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Katana is a melee Phighter. He was released on 31 December 2022 with v0.4.5 and the Rave vs. Relax Phestival.


Katana is a melee Phighter that can frontline with his high health pool and damage, but suffer at range with poor mobility and little to no ranged tools. His Calamity Slice can be used up to 5 times and give a Looming Misfortune mark to any enemy hit with it. Looming Misfortune is his passive which grants the enemy player hit with a slow, increasing by 5% up until 5 stacks are hit. Spirit Cleanse can be used to reset any marks on an enemy, and allow new ones to be applied. His only ranged tool, Thread Tow allows him to close any space against an enemy to either finish one off or to get an early kill. Foul Counter allows Katana to sponge any sort of damage if lower than 50, any said damage he takes will calculate into a slash in-front of him and apply any stacks of Looming Misfortune. His Phinisher, Soul Splicer is a huge AoE attack that averages the health of enemies, and applying full stacks of Looming Misfortune.


Looming Misfortune

Ability Type
Calamity Slice adds marks to enemies. At 5 stacks, remove all stacks, deal damage, grant yourself shield, and slow the enemy.
Damage: 20
Mark duration: 6 seconds
  Slow debuff: Per Looming Misfortune stack: 3% for 5 seconds
Overshield duration: 5 seconds
Ability Demonstration


  • Has no cooldown, another set of stacks can be applied after one is removed.
  • Looming Misfortune's stack detonation will continue on dead players, giving the player Phinisher charge and shield.
    • If an enemy Phighter with Looming Misfortune stacks dies, the stacks will detonate.
  • If another Looming Misfortune stack is detonated on the same enemy, the enemy will be slowed for the higher   Slow amount.
  • The shield granted by Looming Misfortune regenerates Katana's innate shield. Any shield beyond the maximum is turned into overshield for 5 seconds.

Calamity Slice

Ability Type
Slice your katana 5 times. While using Calamity Slice, you stay in the air and are pushed forward.
Damage: 10 + 10 + 12 + 12 + 14
Dash force: 18
Range: 20.5 studs
Fire rate: 2 swings every second
Ability Demonstration


  • Katana can only perform 2 full combos in the air before being unable to use Calamity Slice until he touches the ground.
  • If grounded, Katana can no longer levitate and gain 30%   Slow on every slash.

Spirit Cleanse

Ability Type
Slash and instantly use any stacks of Looming Misfortune on enemies.
Damage: 15 + 4 * no. of Looming Misfortune stacks
Stacks of Looming Misfortune added: 1
  Slow debuff: 10% * no. of Looming Misfortune stacks for X seconds
Dash force: 35
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Ability Demonstration


  • Spirit Cleanse performs a short dash on use.
  • The player may turn their crosshair during the dash.
  • If used in mid air will allow Katana to perform another Calamity Slice combo.

Thread Tow
Q Ability

Ability Type
Throw your rope and pull in an enemy.
Damage: 15
Range: 150 studs
  Stun duration: time grabbed + 1 second
Grounded duration: 1.5 seconds
Cooldown: 9 seconds
Ability Demonstration


  • Enemies will be pulled into Katana's model.
  • The   Stun effect applies on hit.
  • The grounded effect applies after the pull.
    • If used in mid-air, Katana will be unable to use any moves until he touches the ground.

Foul Counter
E Ability

Ability Type
Temporarily enter a stance that negates all damage and knockback, being dealt 10 damage or higher will cause you to slash, applying a stack of Looming Misfortune per 10 damage countered.
Damage: 7 * every 10 damage taken (max. 40)
Looming Misfortune application: 1 stack per 10 damage negated/taken
Stance duration: 1 second
  Slow penalty: 50%
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Ability Demonstration


  • Katana cannot jump during the cast time.
  • This ability applies   Armored to Katana for the duration of the animation.
  • If Katana dies during the windup, this ability will not continue to cast.
  • This ability cannot be interrupted by   Stun or   Wireframe debuffs.
  • Katana negates all force effects immediately on cast.
  • Foul Counter does not block damage that exceeds 50.

