shuriken|"Hey! Wanna see who can get the most kills!"<br>"This is not the time for games, Shuri."<br>"Aw..."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Shuriken<br>Vine Staff<br>Shuriken|"GoHope in with caution, I donyou'tre wantready to findsee youa allmaster woundedat!"<br>"I'llMy brother? A trymaster? myIn best,his sisdreams!"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Shuriken|"Stick with the plan, Shuri."<br>"What was the plan again?"}}
Line 80 ⟶ 132:
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Shuriken|"Prepare for trouble!"<br>"And make it double!"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Shuriken<br>Vine Staff|"Can you do the dishes tonight... pretty please!"<br>"I've done your chores three times already!"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Shuriken<br>Vine Staff|"Hope you're ready to see a master at work!"<br>"My brother? A master? In his dreams!"}}
* "A master at work!"
* "Didn't even know what hit you!"
* "Didn't see me coming!"
* "Even more proof of my skill!"
* "I'm clearly unbeatable!"
* "Nice try!"
* "That's all you got?"
* "That was my super secret technique!"
* "That was pretty awesome of me!"
* "These shurikens are versatile!"
* "Try ducking next time!"
* "Watch yourself!"
* "Wombo combo!"
* "That was pretty awesome of me!"
'''Basic (From behind)'''
* "From behind!"
* "From the shadows!"
* "Pay attention!"
* "Watch your back!"
* "Watch your surroundings!"
'''Using {{Abilitylink|ShurikenSecondary}}'''
* "I also excel at melee attacks!"
* "Sneak attack!"
'''Using {{Abilitylink|ShurikenE}}'''
* "Did you think that was me? Haha!"
* "Suprise!"
* "That was merely a clone!"
* "Tricked you!"
'''Using {{Abilitylink|ShurikenPhinisher}}'''
* "I call this trick the Guillotine Blossom!"
* "Just try to run away!"
* "Stay back!"
* "Looks like destiny caught up to you!"
* "Speed it up, slow guy!"
* "Step it up, Katana!"
* "You really couldn't have dodged that, Katana?"
Line 100 ⟶ 183:
* "I won this matchup!"
* "Keep up, Sling!"
* "Should we rematch later?"
* "One point to me!"
* "Losing steam, Sling?"
* "One point to me!"
* "Should we rematch later?"
* "That's a point to me!"
'''[[KatanaVine Staff]]'''
* "All your healing serves no match to my awesome skills!"
* "Speed it up, slow guy!"
* "Better sibling wins!"
* "Looks like destiny caught up to you!"
* "I won't lose! Not after having to wash those dishes!"
* "You really couldn't have dodged that, Katana?"
* "Is that really your technique, sis?"
* "Maybe you can learn from your brother for once!"
* "Move a bit faster, sis!"
* "Were you even trying, sis?"
* "Time to pick up the pace!"
* "Let a master do his job!"
* "Let me do my work!"
* "Really? Kill stealing?"
* "Stop stealing my kills!"
* "Stop taking credit for my work!"
* "This was a one person job!"
* "Wombo combo!"
'''Assisted byAssisting [[Vine StaffKatana]] - Chat'''
* "Calm down, Katana!"
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Shuriken<br>Vine Staff|"Good work, Shuri."<br>"Is that sarcasm?"<br>"Not this time."}}
* "Nice one, old man, but let me get the kills!"
'''Assisting [[Slingshot]] - Chat'''
* Again?! Stop stealing my kills, Sling!
* Stop it! You always take my kills, Sling!
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Shuriken<br>Vine StaffSlingshot|"Good work, Shuri.Really?!"<br>"IsYou thatcouldn't sarcasm?"<br>"Yeseven land any of ityour isshots."}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Shuriken<br>Slingshot|"Stop it!"<br>"Stop what?"}}
{{PhightingDialogue|Shuriken<br>Slingshot|"Can you not!"<br>"Haha, sorry about that!"}}
'''Assisting [[Vine Staff]] - Chat'''
* "Stop taking my kills, sis!"
{{PhightingDialogue|Shuriken<br>Vine Staff|"Stop taking my kills! You don't even do any damage!"<br>"I think you might just need to get better."}}
* "Time to pick up the pace!"
==Match outcome==
* "All that practice was worth it!"
* "They don't call me a thief for nothing!"
* "Better work on your stamina!"
* "I think I was the MVP that time!"
* "Of course I won, I always win!"
* "They don't call me a thief for nothing!"
* "You're welcome team! Wouldn't have been able to win without me!"
'''Victory - Ally [[Slingshot] - Chat]'''
* "I think I was a bit better this time, Sling."
* "I guess this is a win for the both of us, Sling!"
* "I think I was a bit better this time, Sling."
{{PhightingDialogue|Shuriken<br>Slingshot|"I think I was a bit better this time, Sling."<br>"Were we watching the same thing?"}}
'''Victory - Ally [[Vine Staff]] - Chat'''
{{PhightingDialogue|Vine Staff<br>Shuriken<br>Vine Staff|"Amazing work, Shuriken! Couldn't have done it without you!"<br>"Is that sarcasm?"<br>"No, not this time."}}
* "Back to practice I go!"
* "I call cheats!"
* "I just wanted to go easy on you!"
* "I just wanted to let you guys win for once!"
* "I never lose! My teamates just weren't helping that time!"
* "My eyes were closed that whole time, I swear!'
* "Ouch, not my best run."
* "That round doesn't count!"
* "This was just practice! Don't add this to my history!
'''Defeat - Ally [[Slingshot]]'''
'''Defeat - Ally [[Slingshot]] - Chat'''
* "If only you practiced more, Sling."
* "Let's call this a draw, Sling."
{{PhightingDialogue|Shuriken<br>Slingshot|"If only you practiced more, Sling!"<br>"Don't blame this all on me!"}}
[[Category:Phighter dialogue]]

