

Sparkles is a character in PHIGHTING!.


Sparkles has 4 horns which jut out the sides of her head, both bottom horns have thin medium size rings hanging off of them. her top horns curve inwards while her bottom horns curve upwards slightly. Her left top horn has a pink and white diamond pattern on it while her right top horn has a pink, yellow, and white star pattern on it. Her bottom left horn is pink while the bottom right is yellow. Her horns are colored light teal at the tips.

She wears a large ruff on her neck, each ruffle is colored yellow white and pink, with two stripes at the front of each colored the same. On her forehead is a pink widow's peak which stops below her horns. She has a light teal sweater with white horizontal stripes going down the sleeves and two white pompoms going down the sweater, the cuffs of the sweater are yellow and ruffled. She dons a pink corset on top of her sweater which has 2 sets of white intersecting laces down the middle tightening it.

Below that she wears tights, the left pant leg having a pink and white diamond pattern on it that turns fully light pink above the ankle. while the right pant leg is yellow. She has light teal ballet shoes with light teal bows behind the shoes. Her skin is mostly white with pink spots dotting it, this is due to her vitiligo. some are notably heart shaped, such as the spot on her right eye, and the one on her cheek. [4]

Her sparkler is held in her right hand and has a white grip donned with the same pink and white pattern as on her tights, the grip has two pink rings on each end of it. The rest of the handle is a light yellow that turns a pink hue towards the grip. The sparkler itself has a white center with yellow sparks coming off of it.



She performs in a circus[5] alongside a troupe.[6]




  • Sparkles has vitiligo, her skin is both white and pink.[4]
  • She would probably have a Boston accent.[2]


  1. Soda on stream at 2:50:47, 16 January 2024 - "How tall would Sparkles be? Um... maybe like... like 5'8", that's like... a decent height."
  2. 2.0 2.1 @Soda_Stuff on Twitter, 16 January 2024 (Link Image) - "her name is sparkles (sparkler gear) she’s 29 and has a Boston accent probably"
  3. Soda on stream at 1:50:25, 16 January 2024 - "No this is not a new Phighter... yes this is a new NPC... her name is Sparkles... her gear is Sparkler... she's from Playground... she/her... stop asking"
  4. 4.0 4.1 Soda in boggio community, 15 April 2024 (Link | Image) - "she is white and pink"
  5. Soda on stream at 01:54:17, 10 May 2024 - "hi Sofa, attempt 3 is sparkles some sort of performer her occupation isnt listed on the wiki 💔💔" "Yeah, she's like, in a circus"
  6. Soda on stream at 23:04, 18 May 2024 - "hi Sofer. sofa. is sparkles a solo performer or does she perform with other people in her circus thing? If theres other chars can we. See them one day maybe kicks a rock" "Uhh... not a solo performer. She has like a whole trou- troupe"

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CarnageDuckyFather OverseerGravSparklesUmbrellaUniWarp