Soul Splicer

Ability Type
Slice in a large area around you, taking the average health of enemies hit and applying it to all targets. Then deal 35 damage and apply 5 stacks of Looming Misfortune to each enemy hit.
Damage: Sets all enemies health to the average health of enemies hit + 35
LM Stacks applied: 5
Phinisher cost: 125
Ability Demonstration


  • Soul Splicer's health averaging goes through shields.
  • This Phinisher can heal enemies if their HP is lower than the set average.
  • If Katana dies during the windup, its visuals will continue but its effects will be cancelled.
  • Phinisher points cannot be gained from Soul Splicer's damage.


  • High damage output.
  • Tank, with some of the highest hitpoints in the game at 250 total hitpoints.
  • Can consistently slow down enemies by applying Looming Misfortune.
  • Poor mobility.
  • Large hitbox.
  • Few ranged options outside of Thread Tow.

Ability usage

  • Looming Misfortune
    • Get closer, slow helps with finishing or dealing huge damage to an enemy.
    • Keep track of the marks applied to an enemy/
  • Calamity Slice
    • Use any elevation (including jumping) before you use Calamity Slice to make yourself much more difficult to hit.
    • Its range is longer than it looks, keep this in mind to catch enemies off-guard.
  • Spirit Cleanse
    • Use Spirit Cleanse after Looming Misfortune's   Slow early on faster Phighters to keep them in your range. You don't have to get all 5 stacks.
    • Spirit Cleanse can be used after Calamity Slice's 5-hit combo to maintain airtime and stall out attacks or save yourself from pitfalls.
  • Thread Tow
    • Thread Tow can be used to finish off enemies at a distance or to pull in an enemy that leaves your range.
      • It also drags backline Phighters out of position.
    • Consider using it on stationary Phighters, like Hyperlaser.
    • Be careful of when you use it, save it for when you can secure a kill. Without it, most Phighters will stay too far out of range.
      • A good example is Slingshot, who dashes away too quickly before you can slow him enough. However, using it after his dash is a good way to secure a kill.
    • If you're off the point / in an area where you have no teammates or enemies lingering about, you can use Thread Tow to grapple a Boombox using Raining Tacos to deny the opposing team the AoE damage and support.
    • Thread Tow can also be used to move enemies into their own Phinishers and take self-damage (Rocket's Grand Cannonade and Sword's All-Mighty Axle Arc are two Phinishers that damage the user) or into allied Phinishers with an AoE effect such as Subspace's Noxious Void. Thread Tow can also be used to move enemies intp killbricks.
      • After moving an enemy into their own Phinisher, you can use Foul Counter to soak up the damage from the attack and throw it back at them or at a group of enemies.
  • Foul Counter
    • Use when taking a lot of damage, as you can counter back with a slash and apply multiple Looming Misfortune stacks.
    • Can be used aggressively, walk forward and absorb as much damage as possible before slicing into someone.
  • Soul Splicer
    • Be careful not to use it too far in the open, you become a target.
    • Soul Splicer can hit enemies through walls. Use cover to surprise your enemies or to use your Phinisher without taking too much damage during the animation.
    • Soul Splicer ignores the enemy's shield. This can make it useful as a counterplay to Boombox's Raining Tacos if Boombox is low on health.

Counterplay against Katana

Since Katana has very poor mobility and range, ranged characters usually do well against him, if he does not land either his Thread Tow or apply any stacks of Looming Misfortune. When Katana starts using Foul Counter, it is advised to get away from him and do not damage him, although he won't do damage, you can be struck by the slash and be slowed, allowing him to kill you quickly. Soul Splicer has huge AoE effect, but very small vertical range. The most dangerous part of this is the   Slow and stacks of Looming Misfortune, which leaves affected players as sitting ducks to Katana's attacks. Any ability that provides a vertical advantage should be used to avoid the massive damage and debuffs. Katana has a larger hitbox than most other phighters, thus making headshots with Hyperlaser's primary easier to hit.


Name Icon Description Reward
sever the soul   kill 3 enemies with your passive proc after using your phinisher Title - Elder



  • Katana is based on the Katana gear.
  • Katana also has a Lost Temple [1]tattoo on his back, being shown in art, and a different one for his concept.
  • In the Phighter select screen, dialogue box, scorebar, and MVP screen, Katana's idle animation differs from the one present in-game. Along with Medkit, they are the only Phighters to have this quality.


  • Katana is the first Phighter to get an early gameplay teaser, debuting 5 days before his public release.
  • Katana's katana has a name from concept art. Its name is "Gokudaito Yōtō", which translates to "massive sword" in English.