Latest revision as of 21:26, 26 June 2024



  • "Blink and they'll miss me!"
  • "Can they even keep up with me?"
  • "I call this trick the 'Superb Sequence!'"
  • "I call this trick the 'Super Duper Obliterator!'"
  • "I call this trick... I forgot!"
  • "I'll catch 'em!"
  • "I'll be the one to take them down!"
  • "I've never been caught, not even once!"
  • "Just try to catch me!"
  • "Let's hurry this up!"
  • "Let's put my masterful skills to work!"
  • "Need a professional? I'm your guy!"
  • "Their speed won't be able to match mine!"
  • "They won't see me coming!"
  • "I've trained all my life for this!"


  • "A bit of practice would be nice right now."
  • "A nice refresher would be great right now..."
  • "I could go for a nice snack right now..."
  • "I must relax to regenerate my awesome powers!"
  • "Is it legal to scale these buildings? Guess we'll find out!"
  • "Let's chill for a bit."
  • "No time to wait! Let's get going already!"
  • "There's no time for relaxing, a master at his craft never sleeps!"

Shuriken "Everyone wants to know my tricks, just wait for the crowd to start piling for me!"
"Any second now!"

Ally Ban Hammer - Chat

Ban Hammer
Ban Hammer
"Another fast, pesky prick. How fun.'
"You should try to enhance your mobility some time!"
"I've tried. It's not for me."

Ban Hammer
Ban Hammer
"When will you stop messing around and learn how rough the world is?"
"When I have to!"
"Oh you'll have to soon enough, I'll tell you."

Ban Hammer
Ban Hammer
"You should learn to take it slow, patience is a virtue, afterall."
"What does that even mean?"
"Not sure! My momma told me it!"

Ally Biograft - Chat

"Hey!, I swear I just saw you at Crossroads!"
"Ooh, Clones! Sounds like my type of thing!"

Ally Boombox - Chat

"What type of music do you like, Shuriken?"
"Probably Pop!"

Ally Hyperlaser

"Is there any way I could learn more about your regions culture?"
"Why? Interested in it?"
"Somebody you know is making me interested in it."

"Your friend, Katana, does he talk about his problems often?"
"Not really, he's not a talker."
"I see."

Ally Katana - Chat

  • "All this stuff about destiny and all that, relax for once."
  • "Don't know anything about this destiny talk, but let's seal their destinies! Or something like that..."
  • "Let's get them Katana!"
  • "Speed it up a lil bit, Katana."

"Shuriken, what exactly is ”fun“?"
"Like... just having a good time."
"I have good times with you and Vine Staff, is that fun?"

"So what's all this talk about the corrupt and stuff, Katana?"
"You shall learn when the time comes, youngin."
"Don't act like you're an ancient legend!"

"Speed it up, Katana!"
"You mustn't rush destiny."
"Uh... sure."

"What was your childhood like, Katana?"
"Damn, mood killer."

"Why so serious, Katana?"
"I worry that my time to act is gradually depleting."
"Don't be like that, we have all the time in the world to have fun!"
"Time in my world is not infinite."

Ally Medkit - Chat

"Do you ever worry that that grapple of yours may break and you'd get yourself hurt?"
"I've never thought of that happening."

Ally Slingshot - Chat

  • "All we need is Vine to complete our trio!"
  • "I won't let you outdo me, Sling!"
  • "Let's get 'em, Sling!"
  • "Should we see who gets the most points, Sling?"
  • "Sling and I on the same team? They won't be able to keep up!"
  • "The never before beaten duo, Shuri and Sling!"

"I'll beat you this time, Shuri!"
"I'd like to see you try!"

"I won't let you outdo me, Sling!"
"Trust me, you won't be able to keep up!"

"Ready to witness my super secret technique?"
"Please don't hurt yourself again."

"Should we compete to see who can get the most points, Sling?"
"Oh it's on!"

"Wanna know my super secret technique, Sling?"
"Is it the one where you shoot them from miles away?"
"O-Of course not!"

Ally Vine Staff - Chat

  • "Make sure to heal me, sis!"

Vine Staff
Vine Staff
"Brother, please use your brain this time."
"Hey! When don't I use my brain?"
"I can remember a few multiple times when you haven't."