  • Kramptana originally had a backpack, as seen in concept art.
  • Moaitana is a community contributed skin created by theo_catface.
    • The skin was one of three winners of the 2023 Easter Skin Contest.
  • Cybertana is a community contributed skin created by wackl.
    • The skin was one of three winners of the August 2023 Skin Contest.

Version history

23 June 2023

  • Looming Misfortune
    • NEW EFFECT: Detonating Looming Misfortune stacks will prioritize applying the higher slow amount.

22 June 2023

  • Looming Misfortune
      • Katana can now apply stacks of Looming Misfortune on previously affected enemies. Katana can gain shield from detonating Looming Misfortune stacks and any slow previously applied will be overwritten.
      • Now regenerates Katana's innate shield. Any shield that goes above the maximum will be turned into overshield for 5 seocnds.
    • Slow on stack application reduced from 4% to 3%.

21 June 2023

  • Looming Misfortune
    • READDED EFFECT: Each stack application applies 4% slow per stack for 5 seconds.
    • NEW EFFECT: Stacks can no longer be reapplied until the detonation slow expires.
  • Thread Tow
    • Stun duration increased from time grabbed + 0.5 seconds to time grabbed + 1 second.

20 June 2023

11 June 2023

  • Thread Tow
    • Stun duration changed from 1.5 seconds to time grabbed + 0.5 seconds.

9 June 2023

  • Looming Misfortune
    • NEW EFFECT: Killing an enemy with Looming Misfortune stacks activates the passive.
  • Foul Counter
      • Katana is now slowed for 50% while using the ability.
      • Katana is now immune to force effects on cast and during the ability.

4 June 2023

  • Calamity Slice
    • REMOVED: Dash force no longer decreases when used excessively.

1 June 2023

  • The "Moaitana" skin was released.

14 May 2023

  • Looming Misfortune
    • NEW EFFECT: Activating Looming Misfortune stacks grants Katana a shield for (5 * no. of stacks) for 5 seconds. This shield can stack.
  • Calamity Slice
    • Damage reduced from 10/12/14/12/14 to 8/10/12/12/14.
    • Hitbox pushed forward by 0.5 studs.

13 May 2023

  • Health reduced from 150 to 100.
  • Innate shield increased from 100 to 150.
  • Calamity Slice
    • Hitbox moved closer to his torso.
    • Range reduced from 23 to 20.
    • Number of full combos before being forced to touch the ground increased from 1 to 2.
  • Thread Tow
    • Stun duration increased from 1 second to 1.5 seconds.

11 May 2023

  • Calamity Slice
      • Each use of Calamity Slice decreases the dash force, using the formula: 20 - 15 * (number of Calamity Slices used/15). The dash force decrease resets after 2 seconds of not using Calamity Slice.
      • Katana can no longer use Calamity Slice after a full combo if he is not touching the ground.
      • Dash force is removed if Katana is affected by knockback while not touchimg the ground.

25 April 2023

16 April 2023

  • The badge "sever the soul" was added to the game.

15 April 2023

12 April 2023

  • Looming Misfortune
    • BUG FIXES:
      • Passive no longer applies slow on hit.
      • Passive activation now gives the correct percentage of slow.
  • Foul Counter
    • NEW EFFECT: Foul Counter no longer continues its effects if Katana dies during the cast time.

v0.5.0 - 8 April 2023

The Voice Line Update - 1 April 2023

  • Renamed from Katana to kaitlyn.
  • Dialogue reworked.
  • Soul Splicer
    • Now plays a voiceline provided by Soda.

22 January 2022

  • BUG FIX: Hits should now register and cancel properly if the hit is not possible.

8 January 2022

2 January 2022

  • The "Kramptana" skin is now obtainable in Crossroads.

1 January 2022

  • Foul Counter
    • NEW EFFECT: Now blocks 100% of all damage sources excluding any damage source above 50.
  • Soul Splicer
    • Phinisher cost increased from 100 to 125.

26 November 2022

  • An unobtainable badge titled 'katana badge' was added to the game.

5 November 2022


Melee Sword Skateboard Biograft Katana Ban Hammer
Ranged Rocket Slingshot Hyperlaser Shuriken Scythe
Support Medkit Boombox Subspace Vine Staff
Related Badges Status Effects Phinisher