Vine Staff
"Can you do the dishes tonight... pretty please!"
"I've done your chores three times already!"

Vine Staff
Vine Staff
"Did you remember to brush your teeth today?"
"Uhh, there's someone who needs healing behind you!"
"What? Where?"

Vine Staff
"Go in with caution, I don't want to find you all wounded again."
"I'll try my best, sis!"

Vine Staff
"Hey! Wanna see who can get the most kills!"
"This is not the time for games, Shuri."

Vine Staff
"Hope you're ready to see a master at work!"
"My brother? A master? In his dreams!"

Vine Staff
"Stick with the plan, Shuri."
"What was the plan again?"

Vine Staff
"Stop running away from me when you want healing!"
"Sorry! Can't help myself."

Vine Staff
"Prepare for trouble!"
"And make it double!"



  • "A master at work!"
  • "Didn't even know what hit you!"
  • "Didn't see me coming!"
  • "Even more proof of my skill!"
  • "I'm clearly unbeatable!"
  • "Nice try!"
  • "That's all you got?"
  • "That was my super secret technique!"
  • "That was pretty awesome of me!"
  • "These shurikens are versatile!"
  • "Try ducking next time!"
  • "Watch yourself!"
  • "Wombo combo!"

Basic (From behind)

  • "From behind!"
  • "From the shadows!"
  • "Pay attention!"
  • "Watch your back!"
  • "Watch your surroundings!"

Using Stab of the Betrayer

  • "I also excel at melee attacks!"
  • "Sneak attack!"

Using Illusions of the Smoke

  • "Did you think that was me? Haha!"
  • "Suprise!"
  • "That was merely a clone!"
  • "Tricked you!"

Using Guillotine Blossom

  • "I call this trick the Guillotine Blossom!"
  • "Just try to run away!"
  • "Stay back!"


  • "Looks like destiny caught up to you!"
  • "Speed it up, slow guy!"
  • "Step it up, Katana!"
  • "You really couldn't have dodged that, Katana?"


  • "Get back to practicing, Sling!"
  • "Haha!"
  • "How many times have I beat you? I've lost count!"
  • "I won this matchup!"
  • "Keep up, Sling!"
  • "Losing steam, Sling?"
  • "One point to me!"
  • "Should we rematch later?"
  • "That's a point to me!"

Vine Staff

  • "All your healing serves no match to my awesome skills!"
  • "Better sibling wins!"
  • "I won't lose! Not after having to wash those dishes!"
  • "Is that really your technique, sis?"
  • "Maybe you can learn from your brother for once!"
  • "Move a bit faster, sis!"
  • "Were you even trying, sis?"



  • "Let a master do his job!"
  • "Let me do my work!"
  • "Really? Kill stealing?"
  • "Stop stealing my kills!"
  • "Stop taking credit for my work!"
  • "This was a one person job!"
  • "Wombo combo!"

Assisting Katana

  • "Calm down, Katana!"
  • "Nice one, old man, but let me get the kills!"

Assisting Slingshot - Chat

  • Again?! Stop stealing my kills, Sling!
  • Stop it! You always take my kills, Sling!

"You couldn't even land any of your shots."

"Stop it!"
"Stop what?"

"Can you not!"
"Haha, sorry about that!"

Assisting Vine Staff - Chat

  • "Stop taking my kills, sis!"

Vine Staff
"Stop taking my kills! You don't even do any damage!"
"I think you might just need to get better."


  • "Time to pick up the pace!"

Match outcome


  • "All that practice was worth it!"
  • "Better work on your stamina!"
  • "I think I was the MVP that time!"
  • "Of course I won, I always win!"
  • "They don't call me a thief for nothing!"
  • "You're welcome team! Wouldn't have been able to win without me!"

Victory - Ally [[Slingshot] - Chat]

  • "I guess this is a win for the both of us, Sling!"
  • "I think I was a bit better this time, Sling."

"I think I was a bit better this time, Sling."
"Were we watching the same thing?"

Victory - Ally Vine Staff - Chat

Vine Staff
Vine Staff
"Amazing work, Shuriken! Couldn't have done it without you!"
"Is that sarcasm?"
"No, not this time."


  • "Back to practice I go!"
  • "I call cheats!"
  • "I just wanted to go easy on you!"
  • "I just wanted to let you guys win for once!"
  • "I never lose! My teamates just weren't helping that time!"
  • "My eyes were closed that whole time, I swear!'
  • "Ouch, not my best run."
  • "That round doesn't count!"
  • "This was just practice! Don't add this to my history!

Defeat - Ally Slingshot - Chat

  • "If only you practiced more, Sling."
  • "Let's call this a draw, Sling."

"If only you practiced more, Sling!"
"Don't blame this all on me!"

SwordSkateboardBiograftKatanaBan Hammer
MedkitBoomboxSubspaceVine Staff
DomGhosdeeriGraffitiLightbloxLord Pwnatious "Moneybags" the IIIMx. BotPaint BuckétRainbeauRogerSpray PaintThe BrokerTrafficValkVoid StarZuka
CarnageDuckyGravSparklesThe DollmakerWarp